
Horoscope Analysis About Joe Biden

Published On : July 11, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Get The Complete Picture Of Joe Biden As Analysed Astrologically

Joe Biden – American Politician and Former Vice President of the United States

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was born at St. Mary’s Hospital in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He is an American politician who has also served as a (former) Vice President of the United States Of America. He was born to his parents, Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Biden and Joseph Robinette Biden Sr. His initial education happened at the Archmere Academy in Claymont where he displayed remarkable talent in halfback and wide receiver on the high school football team. He received his graduation in 1965 from the University of Delaware. Joe served as a vice president of America for the stint of 2009 to 2017. For the duration from 1973 to 2009, he also represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate. He was a presidential candidate for the year 2020 but failed briefly behind another candidate, Bernie Sanders. However, he became Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for the presidential election. Among many accolades that he was honored with, he is the recipient honorary degrees from the University of Scranton, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction.

Following is the detail of astrological analysis done by team PavitraJyotish on the life of America’s former vice president, Joe Biden. The astrological narrative and chart that follows pertains to evaluating different personality aspects of Joe, from the prism of Vedic astrology.

Birth Details of Joe Biden are as per given below:

Date of Birth: November 20, 1942, Birth Day: Friday, Birth Time: 08:00:00 hrs, Birth Place: Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA

Joe Biden Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and Short Analysis

United States of America (USA) is measured as most influential country in global affairs. Developments in USA have become matter of keen interest not for that country but for whole of world.  Presidential election in November 2020 is also surely viewed by world over.  Joe Biden is Democratic Party candidate for coming election.  We here try to visualize prospects of Joe Biden in coming elections.

As confirm Birth Time of Joe Biden is not available, we cast “Surya Kundli’ alias Solar chart to foresee prospects of Joe Biden in coming presidential elections.

Joe Biden, American Politician is born with mighty Sun in a fix nature water sign Scorpio, ruled by fiery Mars. So his Sun sign is Scorpio.

It won’t be an understatement to say that Scorpios are different, difficult and dangerously interesting. They have capability to make way from the difficult conditions.  Scorpio is a Sign closely associated with secrecy, jealousy and suspicion.  If you befriend a Scorpio, expect them to be your best, most faithful, unswervingly supportive and resolute friends, but God forbid, if you end up coming in their line of fire! There is nothing sweet here, when it comes to revenge. Passionate to the degree of being zealous, many Scorpios possess this fatal flaw – they avenge their like no one does, and in the process, they may even end up harming themselves.

In ‘Surya Kundli mighty Sun is associated with Venus. This planetary position has made Joe Biden, Former Vice President of the United States enthusiastic and optimistic. This also makes Joe Biden popular among masses. Ruler of solar chart Mars is in a cardinal air sign Libra and along with crafty Mercury gets placed in the 12th house. Moon rules the ninth house, linked with luck, destiny. Moon is in first of air sign Aries and stationed in the sixth house. Moon is in opposition to Mars and Mercury positioned in the 12th house.  This opposition supports Joe Biden, American Politician to make way from odd difficult situation. Joe Biden, Former Vice President of the United States is a passionate and emotional. Saturn is retrograde in earth sign Taurus and stationed in the seventh house in solar chart.  Saturn is in opposition to Venus and Sun in solar chart. This opposition does not sound well for Joe Biden to make due progress on political front. Benevolent Jupiter rules the second and the fifth house in solar chart. Jupiter is exalted in cardinal water sign Cancer and moves in retrograde mode. Exalted Jupiter has aspect over mighty Sun and Venus. However, with exalted Jupiter being retrograde mode its positive vibes are not strong enough. However, this positive influence pushes progressive forces to work much effectively. Shadow planet Rahu is in a fire sign Leo and positioned in the tenth house in solar chart. Rahu here keeps Joe Biden motivated to climb up the ladder on political field. Change for betterment occurs suddenly for Joe Biden, American Politician.

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In Navmansha D9 chart, Sun and Mercury being in own sign gather strength. Jupiter remains exalted hence gather strength.

In D10 chart, Sun is in own sign Leo in company of Venus. Mars is in own sign and positioned in the ninth house. These positions surely support Joe Biden, American Politician to achieve success and climb up the ladder in the political and administrative field.

On viewing position of planets in Scorpio solar chart and deliberating on effect of Planetary Transits, we try to foresee the prospects of Joe Biden, Former Vice President of the United States in near future.

Hard task master Saturn currently transits in own sign Capricorn in retrograde mode. Retrograde Saturn moves through the third house, in opposition to retrograde exalted Jupiter stationed in the ninth house. Saturn moving through the third house has aspect over Natal Mars and Natal Mercury positioned in the 12th house. Things can move slowly during retrogression of Saturn. From around last week of September 2020, Saturn becomes direct in motion. Now influences of Saturn become much stronger. This movement of Saturn and its influences indicates major change for betterment of Joe Biden, American Politician. In coming election Joe Biden is to fair well. However, Joe Biden needs to look at ground reality and make moves according. Joe Biden may have has to mend his position on important issue to win the coming presidential election in USA.

Shadow planet Rahu currently transits in first of air sign Gemini and moves through the eighth house. Viewing this movement of Rahu Joe Biden, Former Vice President of the United States needs to take due are of health. Besides this movement of shadow planet Rahu through the eighth house does not seem to spell well for Joe Biden to make due progress on political front. Some new challenges are to come up for Joe Biden. Joe Biden, American Politician needs to accept new challenges and keep working over the same to make sure he wins the presidential election comfortably.

Jupiter currently transits in own sign Sagittarius and moves in retrograde mode through the second house. Jupiter moving through the second house has aspect over the sixth and the tenth house. Jupiter moving through the second house has an eye over Rahu moving through the eighth house and natal Rahu stationed in the tenth house. This aspect of Jupiter can have negative effect on his progress to become president of USA.

From mid of September 2020, Jupiter becomes direct in motion. Now vibes of Jupiter becomes more effective. This movement and its influences lead to much eventful and encouraging progressive time. However, Jupiter having aspect over transiting Rahu and Natal Rahu can spoil the game for Joe Biden, Former Vice President of the United States.

Two major planets transiting in own sign and moving through strategic house is to have lasting effect on prospects of Joe Biden in near future. Joe Biden, American Politician needs to keep his cool, avoid conflicts and keep of controversy to save his position to become president of USA.

On viewing planetary positions in Scorpio solar chart, and deliberating on effect of transit by major planets, we view period to be eventful and encouragingly progressive for Joe Biden, Former Vice President of the United States in near future. However, Joe Biden has to make moves according to ground reality and take due caution in public utterances for own good.

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