
Astrological Analysis About Swara Bhaskar

Published On : July 11, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Swara Bhaskar As Seen From Astrological Standpoint

Swara Bhaskar – Indian Actress

Noted actress in India, Swara Bhaskar was born on April 09, 1988 in India’s capital city of Delhi to her parents, Chitrapu Uday Bhaskar and Ira Bhaskar. She completed her master’s degree in sociology from Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University. Swara is one of the most notable names in Bollywood film industry after having appeared in some of the greatest commercially and critically successful films, including, Guzaarish, Tanu Weds Manu and Tanu Weds Manu Returns. For her commendable cinematic performance in film, Tanu Weds Manu, she gained nomination for a Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actress, and another nomination for her performance in a romantic drama Raanjhanaa. She debuted her film career in film, Madholal Keep Walking. She once courted controversy post her apprehension in the wake of a protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act.

We are conducting an astrological analysis on the life of famous Indian actress, Swara Bhaskar in the following horoscope chart and representational horoscope chart that follows.

Birth Details of Swara Bhaskar are as per given below:

Date of Birth: April 09, 1988, Birth Day: Saturday, Birth Time: 06:00:00 hrs, Birth Place: Delhi, Delhi, India

Swara Bhasker Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and Short Analysis

Swara Bhaskar is an famous Indian actress.  Swara Bhaskar has made her name in the industry by her eye-catching performance.

As confirm Birth Time of Swara Bhaskar is unavailable we cast ‘Surya Kundli’ to access her prospects in near future.

Swara Bhaskar, Indian Actress is born with king of the Zodiac Sun in a dual nature last of water sign Pisces, ruled by Jupiter.

Poetic Pisces Zodiac Sign, the last in the line of Zodiac Signs, is as mystical and intuitive as they come. Creative outlets like music also work as a bridge for the Fish—between reality and fantasy. The artistic ability makes them popular amongst people, which is great as this makes the Fish feel comfortable and confident.  Hopeless romantics, most Pisces natives have this impractical, dream-like vision of life that invariably leaves them in soup. What makes it even more difficult is that most Fish are, contrary to the popular belief, quite rigid about certain things – like their own perception of people or things, certain attitudes and habit, a certain way of life etc. No matter what they want budge! The Fish are calm and easy-going as far as the financial matters and financial security are concerned.

In ‘Surya Kundli’ Sun keeps company with Mercury. This union supports ‘Budhaditya Yoga’. This leads Swara Bhaskar, Indian Actress to raise her position as a versatile actress. Ruler of ‘Surya Kundli’ Jupiter is in the first of fire sign Aries and placed in the second house about finance mainly. Jupiter here supports Swara Bhaskar to remain in a strong position on financial front. Jupiter placed in the second house has aspects over the sixth and the tenth house linked with occupation, profession along with Saturn and Moon stationed in the tenth house. Viewing placement of Jupiter and its influence over Saturn and Moon indicates that Swara Bhaskar is able to climb up the ladder and make a name as a talented actress. Shadow planet Rahu is in last of air sign Aquarius and positioned in the 12th house. This can take Swara Bhaskar to visit foreign country for short time. Swara Bhaskar can spend money meaninglessly. Venus is in own sign Taurus and stationed in the third house. This position makes Swara Bhaskar good at communication. Short term travel for Swara Bhaskar, Indian Actress is to be pleasant end enjoyable. Mars is exalted in last of earth sign Capricorn and gets placed in the eleventh house. Exalted Mars here facilitates opportunity to benefit monetarily. However, Swara Bhaskar needs to execute due caution in new friendly relationship.  Get your Love Ask 3 Question

In Navmansha D9 chart, Jupiter being exalted gathers strength.

In D10 chart Debilitated Mercury being lord of the Ascendant is stationed in the tenth house. Mars is in own sign and placed in the sixth house. Saturn is own sign Aquarius and stationed in the ninth house. These positions support Swara Bhaskar, Indian Actress to succeed as a versatile actress.

After viewing position of planets in Pisces ‘Surya Kundli’ and deliberating on affect of transit by major planets, we try to visualize prospect of Swara Bhaskar in near future.

Wily Saturn currently transits in own sign Capricorn in retrograde mode. Saturn moves through the eleventh house. Saturn becomes direct in motion from around last week of September 2020. Saturn keeps moving ahead in the eleventh house. In due course of time Saturn crosses over exalted natal Mars stationed in the eleventh house. This movement of Saturn leads to major change for betterment of Swara Bhaskar in near future. Ground realities also change here. Viewing this, Swara Bhaskar, Indian Actress needs to make moves according to ground reality, which presents new challenges for Swara Bhaskar. With new challenges comes new opportunity. Swara Bhaskar gets encouraging opportunity to showcase her inherent ability as a versatile actress. In turn Swara Bhaskar gets heartwarming financial gain. However, Swara Bhaskar has to work hard to succeed to attain her objective

Shadow planet Rahu currently transits in a dual nature first of air sign Gemini. Rahu moves through the fourth house in ‘Surya Kundli’. Movement of Rahu here supports Swara Bhaskar to buy new abode wherein she feels comfortable. Malefic Ketu transits in last of fire sign Sagittarius. Ketu moves through the tenth house. In process Ketu crosses natal Saturn and Moon positioned in the tenth house. This movement of malefic Ketu over natal Saturn and Moon can lead to change for Swara Bhaskar, Indian Actress. The change comes suddenly for Swara Bhaskar. In view of this Swara Bhaskar needs to remain prepared to accept new challenges. Swara Bhaskar needs to keep working over new challenges to put up improved performance. Progressive forces keep working effectively.

Benevolent Jupiter currently transits in own sign Sagittarius in retrograde mode. Jupiter moves through the tenth house. Jupiter moving through the tenth house has eye on the second house along with its own Natal position in the second house.

From mid of September 2020, Jupiter becomes direct in motion. With Jupiter direct in motion its positive vibes become stronger. In view of this movement of Jupiter pushes progressive forces to work much effectively. In turn Swara Bhaskar gets more opportunities to prove her versatility as a talented actress. These opportunities lead to handsome financial gain for Swara Bhaskar, Indian Actress.

Two major Planets Saturn and Jupiter in their own sign and moving through strategic important house surely indicate much eventful and encouragingly progressive and prospective time in near future for Swara Bhaskar, Indian Actress.

On viewing planetary positions in Pisces solar chart, and deliberating on effect of transit by major planets, we view period as progressive and much prosperous for Swara Bhaskar in near future. Know the effects of Planetary Transits in your life.

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