
Rahu Ketu Transit On 12 April 2022

Published On : February 23, 2022  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Rahu Transit Aries And Ketu Transit Libra On 12th April 2022

Rahu will enter the cardinal sign Aries Zodiac Sign on April 12, 2022 at 10:35 AM from the sign of Taurus. In the same way, Ketu will enter the sign of Libra on April 12, 2022 at 10:35 AM from the sign of Scorpio. As Rahu and Ketu are always in retrograde motion, thus these two planets moves back from their current sign. These planets will continue staying in the same sign till October 30, 2023 at 01:32 PM.

Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets and considered to be the malefic planets in Vedic Astrology. Rahu is considered to be exalted in the sign of Taurus/Gemini while Ketu is considered to be exalted in the sign of Scorpio/Sagittarius. In the same way, Rahu and Ketu get debilitated in the sign of Scorpio/Sagittarius and Taurus/Gemini respectively. It always moves back or retrograde in motion and provides results first according to the placement of its dispositor to the native.

Rahu and Ketu are the two north and south nodes of the Moon respectively, thus while transiting through the cardinal sign Aries ruling planet Mars inimical to Rahu, will mainly provide some adverse results, however, being Rahu acts as a catalyst, so will provide the success and accomplishment of goal in a very short span of time. Materialistic pleasure can be obtained easily. Further, Ketu will transit through the Libra sign ruled by the planet of love, beauty and romance Venus, so it may increase some issues on love and relationship front. As Rahu and Ketu both belong to the nodes of the Moon, thus, it will affect mind, thinking pattern and your knowledge and its implementations. Your hunger towards materialistic pleasures and comforts might increase. People may find some sort of confusion and restlessness too. However, Rahu transit in Aries will help improving wireless technology during this period and Ketu’s influence over Libra sign will help letting you know the importance of relationship among people as well as between countries too. Now let’s see how the axis of Rahu and Ketu Transit on 12th April 2022 will influence the different zodiac signs differently:

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Aries On 12 April 2022Aries Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Aries natives, Rahu will transit through your own rashi or 1st house of self or personality and Ketu will move into the 7th house of marriage and partnership.

Career and Business

Rahu and Ketu Transit on 12th April 2022 might increase the stress for you and you can have some conflict or miscommunication with your bosses in this period. Thus try to be very focused and avoid impulsive behaviour. Let your ambitions drive your way slowly and steadily in this period. Business class should avoid initiating any kind of partnership in this period.


This transit of Rahu may not impact your finances adversely so the inflow of money would be there for you, which will help to increase your savings, only you need to avoid making major financial planning in this period.


While transiting through your 1st house, Rahu may create some mental stress, confusion and wavering thoughts for you. However, 7th house placement of Ketu may create some issues for your spouse too. You may have some kind of skin related issues or allergies too in this period.

Personal Life

Personally, due to Ketu’s influence over your 7th house of marriage, you may see the obstacles in your marital life. Though your social status will increase, but take care of your personal life well especially with your life partner or else situation like separation or divorce may be likely.

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Taurus On 12 April 2022Taurus Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Taurus natives, Rahu will enter the 12th house of foreign land, expenditures and losses and Ketu will move into the 6th house of debt, disease or enemies. Find below the different aspects of life below which impacts the Taurus natives:

Career and Business

This Rahu and Ketu Transit on 12th April 2022 will provide you good gains through the foreign sources. Any new opportunity may likely to be there with you. Your power at workfront will increase in this period, however, do not be highly imaginative and try to be into the real world in order to maintain the balance in your professional field. Business people may have sudden opportunity at work front from foreign sources. However, do not trust everyone easily at work front as you may have deceptive enemies at your work front.


Financially, your expenditures will likely to be increased in this period. This period may not be good for you and will provide you sudden loss too. You are advised not to make investment into the speculative business or else loss may be likely for you.


In this period, you may see the health concerns, and sometimes doctor may not be able to diagnose the results correctly, so try to consult with multiple doctors to get it diagnose it. Further, issues related to insomnia, stress level may increase too in this period, control your imaginations to get the proper sleep.

Personal Life

With the start of this period, due to unnecessary stress and confusion, you may find issues in your personal front. Sometimes, your all desires may not get fulfilled which would lead to frustration within you. It will be much better for you in this period to travel more as much as possible.

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Gemini On 12 April 2022Gemini Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Gemini natives, Rahu will transit into the 11th house of income and gains and hence Ketu will enter to its opposite sign and house i.e. 5th house of education, intellect, love and romance. Find below some aspects of life which Rahu and Ketu will influence during this transit:

Career and Business

Impact of this Rahu and Ketu Transit on 12th April 2022 Gemini natives will find good success and increment in their salary. Popularity and fame will get increased in this period and business people will also get the good opportunity to grow, travels related to business or career will provide you good benefits in this period. People looking for change in their current job will find the good opportunity to change the same.


Financially, you will find the increase in your income and gains. However, you are advised not to make further investment or else it could lead to the loss too for you. Do not trust on your luck factor too much and avoid making investments in speculative business.


Ketu in your 5th house may create some health issues with your kids. Besides this, take care of the health of your spouse too. You may have some confusion and wavering thought, so try to be very focused and control your anger.

Personal Life

Personally, your love life might suffer a lot due to Ketu’s placement. Ketu may make you feel isolated from your love partner. Issues with your kids may also be there with you. So you are advised to spend your quality time with your kids and love partner in order to maintain the harmony or else some kind of distress or separation may be there.

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Cancer On 12 April 2022Cancer Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Cancer natives, Rahu will transit through your 10th house of career and profession and 4th house of comforts and luxury for you. Let’s see the different aspects of life which will be influenced by the transits of Rahu and Ketu.

Career and Business

Due to Rahu and Ketu Transit on 12th April 2022, for Cancer natives, some changes are likely to be there at your work front. Any opportunity from the foreign sources are likely to be there with you. However, extra work or efforts are to be put in order to accomplish your single goal at work. Some kind of stressful situation may be there with you and your wavering thoughts will also create some sort of confusion with regards to your career and profession. So be patient and stay focused in order to lead through the positivity at work. Business class people may get sudden increase in clients in this period. However, be consistent at single work to increase optimum benefits.


Financially, you are advised not to make any major investment in this period as Rahu’s aspect over your 2nd house of finance may provide you unnecessary expenditures and loss too, so beware while making investment in this period. Rahu will increase the multiple opportunities though for you, but there might be lucrative offer but may be for short term duration.


Issues related to fear, anxiety, nervousness and indecisiveness may be there with you with the start of the transit. Issues related to skin, allergy etc. maybe there with you.

Personal Life

This transit of Rahu and Ketu may provide you some backward and forward actions and reactions in your personal life. Placement of Ketu in your 4th house of comforts and luxury may provide you some kind of dissatisfaction in your personal front. This way, it may not be a good time period in terms of your personal front, so try not to feel isolated in order to maintain the harmony in your life.

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Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Leo On 12 April 2022Leo Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Leo natives, Rahu will enter the 9th house of luck and fortune while Ketu will enter the 3rd house of efforts and communication. Let’s find below the different aspects of life while transits of these planets in general:

Career and Business

The Rahu and Ketu Transit on 12th April 2022 may not impact much to your career, however, try to have clear communication with your boss or mentor or else it can be confusing and you may repent later with regards to the results. Your determination will be good and can have long distance journeys with respect to your career. Business people may find good partnership in this period, however, they need to always have the exit policy in case of any issue arise due to martial energy. But overall the period makes you fortunate in terms of reaping good results at your workfront.


As Rahu is transiting into the 9th house, so you may have long distance journeys in this period, which will provide you expenditures too. Journeys can be with your family for religious purpose too. However, any kind of journeys looks profitable for you in this period, but do not easily get influenced by the people whom you think a teacher or Guru.


During this period, take care of your father’s health. Issues related to breathing or throat may be there with you. Try to consume things which would be beneficial for your health perspectives.

Personal Life

Personally, some issues or mismatch with the ideologies with your father may be likely for you. On the contrary, you may have long distance journeys with your family with the start of this period. However, control your anger, aggression and impulsiveness in this period in order to lead through the positivity. Do not increase any kind of arguments with your siblings or near or dear once.

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Virgo On 12 April 2022Virgo Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Virgo natives, Rahu will transit through 8th house of uncertainty and transformation and Ketu will move into the 2nd house of wealth and family. Now let’s find below the different aspects of life during the transits of Rahu and Ketu

Career and Business

Gains or any business opportunity will be likely in this period for you. People involved in the fields of communication, research or media will get the positive results during this transit.


Financially, this period may not be good for you and may create sudden loss for you, so you are advised not to invest your money into the speculative business. This is not the right time to make any investment. You may be dependent on the other person’s money, so try to avoid much dependency towards other people.


Virgo native may find some serious illness in this period so they are advised to pay attention towards their health. Issues related to food poisoning or constipation or burning may be there for you.

Personal Life

Personally, as Rahu will be aspecting your 4th house of comforts and luxury, so you may find some issues in your personal front. Your expectations will be more so try to drop some of the expectations in this period. You should try to control over your speech in this period or else it could lead to unnecessary fights within your family and it could be related to finances too.

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Libra On 12 April 2022Libra Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Libra natives, Rahu will transit through your 7th house of marriage and partnership and Ketu will transit through your 1st house of self or personality. Let’s see below how the transit will influence your different aspects of life.

Career and Business

For career perspectives, the transit will bring good business partnership especially through foreign association. Gains or good opportunity through foreign sources may be likely in this period for you. Your work will get the appreciation which will help to get the good recognition too in the society in this period.


Financially, your earnings will get increased in this period and your finances will also start increasing. As compared to the previous transit of Rahu and Ketu, this transit looks good for you financially. Rest try to analyse things carefully while making major investment as some sort of confusion might be there which might create difficulty for you.


As Ketu will be transiting through your 1st house of self or personality, so you may find some issues related to headache, stress, anxiety or fear. Besides this, mood swings, confusion, illusion and wavering thoughts may be there with you. Avoid thinking too much and take unnecessary stress.

Personal Life

During this transit of Rahu, you might feel some distraction from your current relationship. Try not to be diverted much from your current relationship or else it could lead to unnecessary stress. Take care of the health of your partner as he/she might suffer either with health issues or unnecessary stress in this period. Avoid letting develop any misunderstanding between you and your partner.

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Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Scorpio On 12 April 2022Scorpio Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Scorpio natives, Rahu will move into the 6th house of debt, disease or enemies and Ketu will enter the 12th house of foreign land, expenditures and losses. Let’s see below how this transit will influence your different aspects of life.

Career and Business

For Scorpio natives, the transit looks favourable for career and profession, Rahu will help to compete with your enemies in this period and Ketu will help to find the real path towards the spiritualism. Sudden promotion may be likely in this period. People involved in the fields of medical, healing, spirituality, etc. will get the good opportunities in these areas. Besides this, gains through foreign sources will be likely.


Financially, it is going to be the good period for you and sudden increase in your wealth would be likely, however, you are advised to make the right investment as the influence of Rahu may create sudden decline too which may cause decline in your savings too. Career and promotion will help you to accumulate good amount of money.


In terms of health perspective, you will enjoy good health in this period, though some unnecessary imaginary thoughts may make you feel isolated too sometimes, but overall health looks fine. Consume healthy food and avoid fast or oily food in this period to avoid any food poisoning.

Personal Life

Good time to share special bond with your life partner, however, some issues in maintaining bed pleasure you may face, but overall it looks good for your conjugal relationship. You will be very much passionate in love matters with the start of the period. Avoid letting your anger dominate over your family members in order to maintain the peace and harmony for you.

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Sagittarius On 12 April 2022Sagittarius Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Sagittarius natives, Rahu will transit into your 5th house of education, love, romance and intellect, while Ketu will move into the 11th house of income and gains. Know the overall impact of this period on different aspects of life:

Career and Business

The start of the period may create some stressful scenario and you might be worried for your career outcomes, however, as you move ahead, you will find the good opportunity to grow at your workfront. Fortune will rise and you will see sudden increment in your salary. Happiness and prosperity will come to your way and will provide numerous chances to rise at your workfront. Meeting to high profile people will be likely in this period who will benefit you. People involved in media, creativity, entertainment etc. will see good income outcomes in this period.


With your hard work, you will be able to accumulate good amount of wealth in your life during this transit. Savings or bank balance will increase. With increase in your income, you will be able to accumulate good amount of wealth too in this period. However, avoid some of your expectations in this period.


On health perspectives, overall the period looks fine for you or you can say this transit may not impact much to your health, however, some concentration related issues may be likely. In spite of it, take care of the health of your kids as some health ailments may be there with them.

Personal Life

Personally, you might face some issues in pregnancy or birth of child, however, other things look fine and you will have good love partner, to whom you can think of marriage too. However, with an aspect of Rahu over your 5th house may create some distraction from your love life or partner, so stay connected with love partner instead thinking of multiple scenarios.

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Capricorn On 12 April 2022Capricorn Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Capricorn natives, Rahu will move into the 4th house of comforts and luxury and Ketu will move through the 10th house of career and profession. Find below the different aspects of life below getting influenced by this transit:

Career and Business

As your 10th house of career will fall under Rahu and Ketu axis, which indicates that you may feel much of confusion and dissatisfaction at your workfront, which would lead to the switch of your job, however, your income will remain good. Any promotion might be there, however, avoid much expectations at your workfront as Ketu may create hurdles in achieving everything what you desire for. So try to be happy what you get.


Financially, transit looks favourable for you and it will provide you the good income sources too. People involved in the fields of research, creativity or innovation will lead through good success and income in this period. Your money will also get invested into charity or donation too. Besides this, buying some property may also be there for you.


Take care of your health as the issues related to chest or knee may be likely in this period. Besides this, it may create lots of concentration issues too in your life. So be focused and avoid unnecessary overthinking.

Personal Life

This transit may not be very good for your personal front and may create issues within the homely environment. Issues with your parents may be likely in this period and it will create the stress too. Avoid arguing and holding grudges within you in this period in order to lead through the happy personal front.

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Aquarius On 12 April 2022Aquarius Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Aquarius natives, Rahu will transit through your 3rd house of efforts and communication and Ketu will transit through your 9th house of luck and fortune. Find below the different aspects of life getting affected by this transit:

Career and Business

As Rahu will be transiting through 3rd house, which indicates that you need to put extra endeavours in order to accomplish your goal at your workfront. People involved in the field of creativity and extra ordinary skills will get the good success in this period. However, some issues with your bosses may be likely in this period due to mismatch with the ideologies or you will get the mentor or Guru who will teach you the lesson of spirituality and religion.


Financially, the period looks good for you and will provide you good savings and accumulated wealth. Your sources of earnings will also get increased in this period. People involved in technical work or digital field will see good gains or benefits through these fields.


With the start of the period, you may see sudden anger, impulsiveness and confusion in terms of health perspectives. So try to control over your aggression and dominating behaviour. Any kind of head injury may be there so beware while rash driving or doing things in haste.

Personal Life

This transit of Rahu and Ketu will not hamper your personal life much, but the issues related to your siblings or near ones might be there which can increase some kind of stress too for you. So avoid arguing with your siblings and respect your parents in this period.

Rahu Ketu Transit Effect Pisces On 12 April 2022Pisces Moon Sign Impact of Rahu Ketu Transit On April 12, 2022

For Pisces natives, Rahu will transit through your 2nd house of wealth and family while Ketu will move into the 8th house of uncertainty and transformation. Now let’s see how these transits will impact your different spheres of life:

Career and Business

Pisces natives will lead through the good success during this period. An aspect of Rahu over your 10th house indicates that you will receive multiple opportunities at your workfornt. People involved in research based works, occult, mysticism will get the good benefits into the same. Business people will also see the multiple sources of earnings in this period. Expansion of business will be likely and especially the opportunity will come through the foreign sources.


Financially, the period looks good for you and it will provide you the good income and gains too due to increased multiple sources of earnings in life. However, initially you will see the increased level of expenditures too in your life, but the income or inflow of money will also be there with you, which will benefit you at larger scale, but since Rahu will be influencing your 2nd house, it will give you some sort of confusion too, which might increase the sudden loss too due to wrong decision.


Take care of your health, as the issues related to skin, mouth, digestive system, allergy might be there with you, so try to consume healthy food in order to maintain the strong health in this period.

Personal Life

Personally, you may see some issues in your family due to aspect of Rahu, so you are advised not to get indulged in any unnecessary arguments with your family members. Issues in maintaining the physical pleasure may also be likely in this period, so try to stay connected with your life partner to maintain the harmony.

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