
Astrological Analysis About Nithya Menen

Published On : August 15, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

The Meaning Of What Astrology Predicts About Nithya Menen

Nithya Menen – Indian Actress and Singer

Nithya Menen, Indian Actress and Singer was born on 8 April 1988. She is India’s one of the top actresses, having graced her cinematic presence in Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam films. Born in Banashankari, Bangalore to Malayali parents, Nithya passed out from the Manipal University in journalism as she dreamed about being a journalist, until destiny forced her to become an actress, and singer. Apart from her mother tongue, Malayalam, she is totally fluent in all South Indian languages. She worked in Hindi film, Mission Mangal co-starred Akshay Kumar.

A thorough Astrological Analysis About Nithya Menen is being done in the following manner, by team PavitraJyotish, based on horoscope chart and narrations that follow.

Birth Details of Nithya Menen are as per given below:

Date of Birth: April 08, 1988, Birth Day: Friday, Birth Time: 06:30:00 hrs, Birth Place: Banglore, Karnataka, India

Nithya Menen Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and Short Analysis

Nithya Menen, Indian Actress and Singer is born with almighty Sun in a dual nature last of water sign Pisces, which is ruled by benevolent Jupiter.

Poetic Pisces Zodiac Sign the last in the line of the Zodiac Sign, is as mystical and intuitive as they come. A Water –Sign in all his manifestation, Pisces can be described in nutshell in the following words – sensitive, spiritual, scrupulous, and often sympathetic yet shrewd. Ideally speaking, the Zodiac Sign Pisces is said to embody all that is humanitarian and idealistic! These people care about others, and world at large – whether they manage to do something tangible about it or not, is a different thing! The Fish are calm and easy-going as far as the financial matters and financial security are concerned. Making Money and acquiring wealth is often secondary aim.

In ‘Surya Kundli’ debilitated Mercury keeps company with mighty Sun. This indicates that Nithya Menen, Indian Actress is intelligent enough to handle even adverse situation wisely and keep moving on road to progress. Ruler of ‘Surya Kundli’ Jupiter is in first of fire sign Aries and stationed in the second house, linked with finance mainly among other things. Jupiter here supports Nithya Menen, Singer to remain in sound position on financial front. Jupiter stationed in the second house has an eye over the tenth house along with wily Saturn and Moon positioned therein. This indicates that Nithya Menen remains active on work front and able to climb up the ladder to become a much popular talented actress. Nithya Menen earns big money by performing exceedingly well as an actress. Mars is exalted in the last of earth sign Capricorn and gets placed in the eleventh house signifying gain, friends and fulfillment of long held wish. Mars here facilitates encouraging opportunity for Nithya Menen, Singer to benefit monetarily. Nithya Menen has large friend circle. Nithya Menen gets her long held wish fulfilled by exerting consistently. Shadow planet Rahu is in a fix nature last of air sign Aquarius and stationed in the 12th house. Malefic Ketu is in a fire sign Leo and positioned in the sixth house. Venus is in own sign Taurus and stationed in the third house. This position makes Nithya Menen, Indian Actress good at communication and loves short term travel.

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In D10 chart, ruler of the tenth house Venus is in the ninth house. Ruler of the ninth house Mars is in its other sign Scorpio and is in opposition to the tenth house. Jupiter is in the first house and has aspect over Venus positioned in the ninth house. These positions surely support Nithya Menen, Singer to achieve success as a much popular actress.

On viewing position of planets in Pisces ‘Surya Kundli’ and deliberating on effect of transit by major planets we try to explore prospects of Nithya Menen, Indian Actress in near future.

Wily Saturn currently transits in own sign Capricorn in retrograde mode. Retrograde Saturn moves through the eleventh house. From around last week of September 2020, Saturn becomes direct in motion. Now in due course of time Saturn crosses natal exalted Mars. Besides Saturn moving through the eleventh house has eye on natal Sun and natal Mercury. These influences of Saturn lead to some major development for betterment of Nithya Menen. Ground realities are to change now. In view of this Nithya Menen, Indian Actress needs to look at ground reality and make moves accordingly. Nithya Menen, Singer needs to accept new challenges willingly and keep working over the same and aim at performing better. Movement of Saturn and its influences indicates eventful and much progressive for Nithya Menen in near future. Nithya Menen, Singer gets more opportunities to exhibit her inherent ability as an actress. On account of these opportunities Nithya Menen gets handsome financial gain.

Shadow planet Rahu currently transits in first of air sign Gemini and moves through the fourth house in ‘Surya Kundli’. Rahu here supports Nithya Menen, Indian Actress to buy new abode wherein she feels comfortable. Malefic Ketu transits in last of fire sign Sagittarius and moves through the tenth house. Ketu moving through the tenth house crosses over natal Saturn and natal Moon stationed therein. Ketu keeps person in wanting for things related to the house it transits. Ketu crossing over Natal Saturn and Moon leads to major change for good of Nithya Menen. The change comes suddenly for Nithya Menen. Nithya Menen, Singer needs to be prepared to work according to new ground reality.

Ruler of ‘Surya Kundli’ Jupiter currently transits in own sign Sagittarius in retrograde mode. Retrograde Jupiter moves through the tenth house. From mid of September 2020, Jupiter becomes direct in motion. Jupiter moving through the tenth house aspects the second house along with own natal position therein. This indicates that Nithya Menen remains in a strong position on financial front. Nithya Menen, Indian Actress remains active on work front. Nithya Menen exhibits her talent as an actress and attracts more viewers to watch her performance.

Two major planets Jupiter and Saturn transiting in own sign and moving through major important house, surely indicates financially much prospective time for Nithya Menen, Singer in near future.

On viewing planetary positions in Pisces “Surya Kundli’ and deliberating on effect of transit by major planets we view period as much eventful, much progressive for Nithya Menen in near future. In turn Nithya Menen, Indian Actress benefits monetarily handsomely.

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