
About Nirmala Sitharaman Horoscope

Published On : February 21, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Nirmala Sitharaman And Her Astrological Analysis As Follows

Nirmala Sitharaman – Hon’ble Defence Minister

Nirmala Sitharaman is an Indian politician currently serving as a Defence Minister of India in the Narendra Modi-led Centre Government since 2017. Her being the Defence Minister Of India is also notable because since Indira Gandhi, Nirmala is the second woman to have graced this portfolio. In addition, Nirmala Sitharaman, Defence Minister India has also worked with independent charge as a Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs under the Ministry of Finance of India and the Minister for Commerce and Industry.

Born in Madurai, Tamil Nadu on 16 August 1959, Nirmala Sitharaman is a woman of multifarious talent in different political and non-political spectrums. She served as a salesgirl in London’s Regent Street of Habitat. UK-based Agricultural Engineers Association hired her as an assistant to Economist for the trade association. She also lent her brief stint as a senior manager at the BBC World Service in UK. Graduate in BA in economics and Master Degree holder from JNU, Delhi, Nirmala Sitharaman was also the spokesperson for BJP and later she was inducted as a junior minister in the cabinet.

At PavitraJyotish, we are conducting an astrological analysis on the life of Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Defence Minister of India in the narrative as indicated in the following horoscope chart.

Birth Details of Nirmala Sitharaman are as per given below:

Date of Birth: August 16, 1959, Birth Day: Sunday, Birth Time: 07:00:00, Birth Place: Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

Nirmala Sitharaman Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and short analysis

Astrological Analysis About Nirmala Sitharaman

Good thing is that Nirmala Sitharaman, Defence Minister India has Sun in water sign that sensitive Cancer along with retrograde Mercury. Sun is in the last degree of Ashlesha constellation and moves into own sign that royal Leo soon. This way Sun gathers more strength. Mars is fire sign Leo along with retrograde Venus. This makes her feel confident and ambitious. Always ready to work hard to achieve her objective. Now Jupiter and wily Saturn are repeating their natal position. Jupiter moves through air sign that cultured and good at balancing Libra. Saturn moves through last of fire sign Sagittarius and repeats own natal position. Major planets repeating their radical position leads to the big event and we now see her as a full-time defence minister. Now she has to accept new challenges and exert more to succeed. Malefic shadow planets Rahu-Ketu are in Virgo and Pisces respectively.

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Effects of transiting planets in near future

For the whole of 2018 and 2019, wily Saturn traverses through Sagittarius. During transit through Sagittarius, Saturn is to cross over own radical position and that of Moon placed therein. Viewing this movement of Saturn carries much importance. Nirmala Sitharaman, Defence Minister India is in for new challenging situation. Handling defence ministry is surely a huge task to work upon. She needs to remain awake to complex needs of the Indian army. Saturn wants the person to toil hard and remain aware of limitations, constraints.

During 2018 and part of 2019 Shadow planets Rahu and Ketu move through Cancer and Capricorn respectively. Rahu moves in the eight house for radical Moon. This can lead to more challenging time for Nirmala Sitharaman, Defence Minister India. She also needs to be much careful about her health. She needs to make due deliberation prior to taking a decision about buying weapons for the army. She needs to consult experts over this. In the year 2019 malefic Ketu enters dual natured last of fire sign Sagittarius and join Saturn already moving therein. This transit of Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius is not a happy proposition for Sitharaman. She may have more trying time handling defence ministry and requirements of the army. This can prove to be a more complex issue to work upon for her. She may be replaced by another more competent person.

Benevolent Jupiter traverses through air sign Libra and water sign Scorpio for the most part of 2018 -19. Jupiter moving through Libra can lead to developing a new meaningful relationship. Movement of Jupiter is to give her more freedom to perform. Jupiter moving through Scorpio is to aspect radical position of Mercury and Sun. This movement of Jupiter is to prove beneficial for Nirmala Sitharaman, Defence Minister India. Her decisions are to receive positive support from the cabinet.

From around May 2018 to begging of October 2018, Mars transits through its sign of exaltation Capricorn. Mars is to have direct aspect over natal Mercury, Sun, and Rahu moving through Cancer. This phase needs to be handled with much tact and keeping cool during provoking situations. There is also a possibility of getting injured during this phase. She needs to remain very much care about health here. She may have to face the war-like situation on the border. This is to prove a kind of challenging position for Sitharaman.

From August to the end of the year 2018, Venus moves through own sign Libra. Venus now crosses over the natal position of Jupiter. This movement of Venus is to win applauds by many. She is able to prove her ability to handle complex issues.

Viewing all these movements of major planets in years 2018 -19 seems positively challenging and eventful for Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Defence minister of India.

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