
Saturn Transit Aquarius On 29 April 2022

Published On : March 5, 2022  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Saturn Move From Capricorn sign to Aquarius sign On 29 April 2022

Saturn will move through the Aquarius Zodiac Sign on April 29, 2022 at 12:17 PM from Capricorn sign to Aquarius sign. It will remain in the same sign for very short span of time next year 2022, which means Saturn will re-enter in the sign of Capricorn on July 12, 2022 at 10:27 AM and will finally move into the Aquarius zodiac sign on January 17, 2023 at 8:02 PM. Here, Saturn will continue staying till March 29, 2025 at 11:01 PM. Meanwhile, Saturn will also go on retrograde motion too every year.  Next year, it will go retrograde on June 05, 2022 at 3:16 AM in the sign of Aquarius and will become direct on October 23, 2022 at 9:37 AM in the sign of Capricorn. Further, Saturn will become retrograde on June 17, 2023 at 10:56 PM and will become progressive on November 04, 2023 at 12:31 PM in the same sign Aquarius. Thereafter, during 2024, once again Saturn will go retrograde on June 30, 2024 at 12:35 AM and will become progressive on November 15, 2024 at 7:51 PM in the sign of Aquarius.

Saturn (Shani) is the lord of justice and discipline and also rules over the natural “Karma House” in Kaal Purush Kundali. It moves very slow and hence the impact of its transit gives huge impact over one’s life cycle as well as the whole world. From previous 2 years, we were into the innovation in the field of IT and medical science, so this will continue in the same year too and some challenges related to digital technologies would be seen on long term. During these years, a lot more changes have been seen in the world especially due to pandemic associated with Corona virus. However, due to our nature of adaptability, we learnt to live with it. During 2022, economy will start to boom again and some exciting things will appear too. New technologies and thoughts will proceed through with time. Digital platforms will help to explore new cultures and the way of living. Things will appear very fast so those who are slow to adapt the change may find some difficulty to face the new environmental changes. More of the transformation has already been there due to pandemic, which influenced the human society up to the great extent.

The slow moving planet Saturn provides the results as per the previous deeds of an individual. The right choice at the right time will lead through the immense success and achievement of goal. What if things get delayed, in that case, Saturn plays a prominent role and checks the patience within oneself. Transit creates only the opportunity and it is up to you how much you put your endeavours in the right direction to lead through the success. Saturn is a big planet and moves very slowly which causes its stay in one zodiac sign for around 2 and ½ years. During the transit, it impacts every zodiac sign people as per their previous works or performances. Bad deeds of individual cause the negative impacts provided by Saturn, while good karma anticipates the good results. Rest the results of Saturn will depend upon the placement of Saturn in an individual’s horoscope, let’s find out how Saturn transit Aquarius on 29th April 2022 will influence every zodiac sign below while transiting through the Aquarius zodiac sign:

Saturn Transit Effect for Aries On 29 April 2022 Aries Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Aries natives, Saturn rules over the 10th house of career and profession and the 11th house of income and gains. This way, Aquarius is the 11th house or zodiac sign and hence Saturn will move through the 11th house while transiting through the Aquarius zodiac sign.

Career and Business

Saturn will be transiting through your 11th house of income and gains, which looks good for your increment in your salary and promotion. Maturity and responsibility will lead the way to success in your professional aspects. Business class will also start getting numerous opportunities at work to expand their business.


This transit of Saturn will help you to accumulate a good amount of money or increase your savings as it will open the doors for new avenues in your life too, which will help to increase your bank balance.


While transiting through your 11th house, Saturn will aspect your 1st house, 5th house and 8th house, thus, you need to take care of your health from over thinking, taking unnecessary stress or getting fear. Take care the health of your kids if any.

Personal Life

The transit of Saturn looks good in terms of your personal front and it will increase your friend circle too. Your social status will increase and it is going to be the time to turn your imagination into the reality to increase your happiness.

Saturn Transit Effect for Taurus On 29 April 2022Taurus Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Taurus natives, Saturn rules over the 9th house of luck and fortune and 10th house of career and profession and this time it will move through the 10th house of career and profession where Aquarius sign is rising for you. Find below the different aspects of your life while Saturn transits through Aquarius zodiac sign:

Career and Business

As Saturn will be transiting through your 10th house of career and profession, hence it will bring positivity with numerous opportunities for you. It will create a ShashaPanchMahapurush Yoga too, which will bring respect, reputation and status at workfront for you. Though it will increase your responsibility but it will help you to get promoted. Business people can expand their business too in this period with the blessings of Saturn. However, above all, some mismatch with the ideologies with your bosses may be likely at workfront. So be patient and accept the orders from your superiors.


As Saturn will be aspecting your 12th house, so it may increase your expenditures. Your money may be invested into the foreign travels or long distance travels too. Moreover, this transit of Saturn will teach you to balance out your expenses and income with right financial planning.


During this transit, you may face some issues related to feet or knee pain. Some issues related to backache may also be likely for you. Take a proper sleep and avoid sleep disorder due to discomforts in your home land. As Saturn is a YogKarak planet for you so it will not create much health issues for you.

Personal Life

As Saturn is Yogkarak planet so will try to bless you with the positive results, however, due to its malefic nature, it may create some differences in the ideologies with the parents and within your homely environment. Some kind of disturbance in marital life may also be likely.

Saturn Transit Effect for Gemini On 29 April 2022Gemini Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Gemini natives, Saturn governs the 8th house of longevity, uncertainty and transformation and 9th house of luck, fortune and higher learning, and this time it will move into the 9th house of luck, fortune and higher learning. Find below the impact of Saturn transit into different life’s aspects:

Career and Business

Gemini natives needs to avoid arguing with their mentor or bosses as there can be some differences developed in between. Control your anger and impulsiveness at work in order to avoid any loss. Things might come to you with some delay so do not do things on behalf of your luck factor. Adapt calm and composed behaviour, it will help you in your shortcomings. Business people should stay away from any kind of arguments or fights or else it could lead to loss too.


As Saturn may impact your earnings while transiting through this zodiac sign, so your finances will automatically get impacted by the same if your earning will get slowed down.


Take care of your health during this transit, as Saturn will be aspecting your 6th house of health, which might create any prolong disease or incurable disease. Thus, consult to the doctor if you get any health ailments and avoid laziness.

Personal Life

Personally, you need to control your anger and some sort of frustration as due to delayed results or activities, it might get developed slowly. Possibility of having dispute with your siblings or parents, so it may create some kind of mental stress too for you.

Saturn Transit Effect for Cancer On 29 April 2022Cancer Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Cancer natives, Saturn governs your 7th house of marriage and partnership and 8th house of uncertainty and transformation. This time it will transit into your 8th house of uncertainty, longevity and transformation. Let’s see the impact of Saturn over your different aspects of life:

Career and Business

For Cancer natives, Saturn will influence your 10th house of career and profession with its 3rd aspect and it indicates the sudden changes at your workfront. People involved in the research based work, medical, innovation, etc. will find the right path during this transit, however, others may find some sudden disturbance eand challenges at workfront. Issues with the bosses might get increased in this period, So be patient and do not take impulsive decision. Some kind of fluctuation or instability may get developed so focus on your work and avoid much expectations. On positive note, sudden change of workplace or job might be there for you.


As Saturn will be influencing your 2nd house of wealth and finances during this transit, thus, it will create the suddenness and instability for you in terms of your finances as well. Sudden losses might appear and fear of loss and risk may also get developed. So avoid any kind of major investment during this transit.


Due to suddenness in life, stress and fear may be there for you. Issues related to throat, ear, eyes, speech might be there during this transit. Avoid taking over burden of responsibility to increase your stress and hence it may also affect your sleeping pattern too.

Personal Life

This transit of Saturn may not be favourable for your personal front as transiting through 8th house may create the issues in your marital life. Any dispute in ancestral property may lead to stress too in personal life. Avoid letting your overthinking ability spoil your present in your love and marital life. Try to spend quality time with your kids so that things can be cleared well in between.

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Saturn Transit Effect for Leo On 29 April 2022Leo Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Leo natives, Saturn rules over the 6th house of debt, disease or enemies and 7th house of marriage and any kind of partnership. This time, Saturn will move through your 7th house of marriage and partnership, so let’s find below the different aspects of your life getting affected due to this transit of Saturn:

Career and Business

Leo natives may find some difficulty in this period during getting success and growth as Saturn may slowed down the activity for them. They may find some delay in their work which would cause some mental stress too. Some kind of self-doubts may also be there with you so be confident Leons! Business people may find some obstacles in partnership or differences with their business partners.


Your money would get invested in long distance journeys too. Some kind of renovation at home might take place for you. Avoid letting your anger or hastiness dominate over your decision making ability or else it could lead to loss too. Do not get indulged in unnecessary fight or legal case or else it would be a risk of loss. Also avoid any kind of speculative business if possible.


Take care of your health as issues related to unnecessary stress might arise, which would lead to frustration too for you. Health of your spouse or father may deteriorate. So take care of them.

Personal Life

Due to Saturn transit in your 7th house of marriage and partnership, you may find the issues related to your marital life. Respect your woman in this period in order to maintain the harmony in your marital life. Some disturbance in your personal front might get increased with this transit of Saturn.

Saturn Transit Effect for Virgo On 29 April 2022Virgo Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Virgo natives, Saturn governs the 5th house of education, intellect, love and harmony and 6th house of debt, disease or enemies, and this time it will move into the 6th house of debt, disease or enemies.

Career and Business

With this transit of Saturn, the competitive ability will get increased for Virgo natives, and you will come out as a winner in every scenario. However, it may provide you some challenges too due to which your competitive skills will get improved, so ready to face the challenges at work to make yourself strong. Support of your colleagues may not be there so try to focus on your work rather finding dependency on others. Some kind of difference in your ideas with other people at work may be likely for you.


This transit of Saturn in Aquarius indicates the unnecessary expenditures so avoid being too much spendthrift. You may increase your funds with debts or taking loan too. Besides this, inherited property will also help you to increase your fund or savings. You may find the chance to trip for foreign or abroad.


Pay attention on your health as issues related to prolong or incurable disease might be there, avoid rash driving. Issues related to your feet or back may be there for you.

Personal Life

Talking about your personal front, then there might be some kind of change of location will be likely for you. Married ones may find difficulty in physical pleasures and those looking for divorce can get it easily. Some kind of dispute or rift can be created in your love life too, so try to spend quality time with your love partner.

Saturn Transit Effect for Libra On 29 April 2022Libra Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Libra natives, Saturn rules over the 4th house of comforts and luxury and 5th house of education, intellect, love and romance. This time it will move into the 5th house of education, intellect, love and romance for Librans.

Career and Business

As Saturn will be influencing your 11th house of income and gains while transiting through Aquarius, so it will start bestowing you the good results with respect to your income, though it may not meet to your expectations but your satisfaction level will be there. Your earnings will increase from the current one. Job seekers will get the job too in this period. Business people can have multiple sources of earnings for them, however, they should not trust on their business partner blindly.


Saturn will be influencing your 2nd house of wealth and finances too with its 10th aspects, so you might be worried about your finances during this transit. Your expenditures will get increased, which will cause the stress too for you.


Though Saturn is YogKarak planet, so it will not create any serious illness for you, however, take care of your life partner’s health as some kind of distress might be there.

Personal Life

Issues in your marital life will get resolved and gains through your life partner will be likely in this period. Love life will also be good and happiness through your mother will be likely in this period. This is overall good time period for your personal happiness.

Saturn Transit Effect for Scorpio On 29 April 2022Scorpio Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Scorpio natives, Saturn governs the 3rd house of efforts and communication and 4th house of comforts and luxury. While moving into the Aquarius zodiac sign, you will transit into the 4th house of comforts and luxury.

Career and Business

While transiting through your 4th house, Saturn will directly influence your 10th house of career and profession, due to the fact, it will increase the responsibility at your workfront. Any promotion will be likely, however, some differences with your bosses or superior may be there for you. You will come out as a winner in any case. Business class people will need to work hard more in order to get the optimum gains in this period.


Some kind of renovation at home may be likely in this period, where your money would get invested. Loan can be easily sanctioned during this period which could increase your savings. You can have good gains through legal case or property case too as the chances of winning the case looks high for you.


Some stressful situation at home may be there for you, which might create the distress too within you. Avoid rash driving or else it may cause accident too. Issues related to overthinking, sleep disorder will be likely for you.

Personal Life

As Saturn will be transiting through the 4th house of comforts and luxury, thus, it will create disturbance in your comforts, and may create some personal issues within the family. Issues with your parents may be likely or mismatch with the ideologies can be there for you. Thus, control your anger, aggression and dominating behaviour.

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Saturn Transit Effect for Sagittarius On 29 April 2022Sagittarius Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Sagittarius natives, Saturn governs your 2nd house of wealth and family and 3rd house of efforts and communication. This time, Saturn will move into the 3rd house of efforts and communication for you.

Career and Business

Some travels might be possible during this transit of Saturn, which will provide you good gains too. Issues with your bosses may be likely due to mismatch with the ideologies, so you are advised to accept the orders as they are. Change of location may be likely which will come up with the gains for you.


With your hard work, your finance will get increased in this period. You may invest either in purchasing the property or may increase your savings by selling the property. Your money may also be invested in journeys or travels too.


This transit of Saturn will make you determined and will provide you immense strength too in order to cope up well with the health issues if any. Take care of your feet or issues related to backache in this period. Health of your kids and father may also need much attention in this period.

Personal Life

Personally, things look fine for you, however, try to give proper time to your kids if any and your love partner or else it might create the dissatisfaction in your love life. Avoid being self-righteous too in this period and listen others family members too.

Saturn Transit Effect for Capricorn On 29 April 2022Capricorn Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Capricorn natives, Saturn governs the 1st house of self or personality and 2nd house of wealth and family and will transit through your 2nd house of wealth and family while moving into the Aquarius zodiac sign.

Career and Business

As Saturn will be aspecting your 11th house of income and gains, so it will help to increase your income, however, you need to be careful for your status and reputation in this period as Saturn might create some difficulty with your either colleagues or social friend circle. However, it looks overall good period for your career. Business class people may expand their business.


For finances, it looks good period for you and you will be able to accumulate good amount of money and finances in your life. You may invest your amount in buying or selling the property. Investment in house or vehicle may be likely for you and it will provide you immense happiness too.


This transit of Saturn may create some burning issues or constipation problems for you. So you are advised to consume simple food and avoid fast or oily food. Take care of your mother’s health in this period as it may deteriorate.

Personal Life

As Saturn will be influencing your 2nd house of family and speech too, so your speech would become arrogant and it will create the ideological differences between you and your family. Thus try to be soft spoken and listen others carefully.

Saturn Transit Effect for Aquarius On 29 April 2022Aquarius Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Aquarius natives, Saturn rules over your 1st house of self or personality and 12th house of foreign land and expenditures, it will transit through your 1st house of self or personality this time.

Career and Business

As Saturn will be aspecting your 10th house of career and profession, thus it looks favourable transit for Aquarius natives in terms of career and profession, however, it might start some battle first at your workfront then it will start bestowing you an auspicious results, So try to be patient at work and do not let the opportunity slip through your hand in this period.


Financially, the period looks fine for you, though you will be inder the peak of Sade Sati, but as Aquarius is the own sign of Saturn, so it wil not affect it much, and it will provide you good benefits too. You may have good earnings or benefits through foreign sources in your life.


As Saturn will be transiting through your 1st house, so it may create distress, fear and over thinking ability for you. You may feel laziness too in this period and it might create the disturbance in your sleeping pattern too. So take care of your health and avoid unnecessary overthinking ability.

Personal Life

As it will be the peak of Sade Sati, so you may find some kind of dissatisfaction in your personal front due to unnecessary over thinking ability. You should not let your stress over power your decision making ability in this period and try not to feel isolated from the world and interact well with others.

Saturn Transit Effect for Pisces On 29 April 2022Pisces Moon Sign Impact of Saturn Transit On April 29, 2022

For Pisces natives, Saturn rules over the 11th house of income and gains and 12th house of foreign land and expenditures. This time Saturn will move into the 12th house of foreign land and expenditures for Pisces natives.

Career and Business

This time you may find the opportunity through the foreign sources at your workfront. You need to be very much focused towards your goal. If you are not associated with the foreign sources, then it may create unnecessary stress at your workfront for you. Do not be lazy to grab the opportunity at workfront. Business people should be more decisive in this period in order to find the good benefits.


While transiting through the Aquarius sign, you may find the unnecessary expenditures on the cards for you. So try to control your expenditures and do not unnecessarily get indulged in any legal case or fight or else it could lead to the losses for you.


You may feel lethargic in this period, and some sorts of stress and indecisiveness might also be there. Take care of your as well as your family members health in this period.

Personal Life

Due to laziness and over thinking ability, you may not be able to enjoy the good time with your family, which can lead to dissatisfaction too for you. Any arguments with regards to finances may lead to the dissatisfaction in your personal front, so avoid arrogant speech in order to maintain the harmony.

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