
Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023

Published On : April 13, 2023  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Sun Transit In Aries On April 14, 2023 | Surya Mesh Rashi Mai

Sun will move into the cardinal zodiac sign Aries from April 14, 2023, at 3:12 PM to May 15, 2023, at 11:57 AM

The king of celestial cabinet Sun will transit into the fiery or cardinal zodiac sign Aries on April 14, 2023, at 3:12 PM and will stay in the same sign until May 15, 2023, at 11: 57 AM. Aries is the sign ruled by the planet Mars friendly to Sun and Sun gets exalted too in the same sign and feels very much comfortable too. Here Sun responds with its full strength. Aries is fiery sign and Sun is also hot planet, and hence it feels very much comfortable due to its fiery nature. People will be blessed with good leadership skills based on the actual planetary position in their birth chart. However, it can give you soul dissatisfaction too in this period. People are advised to control their ego and confusion, and stay humble in order to maintain the consistency. Have faith on your skills, but do not be over confident about things or else it may create some downfall. Now let’s find below the impact of this transit differently for different zodiac sign people:

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect AriesAries Moon Sign

Sun governs your 5th house of education, intellect, love & romance and will move into the 1st house of self or personality, this period looks excellent for Aries natives as Sun will get exalted in your 1st house of personality, which means it can help you to groom your personality. It can have different aura from others which can help you to recognize in the crowd for your achievement or work. However, avoid taking impulsive decision in this period and pay attention over your health issues too or else it may hamper your daily productivity. Avoid initiating any kind of business partnership too in this period as it may create some loss for you. But rest it is very good for your personality, only you need to very much confident instead creating self-doubts sometimes or confusion in your mind. Try to control your anger & aggression too.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect TaurusTaurus Moon Sign

Sun governs your 4th house of comforts, luxury, happiness & home and will transit into the 12th house of foreign land, expenditures & losses. It looks challenging transit and may create some issues related to sleeping disorder or insomnia too. However, it can make you feel irated too in this period and will provide you unnecessary stress or irritability. However, on the contrary, if you are associated with foreign sourcesthen it can help you with good gains too from the foreign sources. However, have faith on your skills and be confident instead wandering your thoughts. Pay attention over your finances as your expenditures would get increased. Control your anger & aggression. Any issue related to finances may get initiated in this period, so always analyse the situation before you make major investment.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect GeminiGemini Moon Sign

Sun rules over your 3rd house of efforts, communication and siblings for Gemini natives and will enter the11th house of income & gains, it indicates that you can have good earning with your communicative style. You can have good courage and determination to achieve your true goal in life. However, you need to control your anger & aggression or else it can make a big loss too for you by making you inconsistent in your approach. Though your intellect will get enhanced in this period, but you can have much confusion or wavering thoughts too in this period. Do not take unnecessary stress and keep meditating in order to channelize your energy in the right direction.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect CancerCancer Moon Sign

Sun governs your 2nd house of wealth & family and will move into the 10th house of career & profession in your life. it looks an excellent transit for you and will help you finding good gains too in your life. Your respect & reputation will get enhanced at your workfornt, which will help you meeting strong or an authoritative people at your workfront. These people will also help to accumulate good amount of wealth too in your life. However, people involved through the foreign association or sources will have good income & gains from there. Any good opportunity from foreign sources may also come to the core for you and will provide you increased status in the society, however, try to be grounded in this period and do not let your ego hamper your daily productivity or hurt your family members.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect LeoLeo Moon Sign

Sun governs your 1st house of self or personality and will move into the 9th house of luck & fortune, this period looks extremely auspicious for you as your rashi Lord Sun will get exalted in Trikone house, which will make you very fortunate individual in this period. You may get inclined yourself towards higher learning or studies in your life and may make you inclined towards long distance journeys too. However, try to be very much focused in one direction and do not have unnecessary confusion or illusion in this period or else sometimes you may face some distraction too from your goal and your anger will also be very high in this period. Rest it looks good period for your career & profession.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect VirgoVirgo Moon Sign

Sun governs your 12th house of foreign land, expenditures and losses for you and will move into the 8th house of uncertainty & transformation, while moving into this house, it is creating a kind of Vipreet Raj Yoga for you. It will help you to provide you good gains after a struggle as this yoga make you first to suffer but as you move ahead, it will help you finding good outcomes too by making your mistakes your strength and add on a good experience. It looks good period for the people involved in the field of spirituality or divinity in this period. your inclination towards occult, mysticism, research, medical etc. would get increased or associated people may also get benefited too with these areas.

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Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect LibraLibra Moon Sign

Sun governs your 11th house of income & gains and will move into the 7th house of marriage & partnership. This period looks good for you and will make you a strong leader or courageous individual too. You will be very inspired and motivated in this period, but as Sun is malefic and transiting through Kendra house, so it may create some issues in your marital life or relationship, so do not let your ego come in between your relationship to spoil the charm and in fact it may create the thought of separation too, so you are advised to control your ego and unnecessary anger or aggression in this period. Also avoid dominating your life partner so that he may not feel suffocated too.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect ScorpioScorpio Moon Sign

Sun governs your 10th house of career & profession and will move into the 6th house of debt, disease or enemies. This period looks good in terms of your competitive spirit, however, it can provide you some unnecessary challenges or conflict too at your workfront in this period. People employed in any kind of job will see the good outcomes of Sun in this period, as it may provide you some kind of victory over your opponents. It can also help you finding gains through foreign sources too. Any case related to court case may be in your favour in this period. People involved in the fields related to Sports may get the fame or do well in their concerned sports. However, be grounded and avoid expecting immediate results in this period.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect SagittariusSagittarius Moon Sign

Sun rules over your 9th house of luck & fortune and will move into the 5th house of education & intellect. This transit looks good for you and will provide you good gains too. You can have good income & earnings too in this period. Any good opportunity may come to your doorstep and help you finding the gains too in your life. However, the income may not be very satisfactory for you and hence you will always try to think about increasing your revenue or income in this period. You can have the Some issues related to low confidence or over confidence may be there so you are advised to control it and either faith on your skills or have confidence instead over confidence in this period.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect CapricornCapricorn Moon Sign

Sun governs your 8th house of transformation and longevity for you and will move into the 4th house of comforts & luxury, this period looks challenging for you and may disturb your homely environment. You can have the sudden challenges in your life and it may provide you some kind of issues too in your life. You need to control your ego battle in this period and it will provide you some kind of challenges too in your life. Avoid making unnecessary arguments with your family members especially your father or fatherly figure or else it may provide you unnecessary stress. You need to respect your elders and do not be over confident. However, this combination looks good for enhancing your knowledge related to occult, mysticism or research in this period for you.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect AquariusAquarius Moon Sign

Sun governs your 7th house of marriage & partnership for Aquarius natives. It looks mixed for you and indicates your strong determination to perform any activity. Though it can help you with good determination, but it may create some challenges with regards to your relationship, as your mind may get distracted in multiple directions. You need to control your distraction and try to be focused towards one relationship in this period. You may plan for long distance journeys or visiting to religious places with your life partner too in your life. You can have some gains through your kids in this period, however, there might be some challenges with your near or dear ones or, their health may be the cause of concern in this period.

Sun Transit Aries 14 April 2023 Effect PiscesPisces Moon Sign

Sun rules over your 6th house of debt, disease or enemies and will move into the 2nd house of wealth & family. This period looks challenging for you. Your voice or aggressive speech may become the cause of conflict or fights too in this period, so try to be very humble and polite so that you can find the good consistency in this period. This may not be the good period for your finances and you need to be very much focused and avoid making unnecessary expenditures too in this period. You may feel some stress too due to family & wealth, it is not a good period to get indulged into any kind of debt scenario or else it may make things too difficult for you to repay or get it back. Be cautious while initiating any financial transaction or initiate anything related to wealth or finances in this period.

Don’t Forget to Read:
Sun Transit Taurus 15 May 2023 and Sun Transit Gemini 15 June 2023

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