
Sun Transit Scorpio On 17th November 2019

Published On : November 6, 2019  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Sun Transiting In Scorpio And Corresponding Impacts In Native’s Life

Sun Transit Scorpio On 17th November 2019 | Surya Vrischik Rashi Main

Mighty Sun king of zodiac enters a fix nature water sign Scorpio on 17th November 2019, 01:08 am. This Planetary Transit of Sun in Scorpio can lead to reduce stagnancy in local market. Now seems good time to start new venture. Winter season can be experienced fully.

We here try to explore prospects for all Moon signs, during this transit by Sun in a water sign Scorpio.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Sun rules the fifth house for your sign. Sun moves through the eighth house for your sign. This movement of Sun through the eighth house can lead to some issue with one you are emotionally attached. Do not try to assert your point of view aggressively and take this as part of the game. You need to remain careful about health. No major financial gain is envisaged here for you. However, you are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. Family related expenses may increase here.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

The fourth house is ruled by mighty Sun for your sign. You may need to remain attentive about domestic matter to remain aware about domestic needs. Married one may have issue with life partner. Married one needs to remain accommodative about views of life partner to maintain peace and harmony in relationship. There is a possibility about getting injured on lower part of the body. You need to take due care in this regard. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. In regard to health no major health issue is likely to catch up with you here.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun rules the third house for your sign. Sun moves through the sixth house for your sign. Viewing this, you need look into minute detail if signing an agreement. You need to handle issue if any with one in family relationship tactfully and with due delicacy, to preserve harmony in relationship. You need to keep effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain comfortable position on financial front. Business person remains concern about competition in his trade. Some issue related to digestive system can trouble you. You need to take due care in this regard.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun rules the second house, linked with finance and family for your sign. Sun moves through the fifth house. If planetary positions in your Birth chart are also supportive, you are in for major financial gain here. However, you need to keep enough provision for meeting unexpected expenses. You are to remain in a strong position on financial front. You need to remain much careful about health. Middle aged and above if being troubled by nagging old health issue, need to have a regular check up to keep tab on any fluctuation.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Mighty Sun rules your sign. Viewing this, transit of Sun carries more importance for you. Sun moves through the fourth house for your sign. Viewing this, you may feel kind of low for not able to make due progress in your occupation, profession. Your family related expenses are likely to increase. Middle aged and above need to take due care about nagging old health issue. You are to remain in a comfortable position on financial front. Issue if any related to family need to be handled by you tactfully and due delicacy. You need to aim at maintaining peace and harmony in family. This will cause you some trouble.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

The 12th house, linked with expenses and monetary loss is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun moves through the third house for your sign. You are to exert more to achieve your objective about making encouraging progress in your pursuit. You are to remain active with social activity. Short term travel by business person, sales person bears encouraging results in term of pushing ahead sales. Amid all chaos, remain much careful about health. Remain concern about fitness. You are to remain in a healthy financial position.

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Libra (Tula Rashi)

Sun rules the eleventh house for your sign. Sun moves through the second house for your sign. This movement of Sun through the second house can lead to increase in family related expenses. You may need to make more provision for family. You may get good opportunity to gain monetarily. Gain here adds strength to your position on financial front. You have not to incur any kind of major expense here. You are able to save money for future needs. You are to enjoy good general health condition here. You need to do some physical activity in morning regularly, to remain fit enough for the day.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Important portfolio of the tenth house is domain of mighty Sun. Viewing this, movement of Sun carries more importance for you in matter related to occupation, profession. Sun moves through your sign. Viewing this, things are to move well enough for you on occupational, professional front. You are able to move ahead on road to progress. You are to remain in a comfortable position on financial front. No major health issue is to concern you. You are to remain in pink of your health.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

The ninth house, linked with luck in general is ruled by mighty Sun. Sun moves through the 12th house for your sign. Viewing this, you may be in hurry to increase inflow of money for you. A good opportunity for you to have spirit enlivening monetary gain is to come up here. In turn, the gain here adds more strength to your position on financial front. You may need to increase provision for family. You need to take due care to keep digestive system in order. Try to avoid heavy dinner late at night for good.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Mighty Sun rules the eighth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the eleventh house, linked with gain for your sign. Viewing this, you are able to increase inflow here. However, you need to keep effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in a comfortable position on financial front. You need to keep enough provision for contingency here. You need to remain careful about health here. Do not neglect even minor looking health issue. Treat the same with due remedial measure promptly to save from further complication.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Sun rules the seventh house linked with confirm relationship for your sign. Sun moves through the tenth house for your sign. Viewing this, you are to remain active on occupational front. Business person is to exert more to push ahead sales and increase market share. Job holder remains under pressure from immediate boss to hurry up things and give more output. You are to enjoy good general health here. You do not have to incur any kind of major expenses. You need to remain concern about saving money for future needs.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Mighty Sun rules the sixth house for your sign. Sun moves through the ninth house for your sign. You may get new opportunity to work upon. Inflow of money is to increase here for you. You are not to bear any major expense here. You are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. Job holder remains focused at work on hand and perform with improved efficiency. Committed efforts by job holder are to be duly appreciated by higher up. You are to enjoy good general health condition most of the times here.

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Don’t forget to read: Sun Transit in Sagittarius On 16th December 2019 and Sun Transit In Capricorn On 15th January 2020

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