
Mars Transit in Capricorn (Makar Rashi) on 2nd May 2018

Published On : April 9, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Result Of Mars Transiting In Capricorn, Impacts And Other Details

Mars Transit in Capricorn (Makar Rashi) on 2nd May 2018 | Mangal Makar Rashi Mai

Mars enters its sign of exaltation Capricorn a sign ruled by Saturn on 2nd May 2018 16:49 pm. Mars moves through Capricorn until 6th November. Due to this long stay on Mars in its sign of exaltation, this event carries a lot of importance. This movement can add to the vitality of a person. From 27th June to 27th August Mars moves in retrograde mode.

The country head is to be in the mood to assert his point of view aggressively. A war-like situation is likely to develop for some countries. Some Banks, financial institutions can have a concern about bad loans. A rethink about giving a large amount of loan is to emerge. New Business set up is to have a challenging time to remain afloat and prove worthiness. The public at large in India and other Asian countries can be under stress. This can be due to an ill-conceived decision by the government. On the economic front, a chaos like situation may develop among masses. Government is to take some firm decision to give a big push to the economy. For short term, this can backfire. On border front, India can have a challenging time to work on. A chaotic kind of situation may arise. This movement of Mars in exaltation seems to be indicative of turbulent time ahead.

Pavitra Jyotish here tries to explore what is in store for all Moon sign with help of Vedic Astrology.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Mars is the ruler of your sign. In view of the movement of exalted Mars carries much importance for you. Exalted Mars moves through the tenth house for your sign. The tenth house is about occupation alias Karma. This movement of exalted Mars seems indicative of a prosperous time for you on occupational front. This seems time to climb up the ladder and acknowledged your achievement. However, refrain from taking major decision related to occupation or finance, during retrogression of Mars. You are to remain in a comfortable position on the financial front. Exalted Mars is to add vitality and keep you energized. You need to take care of not getting injured unexpectedly.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Mars rules the seventh and the 12th house for your sign. Exalted Mars traverses through the ninth house for your sign. This can lead to disharmony with one in a confirmed relationship. Married one needs to refrain from stretching things too far and try to accommodate views of partner for life in order to preserve harmony in marital life. The business person in foreign trade is likely to get good opportunity to strike a big ticket deal with the foreign-based company. The job holder is to be entrusted to work upon a based abroad. This gives enough cause to cheer up. A business person is advised to trade cautiously during retrogression of Mars. Explore the success in your business and run it like a viable trade of your life.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Mars holds a portfolio of the sixth and the eleventh house for your sign. Mars moves through the eighth house for your sign. The eighth house is about longevity, sudden loss or gain, occult and hidden grief. Some long-term health issue can catch up with you here. The issue is to be difficult to diagnose initially. Visit a specialist physician dealing with this kind of issue to prescribe due remedial measure to stop the issue from escalating and ultimately get rid of the same. Expenses related to family are likely to increase this time around. You need to take decision-related to finance after due deliberation. Refrain from major financial involvement for now. Book An Appointment With Astrologer By PavitraJyotish

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Mars is measured as a most favorable important planet for your sign. Viewing this movement of exalted Mars carries much importance for you. Exalted Mars moves through the seventh house for your sign. For single this movement of exalted Mars is work well in getting the right person to marry. However, refrain from taking a decision during retrogression of Mars to save from complications. Married one is to need to make due compromises with a partner for life for the sake of maintaining warmth and harmony in marital life. Mars here is to keep you busier on occupational front. You are to enjoy good general health here.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Mars favors your sign most. It holds charge of important houses, the fourth and the ninth house for your sign. Exalted Mars moves through the sixth house for your sign. During movement, Mars’ eyes own sign in the ninth house. You may experience some set back initially. However, sustained efforts are to help you gain lost ground and March ahead on road to progress. You need to keep an effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in a healthy financial position. Remain open-minded to a useful suggestion from others. You need to handle matter related to finance much carefully. However, refrain from taking major decision related to occupation or finance, during retrogression of Mars.

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Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Mars rules the third and the eighth house for your sign. Mars moves through the fifth house for your sign.  This indicates that things may not go well for you with one with whom you are emotionally involved. Have a kind of pragmatic approach and do not get overly worked up. The new meaningful relationship is likely to take shape here during a social event. Your social circle stands to expand here. You may tend to be overly assertive here. You need to handle matter related to finance much carefully. You need to refrain from taking major decision related to occupation or finance, during retrogression of Mars. You are to remain in pink of your health here. 
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Libra (Tula Rashi)

Exalted Mars now traverses through the fourth house for your sign. Mars eyes the seventh and the tenth house for your sign. Mars holds a portfolio of the seventh and the second house for your sign. The second house is linked with finance and family mainly. In view of this, movement of exalted Mars is to affect your finance in a positive way. The investment made earlier is to fetch handsome gain for you. You are to remain in a strong position on the financial front. You may need to increase provision for the family. Married one is not to feel happy in marital life.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Mars is the ruler of your sign and is also in charge of the sixth house for your sign. Exalted Mars now moves through the third house for your sign. Mars here is to induce you to take some well-calculated risk to push ahead of your prospects on the occupational and financial front as well. However, do not take undue risk to increase the inflow of money. Now seems a good time for a business person to plan short-term travel to rope in more high worth customers and boost sales. Job holder may be entrusted to work upon task-based outstation. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. No major health issue is to trouble you here. However, there is a possibility of some kind of infection catching up with you. Take due precautionary measures to save from infection.

 Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Mars is in charge of the fifth and the 12th house for your sign. Exalted Mars now moves through the second house for your sign. The second house is linked with finance and family mainly. Viewing this you need to handle matter related to finance much carefully. Issue related family needs to handle much tactfully and with due delicacy. Refrain from taking decision-related to major financial involvement, during retrogression of Mars. If planets in your natal chart are also supportive, the major financial gain is likely to accrue for you here. You are to enjoy good general health this time around.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Mars becomes exalted in your sign. Exalted Mars traverses through your sign. Mars rules the fourth and the eleventh house for your sign. Movement of exalted Mars through your sign adds to your vitality and keeps you energized. You are to exert more to achieve your objective. You are to put more efforts to keep your self –esteem high. Some meaningful relationship is likely to take shape here. This is to work well to enhance your prospects on the occupational and financial front as well.  You are to remain in a strong position on the financial front. However, you need to execute due discrimination in spending money for good.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Mars is in charge of the third and the tenth house for your sign. Mars now moves through the 12th house for your sign. This movement of exalted through the 12th house can lead to unexpected expenses. In view of this, you need to plan finance with long-term in view and keep enough provision for contingency. The period during retrogression of Mars seems significant about unplanned expenses. The business person needs to avoid short-term travel when Mars is moving in retrograde mode. You need to be much careful about health during retrogression of Mars. Even a minor issue can get escalated if not treated promptly with the due remedial measure.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Mars holds charge of the second and the ninth house for your sign. With Mars ruling the second house, this movement of exalted Mars carries much importance for you in a matter related to finance. Exalted Mars moves through the eleventh house for your sign. In view of this increase in the inflow of money is envisaged. However, do not take decision-related to finance in haste. You need to take decision-related to finance after due deliberation only. Aim at maintaining harmony in the family. You need to execute due caution in a new relationship. Choose carefully your question and let us answer your concern positively.

Read more Blogs: Mercury Transit in Aries (Mesh Rashi) on 9th May 2018 and Sun Transit in Taurus (Vrishab Rashi) on 15th May 2018

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