
Sun Transit in Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi) on 14th May 2017

Published On : May 12, 2017  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Status Of Taurus As To Be Affected Due To Sun Transit

Sun Transit in Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi) on 14th May 2017

Mighty Sun making move into a fix natured first of earthly Sign Taurus is surely a notable event. Sun enters Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi) on 14th May at 22:58 and moves therein till 15th June 2017 05: 33 am. Then Sun makes move into a dual-natured airy sign Gemini. Sun in Taurus is time for consolidation and also preparing for higher growth. A business person can now look for exploring new territory to push ahead sales prospects. Now seems a good time to start a new venture or launch a new product. If planets in your birth chart are also supportive, employed one can affect change for betterment. If already in love relationship, good supportive time to ring wedding bells to confirm the relationship. Here Jupiter is to keep viewing Sun moving through Taurus. This is to keep you conscious about your self-esteem. You are to then exert more to keep your self-esteem high. Sun in Taurus signals good supportive time to buy a residential or commercial property. You can commence construction to build a bungalow or a factory as per your need.

Pavitra Jyotish here explores the effect of Sun in Taurus on all Moon signs.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Sun now traverses the second house for your sign. The second house is about finance, family, and status among other things. Sun rules the fifth house for your sign. Viewing this, you are to remain in a strong position on the financial front. You may be keen to let the family enjoy a better lifestyle. Increasing provision for the family becomes necessary. You are to work on keeping your self-esteem high. Parent of school going child is to remain more attentive about the academic progress of the child. A single one in love is to seek permission of family elder to tie the knot with opposite gender of choice. Sun in Taurus is a good time to ring wedding bells. Newlyweds or otherwise, couple eager to have a child can expect successful conception here. A student in last year of graduation is to remain engrossed in studies and in turn, make satisfactory progress.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Sun rules the fourth house for your sign. Sun now traverses through your sign and crosses over Natal position of Moon. You are to remain energized and remain active on the work front. You are to remain conscious of your status in a social circle. Sun here is to see that you command respect in a social circle. You are to work hard to climb up the ladder in your pursuit. Self-esteem is a great driving force to achieve the desired level of success. Couple keen on bearing a child can look forward to a successful conception. Here is also good supportive time for lovebirds to ring wedding bells and be together forever. A student in basic education is to learn things quickly and also remember effectively. You are to enjoy good general health here. A business person needs to have patience here. Things are likely to move slowly here. In personal life, you are to feel comfortable with the state of affairs. The job holder is to remain motivated to put up an improved performance.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun is to traverse through the 12th house for your sign. Sun holds the portfolio of the third house for your sign. This indicates that you are to spend money in the social circle to reveal your affluence. You may spend money on getting some religious ceremony here. the welfare of sibling is to remain your main concern.  However, relationship with a sibling is not likely to be closely interactive. Sun in the 12th house is not measured as a happy proposition. You need to execute due discrimination in spending money. Keep effect check on unwarranted expenses and remain concerned about saving money. Single planning marriage needs to be careful about wasteful expenses. Employed one is to remain under pressure to put up improved performance and hurry up things. In regard to health, an excess of acidic reflux in the digestive system can trouble you. Try to include fiber-rich veggies and grain in your diet, to keep digestive system clean of an excess of acidic reflux. A student doing graduation is not able to stay focused while studying, owing to distraction around.

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Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun holds a portfolio of the second house for your sign. Sun in Taurus passes through the eleventh house for your sign. This position is considered as a happy proposition. Sun is to facilitate good opportunity to benefit monetarily. In turn, the gain here adds strength to your position on the financial front. You are to increase provision for the family. You are to have a pleasant enjoyable time with near ones in the relationship. You are to save more money here. Now seems good supportive time for lovebirds to tie the knot and confirm the relationship. Sun here is also supportive for couple eager to have a kid by facilitating successful conception. This is to enable the student in basic education to learn things quickly and also have good effective memory. Parents of a school-going child are to feel happy with the academic progress of the child. You are to remain in good general health here. No major threat to your wellbeing is foreseen for now. Saturn transit derails most marital lives.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Sun is the ruler of your sign. Sun now traverses the tenth house, linked with the occupation. The business person dealing with government or semi-government organization is to have gainful time here. The business person is to succeed in getting a long-term deal/contract here. In turn, this adds to the reputation of the business person as a reliable supplier of quality goods/material. You are able to develop a meaningful relationship with a very influential person here. You are to remain in pink of your health. No serious health issue is to trouble you here. The job holder is to perform with improved efficiency. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here. The job holder is to have a cordial and interactive relationship with peers and higher-ups. Good supportive time for singles to get married and settle in life. This position of Sun does not seem supportive for a couple to have a successful conception. A student in basic education is to make satisfactory progress.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Sun rules the 12th house for your sign. Now Sun is to transit through the ninth house, linked with luck, the blessing of higher soul and long-distance travel. You are to be interested to visit a faraway highly revered religious place and seek the blessing of the deity. You are to spend money on charity. You are to have good cordial relations with a sibling. Effective check by you on unwarranted expenses here is a must. Stay focused on saving money for future needs. You may be tempted to earn some fast bucks. However, do not adopt any unethical way to earn more money. You are likely to get good opportunity to enhance your financial prospects in a regular way. You are to enjoy good general health this time around. However, remain careful about viral infection. A student doing graduation is to be lured by distraction. In turn, the student is not to remain attentive to studies. Now seems a good time for single to ring wedding bells. Good supportive time for the couple to have a successful conception of bearing a child. Not every gemstone is good for everyone.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

Sun is in charge of the eleventh house for your Libra sign. Sun now moves through the eighth house for your sign. This is normally not viewed as a supportive, favorable for progress. You may miss some good opportunity to benefit monetarily. This is owing to not responding timely. Some unexpected health issue can catch up you. Viewing this, remain utmost careful about health. You may incur the major expense, related to family here. This can upset your plan for saving money. A business person has to exert more, make more follow-ups, to clinch a deal with a high worth customer. Employed one is to feel secure and remain comfortable with his/her position. Now seems good supportive time to follow your interest in spiritual practices and acquire in-depth knowledge about the same. A single one is to hesitate in making a long-term commitment in a relationship with opposite gender.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Sun holds an important portfolio of the tenth house for your Scorpio sign. The tenth house is linked with the occupation. Viewing this movement of Sun carries much importance for you. Sun now moves through the seventh house, in right opposition to natal Moon. Sun here is to push you to work hard and wait patiently for desired results. The business person is to look for a high worth person to do business in partnership. You may not be much happy in personal life. Some issue or other can keep irritating you. Do not get overly worked over this and take this in your stride. Remain busy with work-related activities for good. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here. No major expenses to incur here. In turn, you are to save money satisfactorily. You are to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. Married one is to feel unhappy by kind of indifferent attitude of partner for life. Refrain from verbal squabbles with a partner for life. This can further pollute harmony in marital life.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Sun is in charge of the ninth house, linked with luck in general. Sun moves through the sixth house for your sign. This indicates that you need to put more efforts to achieve the desired level of success. Things may not move much favorably for you. Good luck seems to elude you. Your personal habitual expenses are likely to increase for now. However, do not go overboard and stay focused on saving money. A single one is to remain stressed owing to uncertain career prospects. In turn, single has no inclination to shape intimate relationship with opposite gender. A single one is to avoid making any long-term commitment in a relationship with opposite gender. Here it does not seem supportive time for the couple to conceive a child. However, planets in kundali of your spouse can give a precise indication. In regard to health, an excess of acidic reflux in the digestive system can trouble you. Besides gulping antacid tablet, include fiber-rich veggies and grain in your diet. This is to have a long-term healing effect.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Sun in Taurus is to move through the fifth house for your sign. Sun rules the eighth house for your sign. This position of Sun does not spell well for love relationship. A kind of unbecoming conduct by loved one is to make you feel very much unhappy. You may feel like kind of let down by loved one. Do not get overly worked over this and sound critical. Give enough space to loved one for maintaining a long-term harmonious relationship. The student is to ha an e quick grasp of things. However, remembering effectively is to look difficult. You can be lured to indulge in speculation related activity here. You are advised against indulging in speculation. A business person can have kind of dull time here. No major deal is to come up for negotiation here. The job holder is to remain motivated to put up an improved performance.  No exciting news on the financial front for you. However, you are not to have any issue in managing routine and incidental expenses.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Sun holds a portfolio of the seventh house for your sign. Sun now moves through the fourth house for your sign. You are to be keen on owning property for residential purpose. If you already own a place, you are to go for a complete renovation to give a new look. You may not be happy with the way things move in marital life. You may give a thought to have an extramarital relationship. However, much depends on planetary position in your kundli. Try to make due compromises to maintain peace and harmony in marital life. A student in last year of graduation is to remain very much attentive to studies. In turn, the student is to make progress satisfactorily. Now seems good supportive time for single to tie the knot with a member of the opposition of choice. Newlyweds or otherwise couple keen to conceive a child is to be favored by Sun here. No major threat to your well being is foreseen for now. You are to enjoy good general health.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Sun moves through the third house for your sign here. Usually, Sun here is considered good supportive for progressive forces to work effectively. You are to incline for taking the risk to enhance your prospects. However, it is to be noted that Sun is in charge of the sixth house, linked with adversity among other things. Viewing this, you need to refrain from taking undue, not viable risk. You need to deliberate well enough about pros and cons from long-term in view before taking a leap. You are to remain at unease in a relationship with a sibling. You need to remain very much attentive to needs and aspirations of a sibling. Short-term travel by business person is to present kind of mix results. Job holder may be entrusted with a task-based outstation. Successfully handling this task is to enhance chances of being better placed. No exciting news fo on the financial front here for you. Good supportive time for couple eager to bear a child. A successful conception has a strong possibility here.

Keep your love blossomed, healthy and timeless prosperity. Ask for the Rahu Ketu Transit Report prepared by World Famous Jyotish Pandit in India. Best and guaranteed solution to your love life.

Read more Articles: Sun Transit in Gemini (Mithun Rashi) on 15th June 2017 and Sun Transit in Cancer (Karka Rashi) on 16th July 2017

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