
About Priya Prakash Varrier Horoscope

Published On : March 5, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Gain Knowledge About Priya Prakash As Revealed Astrologically Here

Introduction of Priya Prakash Varrier

Priya Prakash Varrier, Famous Malayalam Actress. Born on September 12, 1999, at Punkunnam in Kerala, she etched her identity as a heartthrob celebrity among Indian fans nationwide when her viral video song clip sensationalized the social media platforms, with everyone sharing mugshot of the same on their respective Instagram and Facebook with captions. Fans from India, Pakistan and Egypt, as reported in some media outlets, were said to have gone gaga over the video clip showing the actress winking at her co-star, Roshan Abdul Rahoof in a school auditorium crammed with other fellow students. Because of the distinct level of attraction-pull, the viral footage apparently lent an improved ranking of this teenage actress making her the most-searched celebrity on search engine giant, Google.

At PavitraJyotish, we are conducting an astrological analysis on the life of Priya Prakash Varrier in the narrative as indicated in the following horoscope chart.

Birth Details of Priya Prakash Varrier are as per given below:

Date of Birth: September 12, 1999, Birth Day: Sunday, Birth Time: 00:00:00, Birth Place: Trichor, Kerala, India

Priya Prakash Varrier Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and conclusion drawn

Priya Prakash Varrier, Malayalam Actress is born with Taurus Ascendant. Venus is the ruler of Ascendant. Venus is in water sign emotional Cancer and positioned in the third house along with shadow planet Rahu. This position seems supportive of becoming a film actress. Ruler of the third house Moon is in Virgo (Kanya Rashi) and stationed in the fifth house. Ruler of the fifth house Mercury is in Leo along with the ruler of Leo, mighty Sun. This gives her strength to perform well as an actress intelligently and with strong determination. Mars is in own sign a fix natured water sign, Scorpio measured as passionate and placed in the seventh house. Malefic shadow planet Ketu is in Capricorn and positioned in the ninth house. Ruler of the ninth house Saturn is retrograde and is in a sign of debilitation Aries and placed in the 12th house along with retrograde Jupiter.

In D9 chart Jupiter and Saturn are exalted and hence gather strength.

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Effects of transiting planets in near future

Saturn is measured as a most favorable planet for Taurus Ascendant. During years 2018 – 2019 Saturn Transit in a dual-natured last of a fire sign, optimistic by nature Sagittarius through the eighth house. Transiting Saturn aspects natal Moon posited in the fifth house. Moon rules the third house here. In view of this aspect of wily Saturn over natal Moon can lead to controversy in social life. Till 26th May 2019, Priya is under the influence of Saturn sub period in a major period of Rahu. This indicates that she is to get a lot of fame by her performance. At the same, some legal issue can bother her. Priya Prakash Varrier, Malayalam Actress is to win in this legal battle.

From around March 2019 malefic shadow planet, Ketu joins the company of Saturn in fire sign Sagittarius. This union of Ketu and Saturn in the eighth house is indicative of kind of trying, challenging period for Priya Prakash Varrier, Malayalam Actress. She needs very much care about her health here. This does not seem supportive time for progress, growth in her field of activity. She needs to trade cautiously during this transit of Ketu and Saturn.

Malefic shadow planet Rahu moves in water sign Cancer and traverses through the third house. Now repeats own radical position and also cross over the radical position of Venus the ruler of Ascendant. This movement of Rahu seems supportive for Priya to get a new assignment and achieve commendable success. This seems much progressive time for Priya Prakash during movement of Rahu through the third house.

From around May until around end of September 2018, Mars traverses in its sign of exaltation Capricorn through the ninth house. Mars now moves in opposition to natal Venus, Rahu and also transiting Rahu. Mars moves through the ninth house along with malefic shadow planet Ketu. This is indicative of kind of eventful time for Priya Prakash Varrier, Malayalam Actress. She has to accept new challenges to make more progress in her field of activity. There is also a possibility of getting physically injured. Priya needs to take due care in this regard. Transiting Mars also eyes natal position of retrograde Jupiter and retrograde Saturn. This is indicative of a busier time for Priya. She has to handle new challenges tactfully and not give way to controversy.

From around August until the end of the year 2018, Venus transits in its other sign Libra and move through the sixth house. Venus now moves in direct opposition to natal Jupiter and Saturn. Here she may experience some adverse situation. She may need to exert more to remain ahead in the race. A new offer and opportunity are to come up for Priya Prakash. This can lead to doing hard work for extended hours. She is to achieve new heights in her field of activity. Progressive forces are to work effectively for Priya Prakash Varrier, Malayalam Actress here.

Until October 2018 Jupiter transit in an air sign Libra and moves through the sixth house. From around October Jupiter shifts in a water sign Scorpio and moves through the seventh house. Jupiter is to now cross over the radical position of Mars and have influence over Natal Venus and natal and transiting Rahu. This is indicative of a pleasant enjoyable time in social life. Her performance is to receive a lot of applauds from the public at large. However, there may be some issue in the old relationship. She needs to be much tactful and keep her cool even in the provocative situation. She may face some legal issue here. Priya Prakash Varrier, Malayalam Actress needs to trade cautiously this tie around.

In short 2018 -19 are to be fruitful and eventful. Now she seems to have a progressive time and also some adversity is to bother here. She needs to trade carefully in a new relationship and handle legal battle much tactfully.

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