
Rahu Ketu Transit 2019-2020

Published On : November 14, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

How long Rahu – Ketu stay in a sign?

Rahu –Ketu stay in a sign for 18 months.

When Rahu –Ketu change house?

At the same time they change sign. Depends on degree of the Ascendant.

What is the effect of Rahu –Ketu?

Effect of Rahu –Ketu is long lasting. This can have effect on occupational front or financial front or Health front.

What does Rahu –Ketu do?

Movement of Rahu – Ketu can lead to change in direction you move.

Can Rahu or Ketu major period alias Mahadasha be good?

Most of the times Ketu Mahadasha is not supportive for progress, enhancing prospects in general.

Rahu Mahadasha can act as game changer for person. This can be about occupation and increase inflow of money for a person.

Which houses are best for Rahu – Ketu?

For Ketu the 11th and the 12th house are best.

For Rahu the 3rd, the 6th, the 7th and the 11th house are best.

Is marriage possible in Rahu or Ketu Mahadasha?

A chance of getting married during Rahu Mahadasha is possible. Ketu Mahadasha may not be much supportive for getting married.

What are Rahu and Ketu in Western Astrology?

Rahu is considered North node and Ketu as south node of Moon. Rahu is named as Dragon’s Head and Ketu as Dragon’s tail.

What are Rahu –Ketu in Vedic Astrology?

During churning of sea “Amrut” an elixir to remain immortal came out. All Devtas stood in one line. Then Lord Vishnu started distributing Amrut to Devtas. Demon changed appearance to look like Devta and stood in line. Sun and Moon drew attention of Lord Vishnu to point the demon. Lord Vishnu then beheaded him. Since the Amrut was already consumed by the demon. His body parts became immortal. The head is called Rahu and the rest part of the body as Ketu. Rahu was blessed by Lord Shiva. Rahu was then allowed to overshadow Sun and full Moon. This event is called Eclipse. Rahu – Ketu are termed as shadow planets alias Chhaya Grah/planets.

Does Rahu –Ketu affect career?

They can affect career notably. More so, it is when Rahu or Ketu is transiting through Kendra Sthan.

Know How Moon Signs To Be Affected With Rahu Ketu Transit

How Rahu Ketu Transit in 2019 and 2020 will affect you

Malefic shadow planet Rahu enters a dual-natured air sign Gemini and Ketu enter a dual-natured last of fire sign Pisces on 7th March 2019  2:48 am.

About Rahu – Ketu

Being shadow planets both are not visible with naked eye. However, effect of their movement is always notable. Both transit through a sign for 18 months. Both move in retrograde mode.

How does Rahu-Ketu affect you

Effect of these planets is measured as karmic effect. One gets results in accordance with his/her attitude in past. Rahu works according to ruler of the sign it is moving through. Effect of Ketu is considered similar to that of Mars. Movement of Rahu can affect either your career, business and finance as well. Transit of Rahu can either lead to decline in your prospects or enhancing your prospects in notable way. Ketu now transits in Sagittarius along with wily Saturn. Health issue developed during transit of Rahu is difficult to diagnose. In view treatment of the health issue becomes a challenging task for a physician. Ketu is measured as major malefic. Ketu leads to thirst; one remains in wanting about what one is deprived of. Rahu is much about lust. One can get habituated towards consuming alcohol, over indulging in sex.

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Rahu –Ketu transit effect in general

As a positive influence of Rahu can lead to spiritual development, occult as well. Movement of Rahu –Ketu can disrupt travel in public transport, railways and air planes. Weather can have devastating effect in general at some place.Get your Personalised Rahu Ketu Transit Report

How Rahu Ketu affects All Moon signs of the zodiac

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Rahu transiting in Gemini now moves through the third house for your sign. The third house is about short term travel, taking risk to enhance prospects, relationship with siblings, relatives and writings. This movement of Rahu through the third house seems supportive for business person, professionals for a short term travel for adding new customers, boosting sales. Job holder can be entrusted with important task to work upon. Health issue related to respiratory system needs to be attended promptly with due remedial measure as advised by your physician.

Ketu transits in a dual natured last of fire sign Sagittarius along with wily Saturn. Both move through the ninth house for your sign. This can lead to delay in getting encouraging opportunity to push ahead your prospects on occupational front. At times this can be much frustrating. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. Minor health issue can keep troubling you. Take due care in this regard.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Rahu transiting in Gemini moves through the second house for your sign. The second house is about finance and family mainly. Unless other benefices are supportive, refrain from taking risk to increase inflow of money for you. Issue if any related to family needs to be handled much tactfully and with due delicacy. You may need to raise provision for family. Refrain from sounding rude in conversation with anyone. Business person, depending upon supportive position of benefice in your Birth chart has to exert more to keep the show running satisfactorily. Career oriented may need to work for extended hours at times, due to heavy work load.

Ketu transits in Sagittarius along with wily Saturn and traverse through the eighth house. This movement of Ketu along with Saturn does not sound to be a happy proposition. Business person has to do more follow ups to clinch a deal with a high worth customer. A repeat order from old customer is also envisaged here. However, some discontent is to keep brewing in. Try to channelize this towards improving your performance. You also need to remain careful about health here.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Rahu now transits through your sign. This can work either way. You are to assert your point of view. Refrain from raising your voice, shout loudly to prove your point. Remain polite and raise your level of compatibility for good. This kind of approach is to prove beneficial in coming future. You have to exert more on occupational front to enhance growth prospects. Business person has to make more follow ups to strike big ticket deal. Career oriented is to remain concerned about growth prospects. However, performing effectively during routine work is to prove a challenging task.

Ketu now moves through the seventh house, in opposition to your sign along with wily Saturn. This can lead to issue in confirm relationship. Married one has to do something special to maintain peace and harmony in relationship with partner for life. Job holder is to experience constraints in performing effectively. Health issue related to respiratory system needs to be treated promptly. Visit your physician to prescribe due remedial medication. Middle aged and above may be troubled by pain in joints. Take due care in this regard. Book-Your-Rahu-Puja

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Rahu now moves through the 12th house for your sign. Here your prospects are to decline or enhance. This depends on how you acted earlier. If you acted politely and talk softly then you can expect some good financial gains. At the same time unexpected expenses need to be incurred. Plan your finances with long term in view and keep enough provision for contingency. You need to have effective check on personal expenses and remain concerned about saving money. Business person is to experience dip in sales. Career oriented may need to work for extended hours at times.

Ketu now traverses through the sixth house, in company of wily Saturn. Career oriented looking for a change of assignment may find it difficult to have optional career with better prospects. Business person has to plan a strategy to score over competitors. You need to keep enough provision to meet unexpected expenses. Inflow of money can be fluctuating. Some health issue can keep troubling you.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Rahu now traverses through the eleventh house for your sign. You are to remain concerned about getingt encouraging opportunity to benefit monetarily. However, do not raise your aspirations too high. Rahu can lead to illusive opportunity. You need to execute due caution in new relationship. Refrain from leaning overly on the concerned person. Business person has to exert more to keep the show running satisfactorily. Job holder doing desk work needs to be careful about error and omission. Take due care to keep respiratory system in order. Refrain from taking undue risk to increase inflow of money for you.

Ketu now traverse through the fifth house along with Saturn. This does not sound a happy proposition for you in regard to health. In view of this remain much careful about health. Middle aged and above needs to have periodical health check up to remain aware about possibility of some health issue catching up with you. Handle finances much carefully. Keep effective check upon on personal and unwarranted expenses.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Rahu transiting in Gemini now moves through the tenth house for your sign. Job holder have to take more responsibility and work for extended hours if need be. This way future growth prospects are to improve. Remain prepared to work hard to keep your position secured. You can expect increase in remuneration. Business person gets encouraging opportunity to strike a big ticket deal. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. No major health issue is foreseen troubling you. You are to enjoy good general health here.

Ketu transiting in last of fire sign Sagittarius, now moves through the fourth house along with hard task master Saturn. This movement of malefic through the fourth house does not sound a happy proposition for you in general. Some constrains are to hold you from making progress on occupational front and feel uncomfortable in personal life. Keep your cool and have patience on your side.

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Libra (Tula Rashi)

Rahu moves through the ninth house for your sign. This indicates possibility of travel to foreign country for you. Career oriented if duly qualified can be entrusted assignment to work abroad. Progressive forces are to work effectively this time around. A visit to a far away highly revered religious place is to have a refreshing effect on your psyche. If spiritually inclined now seems supportive time to follow your interest. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. Health issue related to respiratory system needs to be treated with due remedial measure promptly, to save from further complications.

Ketu now traverses through the third house in company of wily Saturn. Career oriented can get good opportunity to affect change to have better paying employment. You are to in a strong position on financial front. However, keep effective check on unwarranted expenses and remain concerned about saving money for future needs. If you incline to buy a place to reside now seems supportive time for the same.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Rahu now moves through the eighth house for your sign. This movement can lead to challenging time for you on occupational front. Married one may not be able to have enjoyable time in marital life. Some constraint or other is to hold married one from enjoying married life to fullest. You need to remain much careful about health here. Do not neglect even minor issue here. Treat the same promptly with due remedial measure to save from further complications. Job holder is to remain stressed due to heavy work load. Business person is to feel happy on receiving repeat order from a high worth customer.

Ketu traverses through the second house for your sign. This movement of Ketu can lead to squeeze on inflow of money for you. You need to handle matter related to finance carefully. Refrain from taking major decision related to finance here. You need to be much careful about health here. Keep your cool and have patience on your side. Use your words carefully in conversation with higher ups.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Rahu now moves through the seventh house for your sign. This movement of Rahu through the fourth house can lead to getting help when needed by a stranger. However, in regard to confirm relationship this movement of Rahu can lead to issue coming up. You are to remain in discomfort due to the coming up of issue. You need to handle this much tactfully and with due delicacy. On occupational front, you are to remain in a comfortable position. No major financial gain is foreseen here for you. Manage your finances carefully. Refrain from taking risk to increase inflow of money for you.

Ketu now traverses through your sign, in company of Saturn. This position does not sound well for your progress in your pursuit. Business person needs to contact more valuable customers to keep the show running well enough. Middle aged and above can be troubled by pain in joints. Take due care in this regard. You need to handle money matters much carefully. Rahu Ketu Transit Report for Your Career

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Rahu now moves through the sixth house for your sign. This leads to progressive forces working effectively for you. Business person may need to lower margins to score over competitors. Career oriented is to feel secure with his/her position. However, remain well focused at task on hand. You are to remain in a sound position on financial front. Remain much careful about health here. Even a minor issue if not treated promptly with due remedial measure, can lead to complications. You are to have a pleasant time in personal life.

Ketu now traverses through the 12th house for your sign. Here you need to keep effective check on unwarranted and personal expenses as well. Remain concerned about saving money for future needs. Plan finance with long term in view and keep enough provision for contingency. If inclined towards spirituality, now seems good supportive time to follow your interest and make progress therein.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Rahu now moves through the fifth house for your Aquarius sign. You may be tempted to indulge in speculation oriented activity. You are advised not to indulge in any kind of speculation oriented activity. No monetary gain through speculation is envisaged here. Student doing graduation in science subject is to remain engrossed with studies and hence make encouraging progress. Single one is to be keen on shaping relationship with likeminded person of opposite sex to enjoy pleasures of physical intimacy. Student doing graduation in science is likely to fare well.

Ketu traverses through the eleventh house for your sign. This movement can lead to sudden monetary gain for you at times. Some issue with one in a meaningful relation can put you in discomfort. Handle this tactfully and also take care about sensibilities of the concerned person. You need to aim at preserving warmth and harmony in relationship. No major health issue is to trouble you here.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Rahu traverses through the fourth house for your sign. You are to incline for buying a place to reside peacefully with family. Now seems good supportive time to buy a residential place and also good to buy a new vehicle. You may need to make more provision to meet expenses related to the household. You are to remain in a strong position on financial front. On health front no major issue is to trouble you here. You are to enjoy good general health during this phase.

Ketu moves through the tenth house for your sign. This movement of Ketu is to act as obstructive force on occupational front. Business person has to exert more to run the show well enough. Career oriented is to feel comfortable with his/her position. Future growth prospects are to look encouraging. Health of elder in the family can cause concern. Take due care in this regard.

Must Read: Sun Transit in Sagittarius on 16th December 2018 and Sun Transit in Capricorn on 14th January 2019

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