
Rahu and Ketu Transit on 23 September 2020

Published On : July 5, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Details Of Rahu And Ketu Planetary Transit In 2020

Shadow Planet Rahu Enters Taurus and Ketu Enters Scorpio on 23rd September 2020

Rahu Transit Taurus and Ketu Transit Scorpio on 23rd September 2020 at 07:38 AM 

Rahu and Ketu Transit on 23 September 2020 – Shadow planet Rahu enters earth sign Taurus and malefic Ketu enters water sign Scorpio on September 23, 2020 at 07:38 Am to Rahu Ketu Transit On 12 April 2022 at 10:36 AM.

In south India some knowledgeable consider Taurus as sign of exaltation for shadow planet Rahu. Malefic Ketu gets exalted in the water sign Scorpio. In north India, Virgo is measured as sign of exaltation for Rahu. Mercury in conjunction with Rahu reduces negative effect of Rahu.

Movement of shadow planet Rahu works as ‘Karmic effect’. Rahu moves in clock wise. In view of this if one start getting disturbed during movement of Rahu things continue to move adversely for the person for a long time. For some person this movement of Rahu renders positive effect. Rahu conducts according to ruler of sign it transits in. Rahu now moving through earth sign Taurus acts as Venus and malefic Ketu as fiery Mars. Effect of movement by shadow planets is long lasting. Favourable movement of Rahu can make you a millionaire. However, adverse effect of movement of Rahu can lead person to become penny less and toil hard to sustain his/her position on work front and financial front as well. Western Astrologer term Rahu as dragon’s head and malefic Ketu as dragon’s tail. Rahu indicates lust and Ketu keeps you in wanting about thing you desire to have. Change triggered by Ketu is sudden. One needs to take note of ground reality and accept new challenges willingly. One needs to keep working on new challenges and try to improve performance.

Rahu Transit in TaurusKetu Transit in Scorpio

We try to explore effect of transit by Rahu and Ketu for all Moon signs. Read all detailed information about rahu ketu transit effects for year 2020 and 2021 (From 23 September 2020 to 12 April 2022).

2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Aries Zodiac SignAries: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Rahu moves through the second house for your sign. The second house is about finance and family and also relates to eye. Ketu moves through the eighth house. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects.

Career and Business

Rahu moves in trine to the tenth house. In view of this, career oriented and business person has to exert more to achieve their target. Career oriented remains stressed due to constant hammering by immediate boss to hurry up things and give more output. Business person has to remain satisfied with patty deal during routine.


Movement of Rahu through the second house works well to increase inflow of money here. Family related expense stands to increase. You do not have to bear any kind of major expense during this movement by Rahu through the second house. If have any issue related to family, handle the same much tactfully and with due delicacy and aim at preserving peace and harmony.


Except prevailing viral infection, no major health issue troubles you. If have issue related to eye, visit eye specialist. After due test, eye specialist does needful to cure the issue and you start having clear vision. You need to do some light exercises suitable to you in morning. This works well for remaining healthy and fit for the day.

Personal life

In regard to personal life you are to remain at unease for one reason or other. Refrain from use abusive words during conversation. Remain polite during conversation and take care about sensibilities of the concern person. You need to take interest in creative activity to refresh psyche and you remain cheerful.

2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Taurus Zodiac SignTaurus: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Shadow planet Rahu moves through your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through the seventh house. This movement seems to support you to remain in commanding position. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

Whether you are career oriented or doing business, you remain in commanding position at work front. You need to remain polite while expressing your view, decision. Refrain from shouting loudly to assert your view point. If you are prepared to work hard, things are to move favorably for you.


You are able to increase inflow of money here. Gain here adds strength to your position on financial front. You don’t have to bear any major expense. You need to remain focused on saving money for good. You are to have a pleasant time with family, most of the times. Overall, you remain in a healthy financial position. Married one remains at unease in marital life due to unbecoming conduct of life partner.


During this movement of Rahu, you need to remain careful about prevailing viral infection. Issue related to digestive system can worry you. Try to avoid heavy dinner late night, to keep digestive system in order. You are to enjoy good general health condition most of the time. Malefic Ketu moving through the seventh house does not lead to any major health issue.

Personal life

You are to remain pleasant and in cheerful mood most of the times. However, you need to avoid conflict and keep off from any controversy. Go for long walk in morning or evening. This keeps you in positive frame of mind. Remain open minded to constructive suggestion from people around you.

2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Gemini Zodiac SignGemini: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Shadow planet Rahu moves through the 12th house for your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through the sixth house. Movement of Rahu through the 12th house does not well for mental peace and harmony in relationship. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

With Rahu moving through the 12th house, you are likely to remain stressed on work front for one reason or other. Career oriented can feel insecure about his/her position. Business person has to strive more to run the show satisfactorily. This movement of Rahu leads to new challenges for business person.


This movement of Rahu through the 12th house does not sound well for you on financial front. You have to exert more to earn enough to meet routine and incidental expenses. Refrain from taking undue risk to push ahead prospects on financial front. You remain at unease in relationship with family.


Presence of malefic Ketu saves you from any major health issue worrying you. However, take due precautionary measures to save from prevailing viral infection. You need to take due care while traveling in public transport. Some minor issue like common cough and cold can concern you.

Personal life

Rahu moving through the 12th house can keep you stressed for one reason or other. Maintain status quo in close relationship. Arrange party with near one to become stress free. It is good to take interest in creative activity, like music, singing, painting or writing. This kind of activity refreshes psyche and keeps you in positive frame of mind.

2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Cancer Zodiac SignCancer: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Shadow planet Rahu moves through the eleventh house for your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through the fifth house. Movement of two shadow planets does not sound well for progress, higher growth. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

Things are not to move favorably for career oriented and business person during this movement of Rahu through the eleventh house. Career oriented needs to stick to present assignment and keep exerting more to give more output. Business person needs to refrain from taking short cuts to push ahead business prospects. Stick to basics and keep applying to run the show encouragingly.

Finance, Family

Rahu moving through the eleventh house presents illusory opportunity to benefit monetarily. Do not get tempted by ‘get rich quickly’ kind of offers and stick to basics. Marginal increase in inflow of money gives cause to cheer up. Movement of Ketu leads to sudden change in ground reality. Remain prepared to accept new challenges and keep working over the same and aim at improving performance.


Things do not look well for you on health front. Viewing this you need to take due care of health. There is a probability about some viral infection catching up with you. Viewing this you need to take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection. Do not neglect even minor looking health issue. Treat the same with due remedial measures promptly to save from infection.  

Personal life

Rahu moving through the eleventh house leads to developing many friendly relationships. However, execute due caution in new friendship. Refrain from any kind of financial dealings with one in new friendship. You remain in a cheerful mood. You have a pleasant and enjoyable time in personal life here.

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2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Leo Zodiac SignLeo: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Leo (Simha Rashi)

Rahu rules through the tenth house, linked with occupation, profession. Malefic Ketu moves through the fourth house. Job holder and business person is to have challenging time. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

With shadow planet Rahu moving through the tenth house, job holder remains under stress all the time. Excess of stress can tell on health of job holder. In spite of this, job holder needs to share more responsibility willingly. Business person has to move around a lot to get opportunity to strike a big ticket deal. Business person has to remain satisfied with minor deals during routine/


You have to put that extra effort to increase inflow of money here. You may look for another avenue to increase inflow of money. With family, you are to have peaceful and harmonious time. No major expense worries you here. You may need to increase provision for domestic matters. You are able to save money satisfactorily here.


Some minor health issue like common cold and cough bothers you here. If develop issue related to respiratory system visit your physician soon. After due tests, physician prescribes due remedial measures to cure the issue, and you start breathing normally. Most of the times, you enjoy good general health condition.

Personal Life

Work related matters are to keep you busier. However, you need to spare time to refresh psyche and you remain in positive frame of mind. Indulge in some creative activity like, singing, music, drama, and writing. This kind of activity gives job satisfaction. No serious issue worries you here.

2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Virgo Zodiac SignVirgo: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Shadow planet Rahu moves through the ninth house for your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through the third house. This movement of two shadow planets seems eventful. Some new challenges may come up. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.


No major financial gain is foreseen for you here. However, your regular flow of money is maintained. You do not have to bear any kind of major expenses here. Look for ways to save money for future needs. With family, you have a pleasant and enjoyable time. You remain in a comfortable position on financial front.


Things are to move well for you on health front. No major health issue concerns you here. Middle aged and above being troubled by nagging old health issue like being diabetic or irregularity in blood pressure needs to have regular check up so that you become aware about any variation and the take due measures to keep things under control.

Personal Life

There is a strong probability about long distance travel for visiting highly revered religious place and seek blessings of the deity. In turn you remain in a positive frame of mind and remain at ease. You are to have a pleasant and enjoyable time here.

2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Libra Zodiac SignLibra: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Libra (Tula Rashi)

Rahu moves through the eighth house for your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through the second house for your sign. Viewing this, you remain in uncomfortable position at times. Progressive forces are not to work much effectively. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

Career oriented remains at unease for one reason or other. Career oriented tries hard to give targeted output. Job holder feels insecure about his/her position. Business person tries a lot to run the show encouragingly. Business person needs to revive old contacts to get encouraging opportunity to strike good profitable deals.


Rahu moving through the eighth house can lead to major health issue. It becomes difficult to diagnose cause of the issue troubling you. However, in due course of time you start feeling comfortable as the issue is cured. Then you enjoy good general health condition.

Personal Life

Some discontent keeps brewing in for you. Channelize the discontent for raising efficiency level to perform more effectively. You need to spare time for some outdoor activity. Going for a long walk or swimming is a good option. This kind of activity keeps you fit enough and also refreshes psyche.

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2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Scorpio Zodiac SignScorpio: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Rahu moves through the seventh house for your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through your sign. Ketu moving through your sign keeps you conscious about your responsibilities. Rahu moving through the seventh house works well to get help from stranger in time of need.  We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

With Rahu moving through the seventh house presents constraint for job holder. In turn, he/she finds it difficult to give required output. Job holder feels insecure about his/her position. Business person has to plan well to deliver goods/material in time as promised. Progressive forces may not work effectively here.


On being busier with work related activity, you may not be able to spend time for family. Your family desire that you spend some quality time and increase harmony in family life. On financial front you remain in a healthy position. Routine and incidental expenses are managed by you comfortably.


Most of the times, you enjoy good general health condition. However, some minor health issue can keep worrying you. Do not neglect minor looking health issue. Treat the same promptly with due remedial measure to get relieved from worrying about minor issue. It is good to indulge in some light exercises suitable to you in morning to remain healthy and fit enough for the day.

Personal life

You develop many friendly relationships here. However, do not go overboard and execute due caution in new friendly relationships more so with opposite sex. You are to enjoy partying and remain busy with social activity. Overall, you have a pleasant and enjoyable time here.

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2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Sagittarius Zodiac SignSagittarius: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Rahu moves through the sixth house for your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through the 12th house for your sign. Rahu moving through the sixth house works well to keep your position secure. Malefic Ketu moving through supports you to move ahead on spiritual path. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

Business person remains concerned about competition in his field. Business person needs to formulate strong strategy to score over competitors and maintain his market share for his products. Career oriented feels secure about his/her position. Future growth prospects are to look encouraging for career oriented.


You remain in wanting about increasing inflow of money for you. You need to look for another avenue to increase inflow of money. You are to remain at unease in regard to family. You need to spend some quality time with family often. This gives time ventilate differences and expectation about your conduct. Overall on you remain in healthy financial position.


Things do not sound well for you on health front. You are prone to falling sick. However, physician finds it difficult to diagnose the cause. This can take some time and then things come to fore. Soon physician prescribes due remedial medicine and cures you. Viewing this you need to take due care of health.

Personal life

Viewing movement of malefic Ketu, take interest in spirituality. Try to learn about spiritual activities. Normally odds are against you. Hence keep your cool and have patience on your side. Meditation works well to calm nerves and refreshes psyche. In turn you remain in joyful mood.

2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Capricorn Zodiac SignCapricorn: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Shadow planet Rahu moves through the fifth house for your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through the eleventh house signifying gain. Movement of these two shadow planets seems to push progressive forces to work effectively. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

Career oriented keeps exerting more and aims to give more output. This approach works well to get promoted to higher position coupled with encouraging hike in remuneration. Business person gets opportunity to strike good profitable deals and increase market share. Business person runs the show encouragingly.


Malefic Ketu moving through the eleventh house facilitates encouraging opportunity to gain monetarily. The gain is to be sudden for you. Gain here adds more strength to your position on financial front. No major expense is envisaged here for you. With family, you are to have a pleasant and enjoyable time.


No major health issue is to catch up with you. However, some minor issue can keep troubling you. Treat the same with due remedial measure promptly to save from complication. Middle aged and above being troubled by nagging old health issue needs to have a regular check up to become aware about variation.

Personal Life

In personal life, you keep enjoying partying with near ones. You are to be at ease in relationship with near ones. No issue related to near one makes you feel uncomfortable. You are to have a pleasant and enjoyable time all the time. Get Capricorn zodiac signs-born Personalised 2020 and 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Report Now.

2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Aquarius Zodiac SignAquarius: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Rahu moves through the fourth house for your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through the tenth house. Viewing this you incline to buy a place to reside comfortably. Things are to roll favourably for you at all levels. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

Some change for betterment comes suddenly for business person. However, business person needs to look at ground reality and make moves accordingly. Business person is able to run the show encouragingly well enough. Job holder needs to keep working hard and work for extended hours to keep prospects of getting higher position coupled with encouraging hike in salary.


This movement of shadow planet Rahu keeps you in strong position on financial front. Inflow of money stands to increase for you. No unexpected major expense is envisaged here. In view of this, you are able to save money satisfactorily. Your commitment for family is to be appreciated. Peace and harmony in family is to be preserved.


You enjoy good general health condition most of the times. However, you need to be careful about health issue which seems cured earlier.  You need to keep digestive system in order. It is good to do some light exercises suitable to you in morning regularly to remain healthy and physically fit enough for the day.

Personal Life

No issue in personal life makes you uncomfortable during movement of shadow planets. However, you need to indulge in some outdoor activity, like going for a long walk or do swimming. This kind of activity keeps negative vibes away and you remain in positive frame of mind.

2020 2021 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects for Pisces Zodiac SignPisces: 23rd September 2020 Rahu Ketu Transit Effects For Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Shadow planet Rahu moves through the third house for your sign. Malefic Ketu moves through the ninth house. This movement of shadow planet is to have a varied effect. We try to view effect of this transit of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on different aspects of life.

Career and Business

Viewing movement of Rahu through the third house, business person inclines to take due risk for pushing ahead his prospects on work front. Job holder can be entrusted with a task based outstation. Successfully handling this task enhances prospects of getting promoted to higher position coupled with heartwarming hike in salary.


During this movement of shadow planets, you are able to increase inflow of money. You are able to manage routine and family related expenses comfortably. No major expense is foreseen for you, during this movement of Rahu, Ketu. You look for ways to save money for future needs. Overall, you remain in a reasonably good position on financial front.


In regard to health, you need to be careful about prevailing if any viral infection. You need to take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection. Middle aged and above worried by nagging old health issue, like being diabetic or irregularity in blood pressure, need to have a regular check up to keep tab on variation and then take due measures to keep things under control.

Personal Life

During this movement of shadow planet, short term travel is to be pleasant and enjoyable. No serious issue with near one worry you and to make you remain at unease. You have nice pleasant with near ones. Aim at preserving peace and harmony in relationships.

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