
Horoscope Analysis About Vishwak Sen

Published On : August 14, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Here’s Complete Report On Astrological Side Of Vishwak Sen

Vishwak Sen Indian Film Actor, Director and Screenwriter

Vishwak Sen Naidu was born on 29 March 1995. He is India’s one of the famous film actors, also known for his works in Telugu cinema. Also, a director and producer, Vishwak had debuted his film career with Vellipomakey (2017). The film, Falaknuma Das was his first break as a director. In spite of average performance of the movie in the audiences, the way it picturized old city Hyderabad received appreciation.

A Horoscope Analysis Vishwak Sen, film actor, director and producer, Vishwak Sen is being done in the following manner, based on horoscope chart and subsequent narrations.

Birth Details of Vishwak Sen are as per given below:

Date of Birth: November 15, 1987, Birth Day: Sunday, Birth Time: 06:00:00 hrs, Birth Place: Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh, India

Vishwak Sen Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and Short Analysis

Vishwak Sen, Indian Film Actor is born with mighty Sun in last of water sign Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter.

Poetic Pisces Zodiac Sign, the last in the line of the Zodiac Signs, is as mystical and intuitive as they come. Pisces natives show a marked inclination towards myriad creative fields like music, poetry, writing, drama or painting early on in their lives. Their artistic ability makes them popular amongst people, which is great as this makes the fish feel comfortable and confident. Hopeless romantics, most Pisces natives have this impractical, dream-like vision of life that invariably leaves them in soup. Unable to express themselves lucidly and firmly, the fish may thus, often be trampled over or ignored in the cut—throat materialistic world. Prior planning and taking initiatives would be too much to expect out of them. Often they lack aggression and passion to pursue financial goals. Service to humanity gives them ultimate Peace Of Mind, happiness and contentment.

Ruler of Pisces Surya Kundli Jupiter is in a water sign Scorpio and stationed in the ninth house. Jupiter here protects interest of Vishwak Sen, Indian Film Actor and supports his efforts to move ahead on road to progress. Ruler of the ninth house Mars is debilitated in a cardinal first of water sign Cancer and positioned in the fifth house. Debilitated Mars is in view of Jupiter stationed in the ninth house. Viewing this Vishwak Sen, Director and Screenwriter achieves his objective of becoming a talented actor by sheer hard work. Malefic Ketu is in first of fire sign Aries and situated in the second house. Shadow planet Rahu is in cardinal air sign Libra and positioned in the eighth house. Saturn is in own sign Aquarius and along with Moon, Venus and Mercury stationed in the 12th house in ‘Surya Kundli’. This position enables Vishwak Sen, Director and Screenwriter to formulate strong strategy to achieve his objective. Vishwak Sen becomes a visionary director and able screenwriter.

In Navmansha D9 chart, Jupiter is debilitated hence loss of strength.

In D10 chart, lord of the tenth house Venus is in the ninth house. Ruler of the ninth house Mars is in the second house and aspects Venus in the ninth house. These positions surely favour Vishwak Sen, Indian Film Actor to succeed in multiple activities.
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After viewing position of planets in Pisces ‘Surya Kundli’ and deliberating on effect by transits by major planets, we try to view prospects of Vishwak Sen, Director and Screenwriter in near future.

Hard task master Saturn currently transits in own sign Capricorn in retrograde mode. Saturn moving in retrograde mode moves through the eleventh house. Influence of retrograde Saturn does not seem much effective. From around last week of September 2020, Saturn becomes direct in motion. Saturn moves in opposition to debilitated Mars stationed in the fifth house. Viewing this, Vishwak Sen, Indian Film Actor has kind of challenging time. Vishwak Sen needs to accept challenges and keep working over the same and aim at putting up improved performance.  Some major development for betterment of Vishwak Sen, Director and Screenwriter in near future is envisaged during this movement of Saturn through the eleventh house.

Shadow planet Rahu currently transits in first of air sign Gemini and moves through the fourth house. Viewing this, Vishwak Sen, Director and Screenwriter goes on to buy a new abode where he feels comfortable. Malefic Ketu currently transits in last of fire sign Sagittarius and moves through the tenth house, linked with occupation. Movement of Ketu leads to sudden change. Viewing this Vishwak Sen, Indian Film Actor needs to take in to account ground reality and make moves accordingly to move unhindered on road to progress.

Ruler of the Pisces ‘Surya Kundli’ Jupiter currently transits in own sign Sagittarius in retrograde mode.  Jupiter being retrograde its positive influences are not to be much effective.

From mid of Sept 2020, Jupiter becomes direct in motion.  Now positive vibes of Jupiter becomes stronger. Viewing this, efforts by Vishwak Sen, Director and Screenwriter are to be fruitful. Progressive forces are to work much effectively. In turn Vishwak Sen gets encouraging opportunities to work upon.  Now Vishwak Sen, Indian Film Actor is able to exhibit his inherent ability as an actor, director and screen writer. Viewing this Vishwak Sen gets handsome financial gain. Jupiter moving through the tenth house has an eye over the second house, linked with finance mainly among other things. This positive influence of Jupiter adds strength to position of Vishwak Sen, Director and Screenwriter on financial front.

Two major planets Jupiter and Saturn transiting in own sign and moving through strategically important house surely offer something big on occupational and financial front in ensuing time.

On viewing planetary positions in Pisces ‘Surya Kundli’ and deliberating on effect by transit of major planets, we view ensuing period as much eventful, encouragingly progressive and in turn Vishwak Sen, Indian Film Actor becomes richer and wealthier in near future. Ask Astrologer and get best guidance regarding your career, health etc.

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