
Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022

Published On : August 11, 2022  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Sun Transit In Leo on August 17, 2022, at 7:37 AM | Surya Singh Rashi Mai

Sun will move into the fixed zodiac sign Leo on August 17, 2022 at 7:37 AM until September 17, 2022 at 7:35 AM

The king of celestial planet Sun will transit into the fixed zodiac sign Leo on August 17, 2022 at 7:37 AM and will remain in the same sign until September 17, 2022 at 7:35 AM. Leo is 5th zodiac sign and governed by the hot & fiery planet Sun in Vedic Astrology. Sun is the soul significator in Astrology and hence it has prominent role in the life of any person. With the good placement of Sun in one’s horoscope, one achieves throughout success, income and gains in life. On the contrary, the bad placement of Sun indicates the disrespect, low confidence and defame in life. Now the transit of Sun in its own sign Leo is good for most of the people as Sun will feel good in this sign and hence will start conferring positive results and will boost confidence to accomplish true goal of life. However, the impact of Sun differs from one sign to another sign based on its actual placement, here we have provided you the general prediction for Sun to let you understand your future during this current transit for every 12 zodiac Moon sign people:

Sun Transit Leo Effect Aries Aries (Mesh Rashi)

In alignment with Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, sun governs your 5th house of education, intellect, love & romance and will move into the 5th house itself. This period looks to be very auspicious for Aries natives in most of the areas. Good time for career & profession to get the promotion and increment in your salary. Your intelligence will also be very sharp, which will help you to provide you good income & profit as well. Meeting to very influential people may be likely, however, be careful in your love life as you may have some ego battle which may create unnecessary arguments too. Students needs to work hard more in order to achieve the desired results. Pay attention over the health of your kids or avoid dominating your kids or else it may increase stubbornness in them.

Sun Transit Leo Effect TaurusTaurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

In view of Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, kingly planet Sun governs your 4th house of comforts & luxury and will transit into the same house itself, this way it looks good period for you Taureans! Your leadership skills will get enhanced which will help you to receive any authoritative post. Good time to have aura around you. Your name, fame and respect will get increased in this period. Good time to have the gains through property/land. You may also invest in any property or gains through rented property may be likely for you. It is good time for you to have good increment in your salary. However, some arguments at your homely environment may be there due to your egoistic behaviour, so you are advised not to be egoistic or stubborn in your homely environment to avoid any issues or challenges.

Sun Transit Leo Effect GeminiGemini (Mithun Rashi)

In keeping with Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, soul & power significator Sun governs your 3rd house of efforts & communication and will transit into the 3rd house of efforts & communication. This period looks good for you and will provide you valour and determination to pursue your task perfectly in this period. Though this period will require extra hard work or good communication skills, but it will help you to find the right way to be succeed in life. People looking for investment in property or sale of property may find the good opportunity in this period to make this work happen. Any issues with your siblings will get resolved, however, control over your anger, and dominating behaviour. Let others live their own pattern in this period instead imposing things.

Sun Transit Leo Effect CancerCancer (Kark Rashi)

In consonance with Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, the lord of authority & confidence Sun rules over your 2nd house of wealth & family and will move into the 2nd house itself, it looks to be an auspicious period for you Cancer natives. You will enjoy good time with your family and friends in this period. Support of your father or fatherly figure may be likely for you in this period, which will help you to increase your wealth & finances too. However, on the contrary, you may have lots of expenditures too, so it may provide you unnecessary stress too in your family, so be careful with regards to your investment. However, foreign sources will provide you good income in this period, which will help to increase your finances as well, your communication style will also be very influential which will provide you good profit as well.

Sun Transit Leo Effect LeoLeo (Singh Rashi)

Conforming to Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, the natural significator of soul, power & authority Sun governs your 1st house of self or personality and will move into the same house itself. This is an excellent time period for Leo natives. Good time to get respect, recognition and good status in the society. You can find good opportunity at your workfront which will help you to increase your income and profit too. Let your ambitions find the way for your success during this period. Your intelligence will get increasedin this period. Use your great analysing and observing skills in this period, it will help you immensely to get the desired goal in your life. Confidence will also get boosted, which will provide you dare to do things in life.

Sun Transit Leo Effect VirgoVirgo (Kanya Rashi)

Let’s discuss about Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, the almighty lord and king of celestial cabinet Sun governs your 12th house of foreign land, expenditures &losses and will transit into the 12th house itself, this period is good as somehow it is creating vipreet Raj yoga for you and will provide you good gains through foreign sources. People involved in the fields related to medical, spirituality, or foreign may find the good success in this period. However, you need to control your anger & aggression and avoid being impulsive or else it could increase your unnecessary expenditures and you may incur unnecessary loss too. Good opportunities through foreign sources may be likely in this period for you.

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Sun Transit Leo Effect LibraLibra (Tula Rashi)

According to Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, the supreme lord Sun governs your 11th house of income & gains and will move into the same house itself. This period looks good for you and you may find good income & gains as well. This transit is good but as Sun is fiery & hot planet, so it may not provide you the complete satisfaction with regards to your income. However, you will see the chances of obtaining increment in your salary and promotion. During this period, long distance journeys will come up with the good gains for you and will provide you good fortune too. Foreign association will provide you good benefits too in your life. Good time for students to score well in academics and intelligence will also become sharp in this period.

Sun Transit Leo Effect ScorpioScorpio (Vrischik Rashi)

As per Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, sun, the lord of authority & power, rules over your 10th house of career & profession and will move into the 10th house of career itself. One of the very beneficial transit for Scorpio natives! It will provide you good opportunities at your workfront. Leadership and administrative skills will get enhanced in this period for you and will also provide you good opportunities to get promoted too. People will like to work under your supervision at work. Your name & fame will also rise, However, you are advised to control your egoistic behaviour and avoid dominating others. Some sudden changes at workfront may also be there so always prepare proactively so that situation can be handled well.

Sun Transit Leo Effect SagittariusSagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

On the word of Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, the almighty and supreme planet Sun governs your 9th house of luck & fortune and will transit into the 9th house itself. This period looks very fortunate for you and will provide you good luck &long distance journeys as well. People looking for job change may find the good opportunity due to the support of their luck at workfront. Some long distance journeys may also be likely for you for work purpose. Your life partner may come up with the good fortune for you and you may have long distance journeys too with your life partner. Good time period for you and it will provide you good income and promotion too. People looking for higher studies will also find the good opportunity in this period.

Sun Transit Leo Effect CapricornCapricorn (Makar Rashi)

On the basis of Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, the king of celestial planet Sun will transit into the 8th house of uncertainty & transformation and governs your 8th house itself too. This period looks good for some areas and bad for some areas in your life. Well, it is creating a kind of Vipreet Raj Yoga too, so it may provide you some challenges first but as you will gain the experience from the same, you will be able to handle situation well, which will increase sudden profit as well. People who are involved in the fields related to research, occult, mysticism etc. may find the good profit. However, pay attention over your father’s health in this period.

Sun Transit Leo Effect AquariusAquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

As specified by Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, the kingly planet Sun rules over your 7th house of marriage & partnership and will move into the 7th house itself. This period looks moderate and hence will provide good results in the fields related to your profession, but may create some challenges or ego battle in the fields related to marriage or relationship. Talking about your personality, then it will definitely get improved in this period as your leadership and administrative skills will get enhanced. Let your analysing skills and intelligence decide the path of success and growth, while avoid arguing with your partner or letting your ego create unnecessary issues in marital life.

Sun Transit Leo Effect PiscesPisces (Meen Rashi)

With the help of Sun Transit Leo 17 August 2022, the almighty lord & soul significator Sun rules over your 6th house of debt, disease or enemies and will transit into the same house itself, this period looks good for Pisces natives as it will help to increase your competitive ability which will help you to make you strong and hence opponents may not dare to defeat you. Good time for competitive examination for students due to their strong competitive skills. If you are facing any health ailments in this period, it will get cured in this period and approval for visa will also be there for you which was pending for long. However, pay attention over the health of your life partner in this period and avoid getting indulged in any arguments unnecessarily.

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