
Love Problems Solution Astrology

Published On : December 20, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Veteran love problem solution specialist offers meaningful and effectual Love Problem Solution in India for every love-related problem. For love birds who want to experience peace and never-ceasing romance in their love, this service is totally useful.

What Problems Do Wreak Havoc In Your Love Life?

The beauty of falling in love and the desire to stay in that bond is the most cherished thing for a love bird. However, the sad thing is that not all love relationships end up being in harmony and forever bliss, as problems caused by distrust, hate, rage, and mutual disrespect between partners lead to the breakage of such a lovely union. Most of the time, the love union falls apart after a couple of times when either partner realizes that he/she is being betrayed in the relationship. Problems happen in a love union due to suspicions, and not trusting the integrity of another partner. There is always something fishy between the two souls in love and it remains there acting like a dangerous virus that gradually wrecks serious damage to their love life.

Cost-effective love problem solution in India provided by veteran Love Problem Solution Astrologer with deep knowledge about love problem astrology and its principles, and who provides the most effective and best Love Problems Solution Astrology. Get your love problem solution in Delhi to rekindle your romantic life.

How to Know Through Astrology the Guidance of Love Relationship?

Love act as elixir in human love. When one is in love, whole world looks rosy and enjoyable. One feels life is worth living. Life as then has some purpose. Love relationship among opposite sex leads to physical intimacy. This is a unique experience in life. However, love is not limited to physical intimacy. Father loves his progeny and sees his own view. Love by mother is irreplaceable and cannot be equated with anyone. This love is selfless. One needs to reciprocate love by mother. Love And Relationship Advice with opposite sex has different dimension.

Astrologically the fifth house signifies love with opposite sex. Ruler of the fifth house if gets posited in the seventh house or vice versa leads to confirm relationship in shape of marriage. Strong Mars more so in the fourth house indicates inclination with mother. Strong planet in the tenth house indicates appreciation of father’s role in life.

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Let us Know Some Love Problem Examples From Given Below Important Birth Charts

1) Love Horoscope 1

Date of Birth: 16-August-1971

Birth Time: 10:40:00

Gender: Male

Birth Place: Delhi, India

Love Horoscope One

He is born with Libra Ascendant. Venus rules Ascendant sign Libra. Venus is in cardinal water sign Cancer and along with Sun and malefic Ketu get posited in the tenth house. This position leads to strong attachment with father. Retrograde and exalted Mars along with shadow planet Rahu is stationed in the fourth house. This indicates soft corner with mother and love by mother. Ruler of the fifth house Saturn is in earth sign Taurus and stationed in the eighth house. Saturn has aspect over the fifth house. This can lead to love relationship with opposite sex elder than the concerned male person. However, some uneasiness can prevail in love relationship. Both need to keep cool and have patience on their side to maintain cordial relationship. Saturn is stationed in the 12th house from Moon posited in the ninth house. This can lead to emotional imbalance and frustration. One needs to remain conscious about this and try to keep things lively.

2) Love Horoscope 2

Date of Birth: 21-November-1990

Birth Time: 15:10 HRS

Gender: Male

Birth Place: Mumbai, Maharashtra

Love Horoscope Two

He is born with Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter rules sign of Ascendant Pisces. Jupiter besides being ruler of the Ascendant also holds portfolio of the tenth house. Jupiter is exalted in water sign Cancer and along with malefic Ketu gets posited in the fifth house. Ruler of the fifth house Moon is in last of fire sign Sagittarius and along with Saturn is placed in the tenth house. In this way Moon and Jupiter exchange sign with each other. In view of this he gets attracted to a coworker of opposite sex. He sends suggestive gestures to her. She also responds soon. Both decide to meet at a convenient place. Both reveal liking for each other. In turn they decide to have a long lasting love relationship. A new love story begins.

3) Love Horoscope 3

Date of Birth: 24-March-1994

Birth Time: 10:55:12 AM (10:55 AM)

Gender: Female

Birth Place: Gulbarga, Karnataka

Love Horoscope Three

She is born with Taurus Ascendant, which is ruled by Venus. Venus is exalted in last of water sign Pisces and along with mighty Sun gets stationed in the eleventh house. Ruler of the fifth house Mercury is in last of air sign Aquarius and along with Mars and Saturn gets posited in the tenth house. Jupiter is in cardinal air sign Libra and stationed in the sixth house. Jupiter has an eye over the tenth house along with planets placed in the tenth house. Viewing these positions she falls for a person of opposite sex much elder than her. In due course of time, both have a pleasant and enjoyable time together. In due course of time both decide to confirm love relationship by ringing wedding bells. Both enjoy pleasant married life.

4) Love Horoscope 4

Date of Birth: 5-August-2001

Birth Time: 22:40:– Seconds —

Gender: Female

Birth Place: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Love Horoscope Four

She is born with Pisces Ascendant. Jupiter rules the Ascendant. Sun along with Mercury is posited in the fifth house. Ruler of the fifth house moon is twelfth house Aquarius zodiac sign. This indicates that she falls for a junior coworker elder than her. She sends suggestive gestures to the concern person of opposite sex. After some hesitation he also responds positively. Both decide to meet at quiet place. Both express their tender feelings for each other. In turn both agree to have a lasting love relationship. Soon they decide to confirm love relationship by ringing wedding bells. In due course of time both enjoy happy married life.

5) Love Horoscope 5

Date of Birth: 13-December-1977

Birth Time: 12:30 AM

Gender: Female

Birth Place: Suva, Fiji

Love Astrology Five

She is born with Pisces Ascendant which is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Gemini Zodiac Sign stationed in the fourth house. Ruler of the fifth house lord Moon is in fire Sagittarius and stationed in the 10th house with Mercury. This indicates that she is keen to enjoy pleasures of physical intimacy with person of opposite sex. In due course of time she meets her soul mate. In turn she develops lasting love relationship. She enjoys sensual pleasure to fullest and has pleasant time with her soul mate.

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