
Jupiter (Guru) Transit Capricorn on 20th November 2020

Published On : July 10, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Detailed Overview Of Planetary Transit Of Jupiter In Capricorn

Jupiter (Guru) Transit From Sagittarius to Capricorn on 20th November 2020

2020 and 2021 Jupiter Transit 

Jupiter (Guru) Transit Capricorn on 20th November 2020 – Jupiter enters last of earth sign Capricorn (Makar Rashi) on November 20th 2020, 02:55 pm. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Jupiter becomes debilitated in Capricorn. From April 6, 2021 Jupiter enters last of air sign Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi). Jupiter becomes retrograde in motion in Aquarius. Jupiter moving in retrograde again enters last of earth sign Capricorn from September 14, 2021. After becoming direct in motion, Jupiter again enters Aquarius from November 20th 2021.

This   transit of Jupiter seems unique. Jupiter transits in Capricorn in company of hard task master Saturn. Hence we call this transit of Jupiter unique. Effect of this transit will be long lasting. Some major events are envisaged during this transit by Jupiter. There is a strong possibility of earth quake happening in some parts of world. Even in India earth quake happens. This transit of debilitated Jupiter can lead to political turmoil in some places. Common man can suffer much during this transit of debilitated Jupiter in company of Saturn. Weather at some places can be cruel and lead to major disturbance. A cyclone is also envisaged in western part of India. A war like situation is also anticipated. India needs to remain well prepared on this count.

We try to view effect of this transit by debilitated Jupiter in different aspects of all Moon signs.

Jupiter Transit 2020 and 2021 Effects

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Aries Zodiac SignAries: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the tenth house for your sign. Jupiter moving through the tenth house has aspect over the sixth house, signifying health issue, debt, competitors and job. Besides this, Jupiter also has an eye over the second house, linked with finance and family mainly. We try to view effect of this movement and its influence over different aspects.

Career and Business

Career oriented and business persons are to have much challenging time. You need to connect with many persons of different trait. This sort of approach works well for your survival in field of activity you are engaged. Career oriented need to stick to present assignment and exert more to give more output. This way your position remains secured. Your Career needs a step by step planning which can only be done Jupiter Transit Report for your Career.


On financial front you remain in a comfortable position owing to positive vibes of Jupiter over the second house, linked with finance and family mainly. However, you need to keep enough provision for rainy days. You will be able to increase inflow of money. Gain here adds strength to your position on financial front. Make your Finances grow good. You will surely be able to do if you have proper guidance for it. You will get that in


On health front no major health issue concerns you. However, some minor health issue can trouble you. Viewing this, you need to take due care of health for good. Some viral infection can catch up with you. Hence take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection.

Personal Life

If have issue related to personal life, handle the same much tactfully and with due delicacy. You need to aim at preserving peace and harmony in personal life so that you can focus well on other important issue. Try to remain cheerful and have positive thinking. Indulge in some outdoor activity to refresh psyche.

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Taurus Zodiac SignTaurus: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the ninth house, representing luck, destiny, long distance travel, and blessings of higher soul. Debilitated Jupiter moving through the ninth house has direst aspect over the third house and has eye over your sign. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

If you are not happy with happenings on work lately, some major breakthrough for you on work front is envisaged. This applies to job holder and business person as well. However, pace of progress will not be fast enough. With new opportunity new challenges are to come up. Accept new challenges willingly and keep working over the same and try to improve performance for getting higher returns from your efforts. Career need proper footsteps for becoming successful. Get your 


On financial front no major gain is foreseen for you. However marginal increase in inflow keeps you happy. No major expense is foreseen here for you. You need to plan finance with long term in view and keep enough provision for contingency. You are to remain in a healthy financial position, most of the time. Lets enrich your life with prosperity in the year 2020 and 2021. Get your Jupiter Transit Report for your Finance Report now.


You are to enjoy good general health condition most of the time. However, do not neglect minor health issue. Treat the same with due remedial measures promptly to save from complication. You need to take due precautionary measure to save from prevailing viral infection catching up with you.

Personal Life

You are to feel comfortable in personal life. No serious issue is to disturb your peace and you remain joyful. Try to indulge in some creative activity suitable to you. This kind of activity refreshes psyche and you also have job satisfaction.

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Gemini Zodiac SignGemini: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the eighth house for your sign. The eighth house is about longevity, gain from inheritance and sudden gain or loss. Debilitated Jupiter moving through the eighth house has direct aspect over the second house, representing finance, family mainly. Jupiter moving through the eighth house has an eye over the fourth house. Debilitated Jupiter also has aspect over the 12th house. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

Career oriented need to exert more and try to give more output to keep your position secured. Business person gets major repeat order from high worth customer. However, business person can have difficulty in making delivery in time. Keep customer remain aware of difficult situation experienced by you.


On financial front you remain in a healthy position. You don’t have to bear any kind of major expense here. You are able to save money satisfactorily here. Plan your finance with long term in view and keep enough provision for contingency. You are able to manage your routine and incidental expenses effortlessly.


Viewing movement of major planets through the eighth house, longevity is assured. However middle aged and above being troubled by nagging old health issue need to have regular check up to keep tab on variation and take due measure as advised by your physician to keep things under control.

Personal Life

Some discontent keeps brewing in your psyche in personal life. Channelize this discontent to keep you on track to progress. Some issue can keep pinching you. Keep yourself engaged in some creative activity so that you feel comfortable and at remain at ease. Get Gemini zodiac signs-born Personalised Jupiter Transit Report 2020 and 2021 Now.

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Cancer Zodiac SignCancer: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the seventh house for your sign. Seventh house is about confirmed relationship like life partner and business partner and day to day activity. Debilitated Jupiter moves in opposition to your sign. Debilitated Jupiter has aspect over the third and the eleventh house. Viewing this, you need to keep communication alive with persons who matter for you to enhance your prospects. Aspect over the eleventh house works well to benefit monetarily. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

This movement of two major planets does not spell well for career oriented and business person. Some constraint holds business person from delivering goods, material timely. Business person needs to remain aware about ground reality and plan things accordingly. Career oriented finds it challenging to give targeted output. Your Career building process is a long shot.


You need to have effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in comfortable position on financial front. Inflow of money is maintained. No major financial gain is foreseen for you here. You will be able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. Look for ways to save money for future needs. Get your financial prediction and solve your money problems By Jupiter Transit Report for your Finance. Your wealth can be increased with proper wealth prediction and best remedies.


In regard to health common cold and cuff concerns you here. Besides digestion related issue bothers you. Avoid late night heavy dinner to keep digestive system in order. Indulging in some light exercise suitable to you in morning regularly to remain fit for the day.

Personal life

Viewing movement of major planets you may be unhappy with some happenings in personal life. Shake off negative vibes and try to get involved in some creative things suitable to you. This kind of activity relives you from stress tension and you remain cheerful and happy.

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2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Leo Zodiac SignLeo: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Leo (Simha Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the sixth house for your sign. Jupiter moves through the sixth house in opposition to the 12th house and has an eye over the second house. Jupiter moving through the sixth house has aspect over the tenth house. The tenth house is about occupation and profession. Viewing this aspect of Jupiter over the tenth and the second house indicates progressive time on work front and gain satisfactorily. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

This can lead to kind of challenging time for career oriented and business person as well. Career oriented if looking for change, this movement of major planets seems to support your cause. You get new job with encouraging higher growth prospects and better remuneration.  Business person remains concern about stiff competition. Business person needs to lower margin to score over competitors and maintain market share.


You will be able to increase inflow of money here. Gain here further adds strength to your position on financial front. You may spend money on some religious ceremony to boost your prospects. Plan your finances with long term in view and save for rainy days. You remain in a comfortable position on financial front.


Issue related to digestion can concern you. In view of this avoid heavy dinner late night to keep digestive system in order. Besides doing some light exercise in morning suitable to you works well to remain fit for the day. No major health issue troubles you here. You enjoy good general health condition for most of the times.

Personal Life

In personal life you remain at unease due to some issue or other. You need to keep your cool, avoid conflict and keep off from controversy. Indulge in some outdoor activity to calm the nerves and you are at ease in personal life

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Virgo Zodiac SignVirgo: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the fifth house along with Saturn for your sign. Debilitated Jupiter moving through the fifth house has aspect over your sign. This influence leads progressive forces to work effectively. Debilitated Jupiter has direct opposition to the eleventh house and also has an eye over the ninth house. These influences enhance your prospect at all level. You develop friendly relationship with more persons. Aspect of debilitated over the eleventh house works well to benefit monetarily. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

This movement of debilitated Jupiter seems supportive for business person whether in trade or manufacturing.  Manufacturer opts for backward integration to become more competitive. Trader will have more freedom to perform and adds strength to his position on financial front. Career oriented remains happy with future growth prospects to look encouraging.


You will be able to increase inflow of money here. If planetary positions in your birth chart also seem supportive, you are in for huge financial gain. You remain in a strong position on financial front. No major expense troubles you here. Saving money remains on your priority list. Make your Finances grow good. You will surely be able to do if you have proper guidance for it.


In regard to health, no major health issue catches up with you here. However, minor issue like common cough and cold can concern you. At the same time you need to take due precautionary measures to save from prevailing viral infection. Indulge in some light exercise suitable to you in morning regularly to remain fit for the day.

Personal life

In personal life, you are to have a pleasant and enjoyable time. You remain busy partying and enjoy life with close friends. You need to keep communication live with influential persons, who can enhance your prospects on work and financial front.

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Libra Zodiac SignLibra: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Libra (Tula Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the fourth house in company of Saturn for your sign. Debilitated Jupiter has a direct aspect over the tenth house. Besides this, Jupiter has an eye over the eighth and the 12th house. This movement and influence of Jupiter works well to protect your interest on work and financial front. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

Career oriented feels comfortable with his/her position and remains motivated to put up improved performance. Business person has to exert more to run the show satisfactorily. Business person gets opportunity to strike a big ticket deal with a high worth customer.  Business person keeps looking to strike more profitable deals.


Financially you remain in a comfortable position with enough savings to back you. However, do not make fresh investment for higher return here.  This movement of major planets seems supportive to buy a new vehicle and new residential place where you feel comfortable. Our Healthy advice will help you make your Future Wealthy.


Some health issue or other can concern you. Viewing this, take due care of health. You need to take due precautionary measures to save from prevailing viral infection. Middle aged and above being troubled by nagging old health issue needs to have a regular check up to keep tab on variation and then take due measures as    advised by physician to keep things under control.

Personal life

In personal life, you are to have mix results. Most of the time you are to enjoy pleasant time. However, some pinching issue can put you at unease at times. Shake of negativity and indulge in some creative activity like music, dancing, acting and writing or painting to refresh psyche.

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Scorpio Zodiac SignScorpio: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on  Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the third house for your sign. Debilitated Jupiter has direct aspect over the ninth house, linked with luck, long distance travel and blessings of higher soul. Besides this, Jupiter eyes the seventh and the eleventh house linked with gain, friends, fulfillment of long held wish. This movement works well to protect your interest and enhance your prospects. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

Career oriented inclines to have change wherein higher growth prospects are encouraging. Career oriented gets suitable opportunity for him/her. Business person needs to take a well calculated risk to push ahead prospects. Short term travel bears encouraging results in term of getting more high value customers.


No major financial gain is foreseen for you here. However, marginal increase in inflow of money is assured. You will be able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. However, you need to plan finance with long term in view and have enough provision for rainy days. Your finances can bring you mental peace and life security.


In regard to health, you need to be careful about viral infection. Taking necessary precautionary measures is a must to save from viral infection. Take due care while traveling in public transport. Overall you need to take due care of health. Do not neglect even minor looking health issue. Treat the same with due remedial measure promptly to save from infection.

Personal life

In regard to personal life no serious issue concerns you here. You are to enjoy a pleasant time most of the times. Short term travel is to be pleasant and enjoyable. You remain busy partying with near ones and enjoy pleasures of life. 

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2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the second house for your sign. Jupiter moving through the second house directly influences the eighth house. Besides this, Jupiter moving through the second house also eyes the sixth and the tenth house related to occupation, profession. Jupiter sends positive signals for career oriented and business person as well. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business 

This movement of debilitated Jupiter seems supportive for career oriented and business person to achieve higher growth. However, there is no alternative for hard work. Progressive forces are to work much effectively. Career oriented can start looking for suitable optional employment opportunity wherein high growth prospects are encouraging and also pays more. This is our best-selling personalised report for your Career.


If planetary position in birth chart also supportive, you seems to be in for spirit enlivening financial gain. Family related expenses stand to increase here. You are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. You need to look for ways to save more money for future needs. Plan finance with long term in view. Your wealth can be increased with proper wealth prediction and best remedies.


Some health issue or other can concern you. However, influence of Jupiter works well to recover fast. You need to be careful about eyes. If have any issue related to eye visit eye specialist to do needful to cure and have right vision. Middle aged and above being troubled by nagging old health issue, need to have regular check up to become aware about variation.

Personal life

In personal life some issue or other can put you at unease. You need to keep your cool and have patience on your side. You need to avoid conflict and keep off from controversy for your own good. Go out door to visit nearby park. Have long walk in garden. This works well to calm nerves and refreshes psyche.

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through your sign in company of ruler thereof Saturn. Both move in opposition to the seventh house. Besides this, Jupiter aspects the fifth and the ninth house. Influence of debilitated Jupiter over the ninth house protects your interest and supports you to move ahead on road to progress. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

Career oriented needs to stick to present assignment and exert more to achieve higher growth. Career oriented may have to share more responsibility. Business person needs to work for increasing contacts with high worth customers. This kind of approach works well to have lateral and higher growth. Business person gets opportunity to strike good profitable deal.


You remain in a comfortable position on financial front. You are able to manage routine and incidental expenses effortlessly. You do not have to bear any kind of major expenses. However, you need to look for ways to save money for future needs. You need to keep effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in a comfortable position on financial front.


In regard to health some kind of viral infection can catch up with you. In view of this, take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection. Except this no other major health issue concerns you. Doing some light exercises suitable to you in morning work well to remain healthy and fit enough.

Personal life

In personal life you can get hurt by some near one. Spend some quality time with the concern person to sort out difference of opinion and preserve peace and harmony in relationship. Indulge in some creative activity like singing, music, painting, dance etc. This kind of activity refreshes psyche and you remain cheerful.

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Aquarius: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Debilitated Jupiter moves through the 12th house for your sign. The 12th house is about money loss, remain stressed and bedroom activity. Jupiter moves through the 12th house in opposition to the sixth house. Apart from this, Jupiter moving through the 12th house aspects the fourth house and the eighth house. This signals well for you on domestic front. The influence of Jupiter over the eighth house supports longevity. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

Career oriented needs to willingly exert more and try to give more output. Business person has to toil hard to keep the show running satisfactorily. Business person needs to refrain from spending money for development. Maintain status quo and keep applying to get opportunity to strike a good profitable deal.


On financial front picture does not look bright. In view of this do not make any fresh investment to get higher return. You need to plan finance with long term in view and keep enough provision for rainy days. You need to execute due discrimination while spending money for your own good. You are sitting on bagful of opportunities, use them rather than ignoring.


Some major looking health issue can catch up with you. In view of this, you need to take due care about health. Besides there is a possibility about some viral infection worrying you.In view of this, take due precautionary measure to save from viral infection catching up with you.  Middle aged and above need to have a regular check up to become aware about variation.

Personal life

Things may not roll well for you in personal life. You remain stressed for one reason or other. You need to keep your cool and have patience with you. Try to avoid conflicts and keep off from any controversy. Indulge in some creative activity. This kind of activity refreshes psyche and you remain in joyful mood.

2020 2021 Jupiter Transit Effects for Pisces Zodiac SignPisces: Jupiter (Guru) Transit 2020 and 2021 effects on Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Jupiter is the ruler of your sign. In view of this movement of Jupiter carries more importance for you. Debilitated Jupiter moves through the eleventh house signifying gain, friends, and relationship in general and fulfillment of wish. In view of this you can hope for your long held wish to get fulfilled. Your position on financial front gets strengthened during this movement of debilitated Jupiter. We try to view effect of this movement of debilitated Jupiter and its influence over different aspects.

Career, Business

Career oriented feels happy with future growth prospects to look encouraging. Career oriented is happier on getting incentive for hard work put up by him/her earlier. Business person gets opportunity to strike big ticket deal with a high worth customer. This movement of debilitated Jupiter seems a gainful time for business person. Become CEO of a big company.


Movement of two major planets through the eleventh house surely signifies major monetary gain for you. Your long time held wish gets fulfilled. You are to remain in a strong position on financial front. With handsome financial gain, you remain motivated to keep applying to achieve financial abundance. Increase your financial stability and strength with the help of future finance prediction.


In regard to health no serious health issue concerns you here. You are to enjoy good general health condition most of the times. However, do not neglect minor looking health issue. Treat the some with due remedial measure promptly to save from complication. Indulge in some light exercises suitable to you in morning to remain healthy and fit enough.

Personal life

In regard to personal life, movement of major planets supports to have a pleasant and enjoyable time. You are to develop new friendly relationship. You are to enjoy partying with near ones. If have any issue in personal life, handle the same cool headedly, tactfully and with due delicacy and aim at preserving peace and harmony in personal life.

Don’t forget to read: Mars Transit Aries On 16 August 2020 and Sun Transit In Leo On 16th August 2020

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