
Sun Transit In Virgo On 16 September 2020

Published On : September 25, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Know Planetary Transit Of Sun, Its Effects On Virgo In 2020

King of Zodiac Sun Transit In Virgo On 16 September 2020 | Surya Kanya Rashi Mai

King of Zodiac Sun enters earth sign Virgo on 16th September 2020 at 07:23 pm

The mighty Sun transits in a dual nature earth sign, Virgo. This transit leads to change in weather. For farmers it is time to sow seeds and get the results in next season. One needs to be cautious about health. Some major health issue can catch up with you. In view of this remain utmost careful about health. Prevailing pandemic intensity is likely to start decreasing. Warring country like China pours in all its military strength to capture more area in neighboring countries. Overall this transits leads to change at all levels.

We try to explore effect of this transit on all Moon signs using Vedic Astrology provisions.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Mighty Sun rules the fifth house for your sign. Sun now moves in the sixth house for your sign. This transit of Sun through the sixth house does not sound well to push ahead your prospects. Business person remains concerned about stiff competition. Business person needs to formulate strong strategy to score over competitors and maintain market share. Job holder has to exert more and remain prepared to work for extended hours due to heavy work load. Student doing graduation have to spend more time to learn things well enough. In regard to health excess of acidic reflux keeps you feel uncomfortable.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Sun rules the fourth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the fifth house for your sign. This transit of Sun indicates much prospective time ahead for you.s Job holder needs to remain well focused at task on hand and aim at giving more output. Higher ups are happy with your committed approach. Future growth prospects are to look encouraging. Student needs to give more time for studies to learn things well enough and also memorize satisfactorily. You need to exert more to increase inflow of money. You need to take due precautionary measures save from viral infection.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)
Sun rules the third house for your sign. Sun now moves through the fourth house for your sign. This transit of Sun induces to buy own home. You have to remain attentive about domestic matters. Business person has to exert more to run the show satisfactorily. Job holder remains focused at task on hand and give targeted output comfortably. Student remains much attentive about studies. In regard to health no major health issue is to concern you. You enjoy good general health condition most of the times. You are to remain in a healthy financial condition.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun rules the second house for your sign. Sun now moves through the third house for your sign. In view of this short term travel by business person bears encouraging results. Business person is able to give push to sales and runs the show encouragingly. Job holder is entrusted with some outstation task to work upon. Successfully handling the task enhances prospects of getting promoted coupled with handsome hike in salary. You are able to increase inflow of money here. Take due care of health. Indulge in some outdoor activity to remain fit for the day.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Sun rules your sign. Viewing this movement of Sun carries more importance for you. Sun now moves through the second house for your sign. The second house is linked with finance and family mainly. Your family related expenses are likely to increase. In turn you have to increase provision for family. Business person has to exert more to run the show satisfactorily. Job holder remains stressed due to heavy work load. Job holder has to work for extended hours to meet approaching dead line. Student is able to have quick grasp of things. In turn student makes encouraging progress.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Sun rules the 12th house for your sign. Sun now moves through your sign. This transit of Sun spells well for you on financial front. Gain here adds more strength to your position on financial front. Business person gets ample opportunity to clinch good profitable deal. In turn business person is able to run the show well enough. Job holder feels happy on receiving long due incentive. Student is able to focus well while studying. In turn student learns things well enough. In regard to health no major health issue concerns you. Middle aged and above suffering from some ailment for long, need to have regular check up to keep tab on variation. Ask for detailed guidance and Career Problems Solution in your life.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

Sun rules the eleventh house for your sign. Sun now moves through the 12th house. The 12th house signifies loss, not getting due recognition mainly. Viewing this, you need to refrain from taking undue risk to push ahead your prospects on financial front. You need to have effective check on personal and unwarranted expenses to remain in comfortable position on financial front. Business person needs to remain attentive about receivables. Job holder if incline to change job can now look for suitable employment opportunity. You need to take due care about health for good.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Sun rules the tenth house for your sign. The tenth house signifies about occupation. Sun now moves through the eleventh house for your sign. This transit of Sun indicates gainful time for business person. Business person is able to run the show encouragingly well. Job holder gets due appreciation from higher up for his/her committed approach. Job holder feels happy with future growth prospects to look encouraging. Your long time held wish is likely to be fulfilled. You remain in comfortable position on financial front.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Sun rules the ninth house linked with luck in general mainly. Sun now moves through the tenth house for your sign. If you are stuck up on occupational front, some encouraging opening comes your way. You are to feel happy with this new assignment. Business person is able to strike a big ticket deal with a high worth customer. This deal enhances reputation of business person. Job holder remains under pressure from immediate boss to hurry up things to give more output. You remain in a sound position on financial front. You don’t have to bear any major unexpected expenses here.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Sun rules the eighth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the ninth house for your sign. This transit of Sun acts as obstructionist for you on practically all level. You need to keep your cool and have patience on your side. You need to avoid conflicts and keep off from any controversy. Business person finds it difficult to push ahead sales. In spite of odds business person is able to run the show satisfactorily. Job holder has to exert more to maintain his/her position. No major financial gain is envisaged here. No major expenses concern you here. Not sure about the ideal time for conceiving a baby? Ask for Progeny Report and get guided with every detail about opportune period for you.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Sun rules the seventh house for your sign. Sun now moves through the eighth house. Married one feels happy on receiving some costly gift from in laws. Married one enjoys a pleasant married life. You are able to increase inflow of money. You remain in a healthy financial position. You manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably.  Business person exerts more to run the show satisfactorily. Job holder feels happy with his/her position secured and long term prospects looking bright. No serious health issue troubles you. You enjoy good general health condition here.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Sun rules the sixth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the seventh house for your sign. This transit of Sun signifies that business person is unable to deliver goods, material in time. Job holder experiences some constraint in giving required output. Immediate boss excuses job holder for not able to give required output. You are not able to increase inflow of money here. No major monetary gain for you is envisaged. You need to curtail personal expenses and keep effective check on unwarranted expenses. No major financial issue concerns you here. Want to know what lies in your birth chart about your future? Ask for a Janampatri reading Service and get solution to demystify many quandaries of your life.

Also Read: Sun Transit Libra 17th October 2020 and Sun Transit Scorpio 16th November 2020

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