
Lunar Eclipse on 5th May 2023 and its Effect

Published On : May 4, 2023  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Lunar Eclipse or Chandra Grahan: A Brief Introduction

The first lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan of this year 2023 is taking place on May 05, 2023. This eclipse is the first lunar eclipse of the year 2023. It can be seen in some parts of the world. It can also be seen somewhere in India. In India, this lunar eclipse or Chandra graham will start at 08:44 pm and will last till 01:01 pm. This eclipse will start from the night of May 05, 2023 and end on May 06, 2023. Its middle time will be at 10.52 pm. This eclipse or grahan can be seen in Asia, Europe, Africa, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. In India, if the sky is clear, If the weather is clear, if you don’t see clouds, it can be seen even without equipment. A lunar eclipse is a geographical event. The moon moves into the shadow of the earth. There is no sunlight on it. The moon does not have its own light; it is illuminated by sunlight, so the moon is not visible for a few hours. This situation is called lunar eclipse on astronomical basis. The second partial lunar eclipse of the year 2023 will take place on October 28, 2023.  According to the scientific aspect, due to the gravitational force, the Earth and all other planets revolve around the Sun. The Earth completes one orbit of the Sun in 365 days, while the Moon is a planet, which revolves around the Earth. The Moon takes 27 days to orbit the Earth. Lunar eclipse is an astronomical event, behind which there are many scientific reasons. At the same time, religious beliefs give their astrological facts.

Effects of Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan) and Precautions

Keeping in mind the religious and mythological things, pregnant women need to take precautions on this day. If you take precautions, you will be healthy and healthy. According to our religious belief, wherever the eclipse takes place in the world any place, it is considered to be sutak.  Because the whole earth is one.  That is why we Indians, Hindus believe that the whole world is like one family.  “Vasudhaiv Kutumbakum”

Whenever an eclipse comes, according to astrology, it definitely affects every creature. At the same time, it also affects the whole world. Because two eclipses will be nearby in a very short interval, due to which there will be an outbreak of natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms, excessive rains and floods in many places in the world. Due to these two nearby eclipses, in India, there will be some good and some troublesome results in India. Very soon, a big public interest decision can be taken by our government or the highest institution.  India’s famous astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant alias The Best Astrologer of India is telling you what will be the effect on you on this lunar eclipse. 

Let’s know what will be the effect of this lunar eclipse (Chandra Grahan) of 5th May 2023 for all Moon Signs. 

Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Aries EffectsAries: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, there may be problems in the life of Aries natives. People of this zodiac may have to face discord. Therefore, people of this zodiac should be careful. Drive the vehicle carefully. Invest money in the market and stock market very carefully. Keep an eye on your health.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Taurus EffectsTaurus: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, the eclipse will also have an inauspicious effect on the natives of this zodiac and in such a situation you need to take care of the stomach. Probably the effect of the eclipse will be negligible. For the people of this zodiac, investing money in the market and stock market can yield big benefits. Many desired tasks of the native can be completed.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Gemini EffectsGemini: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, people of Gemini zodiac will not be harmed, but their children may be upset. So take care of the child. There will be favorable conditions in the business sector. The mind of the students will start engaged in studies.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Cancer EffectsCancer: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, the natives of this zodiac also need to take special care of their children. You may have to face mental confusion. There may be challenges in business etc., so invest capital carefully, otherwise you may have to face economic loss.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Leo EffectsLeo: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, you need to avoid unnecessary expenses because the lunar eclipse can put you in financial trouble. There may be challenges in front of the people of this zodiac. Drive the vehicle carefully, you may face injury. Pay attention to your health as well.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Virgo EffectsVirgo: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, the lunar eclipse will be auspicious for Virgo. You will get stalled money. There can be progress in the work of the native. Your on-going work will continue to be dynamic and profitable. Capital investment in the market and stock market can benefit.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Libra EffectsLibra: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, people of this zodiac will see many changes in the field of job. People of this zodiac can suddenly get a big benefit. Happiness can increase. Love relationships can get stronger.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Scorpio EffectsScorpio: Due to the effect of this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, your father’s health may deteriorate. So take care of your father’s health. Drive the vehicle carefully, otherwise there may be injuries. Opponents can also suddenly increase problems. Avoid investing capital in the market and stock market.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Sagittarius EffectsSagittarius: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, the people of this zodiac also need to focus on their health as well as the field of work.  The eclipse can have an adverse effect on this zodiac sign. The mind can become restless and confused. This can increase the mental stress of the native. Be a little careful.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Capricorn EffectsCapricorn: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, you also need to pay attention to your married life so that happiness remains in life. People of this zodiac should remain active continuously; suddenly a big profit situation can be created. Mobility in business can increase.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Aquarius EffectsAquarius: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, there may be a rift in your relationship. So be a little cautious in terms of relationships. You may be successful in expanding your business. Investing capital in the market and stock market can have special benefits.


Lunar Eclipse 5 May 2023 Pisces EffectsPisces: Due to this lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan May 5, 2023, people of this zodiac may have to face problems in their love affair due to lunar eclipse. It is. Opponents being active can increase mental stress. Avoid investing capital in the market and stock market. Otherwise, you may have to face losses. The mind of the students may be less in studies.


Book An Appointment with Pt Umesh Chandra Pant, India’s Famous and Top Astrologer for personal information and definitive solutions to your horoscope.

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Lunar Eclipse Of 8 November 2022 and Solar Eclipse Of 25 October 2022

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