
Daily Panchang

Daily Panchang – Your Everyday Astrology In Brief

Today Panchang and Complete Daily Muhurta: Daily Panchang or Today Panchang is an astrological update in relation to Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karan. We have on our website daily panchang in Hindi apart from its English version just to cater to your needs in both the languages for your preference.

We offer Daily Panchang to ensure users of all daily muhurta and an astrological solution can get a reliable and fast resolution of their day to day astrology or Daily Horoscope needs with regard to today’s Panchang. The Daily Panchangam that we offer includes a thorough analysis of how current day will go in terms of brief explanation about daily five elements i.e, Vara (Day), Tithi (the lunar day), Nakshatra (the Vedic constellations), Yoga, Karan. Also, we provide in our panchanga Vikram era, paksha, moon sign,  sun sign, panchak information, important Hindu festivals, yatra (traveling) muhurta, Hindu month name, as well as Rahu Kaal and timing for sunrise and sunset. These valuable suggestions can relate to helping you find the best time to start out your activity or plan it without getting obsessed with negative results. Read our today Panchang which is available in English and Hindi and prepared by an experienced Astrologer who owns profound knowledge and understanding in astrology.

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English Panchang

Panchang 24 January 2025

Vikram Era: 2081, Saka Era: 1946, Month: Magha, Paksha: Krishna, Tithi: Dashami till 07.26 pm, Day: Friday, Nakshatra: Anuradha till 07.08 am (daybreak), Yoga: Vriddhi till 05.08 am (daybreak), Karana: Vishti Sun Sign: Capricorn, Moon Sign: Scorpio, Rahu Kaal: From 10.30 am to 12.00 pm, Sun Rise: 07.17 am, Sun Set: 05.50 pm.

Special – Don’t make your travelling westbound today. If needed, on Friday, donate white sandalwood, conch, and country-made ghee.


Contact Astrologer Pt. Umesh for consultation via phone or meeting in person and get the answer to your query. 

Hindi Panchang

पंचांग 24 जनवरी 2025

विक्रमी संवत्ः 2081, शक संवत्ः 1946, मासः माघ़ पक्षः कृष्ण, तिथिः दशमी सांय काल 07.26 तक है। वारः शुक्रवार, नक्षत्रः अनुराधा अरूणोदय काल 07.08 तक है, योग वृद्धि़़ अरूणोदय काल 05.08 तक है। करणः विष्टि, सूर्य राशिः मकर, चन्द्र राशिः वृश्चिक, राहू कालः प्रातः 10.30 बजे से दोपहर 12.00 बजे तक, सूर्योदयः 07.17, सूर्यास्तः 05.50 बजे।

नोटः आज पश्चिम दिशा की यात्रा न करें। शुक्रवार को अति आवश्यक होने पर सफेद चंदन, शंख, देशी घी का दान देकर यात्रा करें।


अपनी व्यक्तिगत समस्या के निश्चित समाधान हेतु समय निर्धारित कर ज्योतिषी पंडित उमेश चंद्र पन्त से संपर्क करे | हम आपको निश्चित समाधान का आश्वासन देते है |

Daily Panchang for Today in English – What is Panchang exactly used for?

Also, PavitraJyotish provide in our Hindu Calendar English and Hindi information regarding the Vikram era, Paksha, moon sign, sun sign, panchak information, important Hindu festivals, yatra (traveling) Muhurta, Hindu month name, as well as Rahu Kaal and timing for sunrise and sunset. These valuable suggestions are meant to give you proper assistance in finding the right time to start your new activity. Moreover, you can use it to plan out your new initiative as well. Our free services, like Daily Horoscope, and Weekly Horoscopes can also come in handy for your needs. Unlock your destiny: Explore Daily Panchangam wisdom with Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant!

Read our accurate Hindu Calendar English and Hindi prepared by an experienced Astrologer who has profound knowledge and understanding of astrology.

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Must Read:
Daily Horoscope and Weekly Horoscope

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