
Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022

Published On : June 11, 2022  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Venus Transit Into Taurus On June 18, 2022 At 8:27 AM | Shukra Vrishabh Rashi Mai

Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022: The sensual & most benefic planet for materialistic gains Venus will move into the fixed zodiac sign Taurus on June 18, 2022, at 8:27 AM and will stay in the same sign till July 13, 2022 at 11:00 AM. Taurus is the 2nd zodiac sign of zodiac belt in Vedic Astrology ruled by Venus itself. This represents mainly the finances or wealth of your family. Now Venus will move into this fixed sign which is its own sign and hence it will feel very comfortable while transiting through this sign. People will receive good results of Venus while this transit. Good time to increase the finances for the people. Stability in savings may be there and good time to connect with your family members as well. People will feel romantic and sensual love during this period due to good transit of lord of love & romance Venus. Business class will find the good outcomes during this transit and may think to generate revenue through multiple sources. However, the impact of transit looks different for different zodiac sing people, so let’s find out below the how the transit of Venus will influence to all the different moon sign people:

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On AriesAries (Mesh Rashi)

In consonance with Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the sensual planet Venus rules over your 2nd house of wealth & family and 7th house of marriage & partnership and will enter the 2nd house itself. This time looks auspicious especially with regards to find happiness at your homely. If you work hard or possess good communicative skills, then it will bestow you good finances too. However, avoid getting indulged in any kind of debts or conflict or else it may create some loss too. Issues in your marital life may get resolved for sometimes, or your life partner will come up with increment in your wealth or finances. However, stay focused and avoid getting wavering thoughts or unnecessary anger. Business class people are advised to be very focused towards the partnership business. In fact, avoid initiating any legal partnership in this period.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On TaurusTaurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Conforming to Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the planet of wealth & finance Venus rules over your 1st house of self or personality and 6th house of debt, disease or enemies and will move into the 1st house of self or personality, while transiting through this house, it will create a “MalvayaPanchMahapurush Yoga” for you, which is very auspicious yoga for you and will bestow with every possible results for you in this period. This time looks extremely favourable for you Taureans! Make use of this period the most in order to reap through the maximum benefits. Your personality would become very attractive, magnetic and very youthful, which will be able to influence anyone very easily. Good time for your happiness, prosperity and success in life.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On GeminiGemini (Mithun Rashi)

Let’s discuss about Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the lord of beauty, Love & romance Venus rules over the 5th house of education, intellect, love & romance and 12th house of foreign land & expenditures and will move into the 12th house of foreign land & expenditures. Mixed period it would be for Gemini natives! In positive note, it would confer an auspicious result from foreign sources. You would seem to be very skilled to handle multiple tasks at one point of time. Be a great analyser and avoid being over perfectionist in this period. On the contrary, this transit may not be good for your personal or love matters and may create some distance relationship with your love partner. Chances to have any kind of investment in property may be likely for you.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On CancerCancer (Kark Rashi)

According to Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the sensual plane Venus governs your 4th house of comforts & luxury and 11th house of income & gains and will transit through 11th house of income & gains. This period looks good for you especially in terms of making huge profit from foreign sources. Your income may get spend over any luxury items or your homely environment/property or land will come up with the good gains for you. Good time to cherish lovable moments with your love partner and it will bring good harmony too. Your attraction towards opposite gender may get increased. Your intelligence will help you to sort out any issues in this period.

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Venus Transit Taurus Effect On LeoLeo (Singh Rashi)

As per Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the planet of wealth & finance Venus governs your 3rd house of efforts & communication and 10th house of career & profession, and this time will move into the 10th house itself, which will confer you the extremely positive results. This can be the period which you were waiting for so long wherein your most of the desires will get accomplished. Your drawn endeavours will now start conferring you auspicious results at workfront. Any issue with your bosses will also get resolved and harmony could be maintained. Good time to get appreciation, awards and recognition which would lead to the higher post or promotion too.Good bond with your family members or parents can be developed which would lead to the happiness within your homely environment.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On VirgoVirgo (Kanya Rashi)

On the word of Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the natural lord of love & marriage Venus rules over your 2nd house of wealth & family and 9th house of luck & fortune and this time it will enter your 9thhouse itself. An auspicious transit it is going to be for you! Luck will be very much supportive, so in case you will be facing any obstacles in any area, luck will support you and resolve the issue. Change in your job may be likely for you. Good time for job seeker to find the desired job with the support of luck. Use your intelligence and analysing ability, it will help you to get promoted to the desired post. Good time for increase in funding or finances but be careful with regards to making any major investment to avoid sudden risk of loss.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On LibraLibra (Tula Rashi)

On the basis of Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the lord of beauty & comforts Venus rules over your 1st house of self or personality and 8th house of uncertainty & transformation and will move into the fixed sign Taurus i.e. in your 8th house itself. As Venus is transiting through its own sign so it looks good period for you and may not provide you much adverse results, however, you are advised to pay attention over your health as you may see slightly decrease in your health and sudden mood swings may also be there. Stay focused and try to get indulged in meditation, it will help you to redirect your energy in one direction. People involved in the fields related to research, design, innovation, communication, auditing etc., will receive positive results during this transit.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On ScorpioScorpio (Vrischik Rashi)

As specified by Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the lord of love, beauty & romance Venus rules over your 7th house of marriage & partnership and 12th house of foreign land & expenditures. It will enter into the 7th house of marriage itself. This period looks favourable for Scorpio natives for most of the areas especially related to marriage. Any issue in your marital life will get resolved and you will also feel very romantic and creative, which will help you to analyse the root cause of any problem in order to get the perfect resolution. Good time for business men in order to receive the gains through foreign sources or any offer for business partnership to expand their business.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On SagittariusSagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

With the help of Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the lord of love & romance Venus governs your 6th house of debt, disease or enemies and 11th house of income & gains, and will transit through your 6th house of debt, disease or enemies. This period looks little challenging for you as it may increase your opponents at work in this period. You need to be very strong in order to cope up well. However, it is good time for repaying your debt if any. However, do not take debt in this period to increase your find as your expenditures will also be likely which may create loss for you. People involved in the field related to service industry, medical, healing, accounts, creativity etc, will receive good outcomes at workfront.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On CapricornCapricorn (Makar Rashi)

On the strength of Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the lord of love, beauty & romance Venus rules over your 5th house of education & intellect and 10th house of career & profession, and will move into the 5th house of education & intellect. An excellent transit it would be for Capricorn natives! Venus being the lord of love & romance will confer your very auspicious results with regards to your love matters. Good time to cherish your love life. Singles may also find the right partner in this period. Support of luck will be there. Student trying hard for higher studies will get the good opportunities in this period. Job seeker will find the job and employed ones may expect the promotion and increase in salary.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On AquariusAquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

As believed by Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the lord of comforts & luxury Venus rules over your 4th house of comforts & luxury and 9th house of luck & fortune and this time it will move into the 4th house itself. It looks good transit for Aquarius natives. Your creative and artistic calibre will get enhanced, which will help you to find the innovative idea too at your work resulting good promotion and hike in current salary. You would come out as a multi-skilled individual, which will help you to represent things very uniquely at workfront. You will also try to interior or decor your home too in this period. Any long distance journeys/ religious work with your family members may be likely in this period.

Venus Transit Taurus Effect On PiscesPisces (Meen Rashi)

Depending on Venus Transit Taurus 18 June 2022, the lord of love, romance and beauty rules over your 3rd house of efforts & communication and 8th house of uncertainty & transformation. It will enter in 3rd house of efforts & communication. This transit is good for Pisces natives and will bestow positive results. Venus being the malefic lord for Pisces natives will transit through 3rd house itself, which will confer positive results mostly related to concerned areas. Your speech would be influencing in this period and will provide you good outcomes as well. The support of your colleagues or near ones may be there for you at workfront. Your hobbies would get explored too. Your business or life partner would come up with the sudden gains for you.

Consult our expert Best Astrologer In Delhi for accurate future predictions and solutions.

Must Read: Sun Transit Gemini 15 June 2022 and Mars Transit Aries 27 June 2022 and Mercury Transit Gemini On 2 July 2022

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