
Rahu and Ketu Change Zodiac Sign on 18th August 2017

Published On : March 12, 2017  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Planetary Transitions Of Rahu And Ketu And Its Effects

Transit of Rahu in Cancer (Karka Rashi) and Ketu in Capricorn (Makar Rashi) on 18th August 2017, 2018 to 7 March 2019

Introduction to Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu Change Zodiac Sign on 18th August 2017 – North node of Moon is popularly known as Rahu and the south node of Moon called Ketu changes sign on August 18, 2017 (Friday) at 00:37. Here Rahu makes move into a watery sign Karka (Cancer) and Ketu shifts into Makar Rashi (Capricorn). Usually, both these shadow planets transit through one sign for around one year and six months. Next time both are to change the sign on March 07, 2019 (Thursday) at 02:48. On that day Rahu shifts into Mithun Rashi (Gemini) and Ketu move into Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius).

Rahu and Ketu always move in retrograde mode. They are not visible but calculated as Nodes of Moon. They do not own any sign in the zodiac. Rahu gets exalted in Mithun Rashi and Ketu in Dhanu Rashi. However, some consider Kanya Rashi as an exalted sign of Rahu and Meen Rashi being a sign of exaltation for Ketu. One very valid view is that Rahu becomes exalted in Vrishabh Rashi and Ketu becomes exalted in Vrischik Rashi. Rahu exhibits characteristic of the ruler of the sign it is stationed in. Similarly, Ketu imitates role of ruler of the sign is posted in. Rahu resembles with Saturn and Ketu with Mars by knowledgeable. Rahu pushes the native to results of his/her past karma. In this way, if you are on the wrong side of Rahu, you ought to pay for your deeds/action, no escape from this.

Transit of Rahu through the Kendra places is always a notable event. When measuring the effect of Rahu, degrees of the Ascendant in your chart and also that of Rahu need to be taken into consideration. Around those degrees effect of transiting Rahu is more acute. For some reason in Vimshottari Dasha system Rahu major period rules for 18 years. The major period of Ketu rules for 7 years only. The position of Rahu in your chart indicates that you are to have kind of casual approach to things/matters linked to the particular that house. Rahu can make you feel confident and hence results in kind of casual approach. Ketu is all about remaining in wanting. This means native is to remain in wanting about matters linked with the house where Ketu is stationed. Like if you have Ketu in the fourth house, you may remain in wanting about owning a house.

This could be results of your deeds in past life. Malefic influence of Rahu and Ketu becomes more intense when Saturn is in the company. Saturn –Rahu combination or Saturn –Ketu in a birth chart is sure indication of some grief, setback rocking the life. Rahu or Ketu when join or keep the company of Jupiter, they reduce the positive benevolent effect of Jupiter to a great extent. Some kind unusual result comes to fore.Get your Personalised Rahu Ketu Transit Report



Now let us have a view as to how this transit of Rahu in Karka Rashi (Cancer) and Ketu in Makar Rashi (Capricorn) is to affect your Moon sign.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

For you, Rahu is to transit through the fourth house and Ketu in the tenth house.

If you incline to relocate, Rahu is to help your cause here. This also suggests a supportive time for owning a house. Rahu here does not sound well for your health in general. If you are troubled by irregularity in blood pressure, you need to remain much care about it. You need to have regular check up to become aware of variations.

Ketu now moving through the tenth house for your sign is indicative of not being comfortable with a position in career/occupation. You may feel like changing the assignment. However, the position of other planets needs to be taken into consideration, if opt for a change. You may be not comfortable with your immediate boss or you may be in discomfort handling the task, you are entrusted with.

Get your personalized and detailed Rahu-Ketu Transit Report.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Rahu is to make move through the third house and Ketu in the ninth house for your sign.

Rahu traversing through the third house does not spell well for your sibling and relationship with a sibling. Rahu here prompt professional and business person to take a risk if needed to enhance prospects in general. Short-term travel can bear encouraging results for professional and business person. If Rahu afflicts your natal Sun or Moon, some health issue may catch up with you.

Ketu moves through the ninth house for your sign. The ninth house is linked with luck, fortune among other things. This transit of Ketu may not work well for married one. If other planets are also indicative this transit may lead to separation. Ketu here is to act as an obstructive force for your progress. Some kind of setback may be experienced. Try to avoid taking a major decision in the occupation-related matter here.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Rahu is to pass through the second house and Ketu traverses through the eighth house for your Moon sign.

Transit of Rahu can have two different kinds of effect, depending upon the position of ruler of the second house and that of Rahu in the natal chart. If planets in your birth chart are also supportive, you can have a huge monetary gain. Otherwise, you may experience financial constraints during this transit. You may incline to do things not correct ethically. If your luminary is afflicted by either Rahu or Ketu, avoid temptation and not deviate from ethical practices.

Ketu moving through the eighth house is obviously not a happy proposition. Some health issue may take an alarming position and may need surgery to get rid of the issue. Viewing this, do not neglect even a minor looking issue, during this transit. Take due preventive measures to control the issue. A financial setback also has a possibility here. Book-Your-Rahu-Puja

Cancer  (Karka Rashi)

Rahu transits through your sign here. Ketu moves in the seventh house, in opposition to your sign.

Rahu here can put you in a kind of commanding, leading position on the occupational front. You may experience some resistance from people around you. Many times you may tend to shout loudly to assert your point of view. Try to avoid this tendency and handle resistance if any tactfully. If you have natal Venus coming under influence Rahu you may lend into an unsteady relationship with opposite gender. If natal Sun is afflicted, try to avoid taking a plunge in this kind of relationship. Relocation, change in residence has a strong possibility. This seems supportive time for an unmarried female to get suitably married.

Ketu passing through the seventh house does not spell well about the confirmed relationship. Married one may be at discomfort in the relationship with a partner for life. However, the position of ruler of the seventh house and position of Jupiter in your natal chart can minimize the intensity of malefic influence of Ketu. If running a business in partnership, keep communication live with business partner. Keep partner in a loop about your action plan for achieving higher growth as a confidence-building exercise.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Rahu shifts into the 12th house and Ketu moves into the sixth house for your sign.

Rahu normally is not considered good when transiting through the 12th house. However, it can work otherwise and shower notable monetary gain for the native. Much depends on planet positioned in the 12th house and also that of the ruler of the 12th house. Rahu leads you to result in accordance with your past conduct and approach. Like if you were overly assertive about your view and shouted loudly to make a point, you are in for trouble now when Rahu passes through the 12th house. On the other side, if endured resistance during transit of Rahu, now Rahu is to facilitate encouraging gains for you. It is not good to relocate during this transit.

Ketu moving through the sixth house is to let you enjoy good general health. No major health issue is to concern you. Here it seems a good time to repay monetary obligation received by you earlier. Ketu transiting through the sixth house is not likely to have any major negative effect on you. Malefic shadow planets Rahu –Ketu Transit plays a major role in having a happy enjoyable love life.

Virgo  (Kanya Rashi)

Rahu now moves through the eleventh house and Ketu in the fifth house for your sign.

The eleventh house is about gains and relationship in general. If the ruler of the eleventh house is well placed on your birth chart, good encouraging gains are to accrue here for you. Some issue or other in a relationship can bother you here. You need to handle this very much tactfully and use your persuasion skill and resolve the issue amicably.

Ketu now traverses the fifth house. Parents are likely to remain dissatisfied with the progress of the child. For couple eager to have a child may not be favored by Ketu transiting through the fifth house. The student may not be able to remain well focused while studying here. However, the position of ruler of the fifth house can affect the results, either way,

Libra (Tula Rashi)

Rahu traverses the tenth house and Ketu in the fourth house for your sign.

During this transit of Rahu, career-oriented needs to shoulder more responsibility. Do not shy away from the responsibility to improve your future growth prospects. Stick to present assignment and remain committed to doing your best. Take orders from higher up in the right perspective and focus on improving efficiency level. Do not quit from present assignment here.

Ketu in the fourth house can make you feel uncomfortable handling domestic matters. If you live rented a place, you can have a difficult time handling demands of the owner of the house. You may not enjoy a comfortable time at home here. You are to have a strong urge to break free and enjoy life in your own way. Ketu is to keep you from wanting to enjoy time at home, doing things you like to do. Rahu Ketu can negatively impact your wealth. Get your Personalised Rahu Ketu Transit Report

Scorpio (Vrischik Rashi)

Rahu transits through the ninth house and Ketu moves through the third house for your sign.

Rahu here can lend you in trouble here. Squeeze on the inflow of money for you is to make you feel restless. You may go on to borrow money from a friend here. You may then not able to repay the same for a long time. A relocation is on the card here. You may also be keen to relocate to avoid problems, difficulties you experience then. A new opportunity is likely to come up. Along with this, you may need to accept new challenges as well.

Ketu moving through the third house can lead to kind of multitasking. You need to keep communication live with persons who matter for your progress. Remain sympathetic to needs of sibling here. If you are spiritually inclined you may have some enthralling experiences here. Of course, much depends on the position of ruler of the third house.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Now Rahu moves through the eighth house and Ketu in the second house.

Rahu can lead to an inevitable loss here. This can be results of your past deeds having a casual approach to your financial commitment earlier. Some health issue may trouble you. Take due remedial measures promptly to avoid complications. Here seems a good time to follow your spiritual interest.

Ketu passes through the second house. This indicates that you are to remain in wanting to have huge notable monetary gains. Disturbances in the family can concern you. Try to bridge the gap and use your persuasion skill to maintain harmony in the family. However, if the ruler of the second house is in a good position in the natal chart, the damage is to be limited.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Now Ketu transits through your sign and Rahu through the seventh house, in opposition to your sign.

Ketu here is to act as an awakening call for you. Self-growth and your position on career front are to pinch you hard. You need to pay due attention in this regard for good. Pain in a joint can trouble you. Apply effective external measure to subside the pain. You need to be careful about your health in general.

Rahu passing through the seventh house does not spell well for harmony in the confirmed relationship. Married one needs to be more accommodative about the view of partner for life, in order to maintain peace and harmony in marital life. On the positive side, you may get timely help from a stranger here. If doing business in partnership, keep your partner in the loop about developments on the business front. This transit seems supportive for an unmarried female to get married happily.

Aquarius  (Kumbh Rashi)

Ketu traverses through the 12th house and Rahu through the sixth house for your sign.

Ketu in the 12th house is believed to support salvation. In other words, you may get rid of all that is unwarranted, undesirable things and relationship as well. This can be painful at times, not physically but on emotion plane. Single may face hindrances in enjoying pleasures of physical intimacy to fullest. Married one may at discomfort about bedroom activities for the strange reason.

Rahu passing through the sixth house is to keep career-oriented one assured about his/her position in the organization he/she is working for. Avoid useless tussles with people around you. There is a likelihood of monetary loss as result of past actions/deeds. Avoid major financial involvement here. If some health issue catches up with you, diagnosing the cause may become difficult. Marriage is an important event in human life. Shadow planets Rahu –Ketu transit carries much importance for getting married.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Ketu now makes move through the eleventh house and Rahu passes through the fifth house.

Ketu in the eleventh house is considered good for sudden gains. Winning a lottery has a strong possibility here. You may not be comfortable dealing with ones in the close relationship. There is a likelihood of some old relationship fading for a logical reason. A kind of mix results for you here.

Rahu passing through the fifth house is to tempt you to take a risk to earn more money. You need to refrain from speculation oriented activities. If Moon or Venus is being involved, you may get into an undesirable relationship. Take due care on this count. The student doing graduation in science or technology related subject is to make satisfactory progress here. Book-Your-Ketu-Puja

Useful Remedies for minimizing the Malefic effect of Rahu and Ketu

After viewing malefic effects of Rahu and Ketu, Pavitra Jyotish gives useful suggestions about the remedial measure to minimize negative affect.

General Remedies for the malefic effect of Rahu

One facing obstacles while moving on the road to success, having a healthy financial position and issue in personal life. You need to perform due to ritual to get rid of malefic effects and march on the road to peace and prosperity. Support of Rahu can also help you in moving ahead on the spiritual path.  Pavitra Jyotish caters a fully energized Siddh Rahu Yantra. We will guide you about the ritual to follow to keep the Siddh Yantra active.

Mantra for Rahu

Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahway Namah

Lord Shiva has control over Rahu. Viewing this performing Abhishek over Shiva ling regularly is to help in calming nerves and opens door to prosperity. Recite Mantra “ Om Namah Shivaya during Abhishek. Chief Online Astrologer India can guide for details of Abhishek.


Donate sesames (Till), Edible oil, Black colored blanket and blue colored cloth. Give it to either a needy person or in Shiva Temple. Do this on Wednesday and Saturday.

Optional Remedies 

  • Wear silver as a chain or way suitable to you.
  • Feed serve a Black dog.
  • Pay homage to Lord Bhairav and Lord Shiva by visiting the regular temple.
  • Worship Lord Shiva
  • Wear a fully energized 8 Mukhi Rudraksha
  • Astro Advice for Rahu Yantra


  • Betterment in health conditions
  • Protection from negative influence in life.
  • Supportive of spiritual development
  • Healthy financial position
  • Peace of mind and harmony in personal life.

General Remedies for the malefic effect of Ketu

Ketu is measured as the planet of denial. Meaning you are to remain wanting about things linked to a sign and house Ketu is placed or traversing through.

Pavitra Jyotish caters a fully energized Siddh Ketu Yantra. We will guide you about the ritual to follow to keep the Yantra active and benefiting you.

Mantra for Ketu

Om Stram Streem Stroum Sah Ketway Namah

Lord Ganesha has the capacity to get rid of negative vibes of Ketu and also provide you with right direction to follow. Worship of Lord Ganesha is a must curb evil designs of Ketu. Contact chief Astrologer Pt. Umesh for guidance about way, a ritual for worship. You can worship a fully energized Shree Ganesh Yantra by buying the same from Pavitra Jyotish.


Donate seven kind of Grain, Nariyal (Coconut) and Ash colored cloth.

Optional Remedies

  • Observe a Fast on Thursday
  • Worship Lord Ganesha
  • Wear a fully energized 9 Mukhi Rudraksha
  • Donate multi-colored Blanket on Saturday
  • Astro Advice for Ketu Yantra


Relief from unsteady conditions in career,  Getting right direction to follow, Peace of mind and prosperity, Spiritual growth

IMPORTANT:  Pavitrajyotish.com is providing guidance and solution to the customer contacting us. We have been successfully providing assistance using principles, provision of Vedic Astrology since last 15 years.  Accuracy and reliability are our main concern.

Rahu Puja: Rahu Pooja is an ideal remedy for those who are facing the problems in getting married, in begetting children, marital problems, career issues, family issues, health, etc. This pooja to get rid of all ill-effects. Get your special Rahu Puja now.

Must Read: Mercury (Budh) Retrograde on 10th April 2017 and Sun Transit in Aries (Mesh Rashi) on 14th April 2017

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