
Sun Transit in Gemini (Mithun Rashi) on 15th June 2017

Published On : June 11, 2017  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Sun Transiting Gemini, Its Results, And Solutions For The Native

Sun Transit in Gemini (Mithun Rashi) on 15th June 2017

King of zodiac Sun makes move in a dual-natured airy sign Gemini on 15th June 2017 at 05: 33 am. Sun then shifts in a cardinal watery sign Cancer on 16th July 2017 at 16: 25 Hrs. Gemini (Mithun Rashi) is ruled by Mercury (Budh).  Sun in Gemini is time for fructifying efforts put by you earlier. Here seeds for further progress are sown. In our part of the world, rainy season commences then. Mercury provides the necessary intellectual input to achieve the desired level of success. You are to adapt to new challenges and try to be versatile. Sun in Gemini gives you time to review your strategy intelligently and to look for any change needed to accelerate the pace of progress. Now seems a good time for a business person to explore new avenue and then make efforts for consolidation. Employed one needs to stick to present assignment and try put up an improved performance. The period here does not seem supportive to affect change. Now seems good supportive time for lovebirds to ring wedding bells. This is also a good time for an arranged marriage. This is a favorable time for buying property, whether residential or commercial. You need to be much careful about health here.

PavitraJyotish now explores effects of Sun in Gemini for all Moon signs

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Sun now moves through the third house for your sign. The third house is about messages, communication, short-term travel, siblings, and relatives. Sun holds a portfolio of the fifth house for your sign. Viewing this seems a good time to revive old connections. This is time to enjoy partying, socializing here. Meeting with influential persons is to prove fruitful for enhancing your prospects. Business person and professional are to make good use of the opportunity to handshake with a person of high worth and of good clout. Up to 20th June, wily Saturn traverses in opposition to Sun in Gemini. This can lead to some kind of controversy for you in the social circle. Refrain from reacting and giving an undue explanation. Maintain silence and have patience on your side. Try to remain sympathetic to needs of a sibling. Short-term travel by business person and professional is to bear encouraging results. This is an auspicious time to tie nuptial knots.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Sun now traverses the second house for your Taurus sign. The second house is about finance and family among other things. Sun is in charge of the fourth house for your sign. Crafty Mercury accompanies Sun here. Sun and Mercury together in the second house is measured as an excellent position to increase the inflow of money for you. In turn, this adds strength to your position on the financial front. You are to have a pleasant enjoyable time with family. Now seems good supportive time for a business person to strike a big ticket deal with high worth customer. In regard to health, severe toothache can trouble you. Take due care of eyes as well here. You are to be keen to deploy your savings for some constructive purpose and in turn get higher returns. To let the family enjoy better lifestyle is to be on top of your agenda. Now seems a good time to create wealth and buy property. Auspicious time for lovebirds to ring wedding bells.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun now traverses through your sign and is to cross over natal Moon. Sun does not hold any auspicious house for your sign. Sun here is to prompt you to spend money for charity and also in the social circle to show off your affluence. Going overboard in spending money this way can lead to short of liquidity for you. You need to execute due discrimination is spending money and stay focused on saving money. Things are not likely to work well for you in personal life. Do not try to assert your view overly. Remain open to constructive suggestions from near ones. Career oriented needs to stick to present assignment and remain motivated to perform with improved efficiency. You are to enjoy good general health this time around. Take due care of sibling here. Now is a good time to buy property, whether residential or commercial one. One already in love relationship can now ring wedding bells to confirm the relationship.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun rules the second house in your house. The second house corresponds to finance and family mainly. Sun is to now move through the 12th house for your sign. The 12th house is linked with expenses, loss and also enjoying pleasures of physical intimacy. This movement of Sun does not seem supportive having a major gain here. Your personal and habitual expenses stand to increase. You need to execute due discrimination in spending money for good. There is a good possibility of hitting jackpot meaning major monetary gain. However, planets in your birth chart can give precise indications about this. Things may not work well for you in a meaningful relationship. Try to accommodate views of a concerned person as much possible to maintain harmony in the relationship. In regard to health, you may get into trouble about the respiratory system. Take due preventive measures promptly to save from complications. Good auspicious time to get married here.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Sun is the ruler of your sign. Viewing this, movement of Sun carries a lot of importance for you. Sun is to now move through the eleventh house for your sign. This is indicative of a painful time for you. Some good opportunity is to come up with increasing inflow of money for you. Sun in the eleventh house is surely a happy proposition. Sun is to facilitate good opportunity to benefit monetarily in a big way. You may incline to visit popular eating joints often here with family and nearest one. You are to remain in a cheerful mood most of the time. Developing a meaningful relationship with the influential person has a strong possibility. The student is to learn things quickly and also memorize effectively. Now is a good time for single to propose to a long time friend of opposite gender for having a serious long-term relationship. The concerned person is to readily accept the proposal of single. Newlyweds or otherwise couple eager to bear a child is to feel happy on having successful conception here.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Sun is in charge of the 12th house for your sign. Sun now moves through the tenth house for your sign. In a way, tenth house suits Sun well. A business person dealing with government, the semi-government organization is to succeed in getting a big ticket deal/contract here. For the business person, there is also a possibility of gain through contact with the foreign-based company. Career oriented eager to affect change is to get suitable employment opportunity with higher remuneration and more freedom to work. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here. The student is to stay well focused while studying. You are to enjoy good general health here. No major threat to your well being is foreseen for now. One already in love relationship eager to confirm relationship can ring wedding bells here. You may spend money to buy things which are not needed for now.

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Libra (Tula Rashi)

Sun holds a portfolio of the eleventh house for your sign. Sun is to now traverse through the ninth house linked with luck in general, long-distance travel and blessings of the higher soul for your sign. There is a possibility of change in the equation in a relationship. You are to use your persuasion skills to win the support of a concerned person. You may plan a visit to a highly revered religious place along with near ones in the relationship. This is to prove to be a pleasant experience. You are to remain attentive to needs and aspirations of a sibling. Now seems a good time to become active socially. You are looking to meeting old friends and share a memory of those happy moments of past. In money matters, this movement of Sun does not look much supportive. One in a meaningful relationship is to give useful tips for making progress in your pursuit. Couple keen to conceive a child is to get favor from Sun here by having a successful conception.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Sun holds important folio of the tenth house for your sign. The tenth house pertains to the occupation. Sun in Gemini now traverses through the eighth house for you. This does not sound to be much happy proposition in general. However, the business person is to feel happy on getting repeat orders from a high worth customer. Employed on is get paid for working for extended hours. You may need to pay attention to some issue in the family. Handle issue related to the family much tactfully and with due delicacy. The inflow of money is to increase for you. This is to enliven spirits and keeps you motivated to keep doing your best. You may not be much happy in meaningful and otherwise relationship. Sun in Gemini is to work well in having a cordial and closely interactive relationship with higher-ups and peers as well. You need to remain much careful about health.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Sun is in charge of the ninth house for your sign. The ninth house is mainly about luck fortune in general. Sun traverses through the seventh house for your sign. Sun here can lead to the difference with one in a confirmed relationship. If you run business in partnership, the difference between working methods and your action plan for growth prospects is likely to come up. You may feel like getting away from present partner and look for a high worth person to take interest in your business. However, planets in your Kundli can give a precise indication in this matter. Married one is to be keen on having an extramarital relationship to enjoy life. Sun in Gemini is measured as a good auspicious time for getting married. Lovebirds can make good use of this favorable time to ring wedding bells to confirm the relationship. If eager to buy property for either residential or commercial purpose, now seems good favorable time for the same. Explore the success in your business and run it like a viable trade of your life.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Sun rules the eighth house for your sign. The eighth house is about longevity, sudden loss or again. Sun now moves through the sixth house. The sixth house is about illness, debt, competitors, and adversity in general. Sun in the sixth house blesses with good general health. Even if you fall ill for any reason, you are to recover from the same at earliest. Your personal expenses are to increase here. If you are in debt for some time, now seems a good time to be able to repay the same here and become debt free.  You may develop difference with father and elder in a family. Take care that you do not annoy elders by making provocative statements. This movement of Sun is not much support for major financial gain. However, you are to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. You have to keep working hard to remain in a run and achieve higher growth in your pursuit.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Sun traverses the fifth house for your sign as ruler of the seventh house for your sign. The fifth house corresponds to love intimate relationship and gain from speculation. This position spells well for married one. Your spouse is to become more responsive to your needs and gesture.  Now seems a good time for single to propose to a friend of opposite gender to have a serious long-term relationship. Sun moves through the fifth house along with Mercury. This position seems very much favorable for having a big-ticket financial gain. However, planets in your Kundali can give a precise indication of major gain. This position is to enable the student to have a quick grasp of things and also develop sharp memory. You are to have a pleasant and enjoyable time with near ones in the relationship. In regard to health, you are to enjoy good general health here.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Sun is in charge of the sixth house for your sign. As a ruler of the sixth house, Sun moves through the fourth house for your sign. You may experience some squeeze on the inflow of money for you. Lending money to a relative can result in a loss for you. On the work front, you are to feel insecure and uncertain about future growth prospects. You can feel kind of low here. A business person needs to exert more and put that extra effort to achieve your objective. Things may not go well for you in a meaningful relationship. Do not stretch things too far and try to accommodate the views of the concerned person for maintaining harmony in the relationship. A married one may not be able to enjoy some quality time together. You need to remain very much care about your health here.

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Also Read: Sun Transit in Cancer (Karka Rashi) on 16th July 2017 and Mercury Transit Leo (Simha Rashi) From July 21, 2017

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