
About Taimur Ali Khan Horoscope

Published On : November 3, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Taimur Ali Khan As Analysed In Vedic Astrology

Introduction of Taimur Ali Khan

Taimur Ali Khan is the son of noted Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan and actress, Kareena Kapoor. He was born on December 20, 2016. Sharmila Tagore, India’s veteran film actress is the grandmother of Taimur. One of the interesting things about his birth is that Taimur was delivered by the same doctor who once had delivered his mother. Soon after his birth Taimur became an internet sensation because of his resplendent look bearing an unmistakable aura of regality. Sara Ali Khan, who is a noted actress in Bollywood films and Ibrahim are half siblings of Taimur. Taimur is also known by other name, Tim. Moreover, Taimur is said to be the only celebrity kid who’s been photographed most by the media.

At PavitraJyotish, we are conducting an astrological analysis on the life of Taimur Ali Khan as indicated in the following horoscope chart.

Birth Details of Taimur Ali Khan are as per given below:

Date of Birth: December 20, 2016, Birth Day: Tuesday, Birth Time: 08:49:00, Birth Place: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Taimur Ali Khan Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights

Taimur Ali Khan is born with Scorpio Ascendant. Scorpio Zodiac Sign is a fix-natured water sign, known for being highly passionate. Mars is the ruler of Scorpio the Ascendant sign. Mars is in a fix-natured last of air sign Aquarius in company of malefic shadow planet Ketu and gets placed in the third house. Ruler of the seventh and the tenth house Mercury is retrograde and transits in Sagittarius in company of mighty Sun.  Both are positioned in the first house. Ruler of the Ascendant and the fourth house, Jupiter is in a dual natured earth sign Virgo and stationed in the tenth house. Moon being ruler of the eighth house is in a fire sign Leo and transits along with malefic shadow planet Rahu. Both are placed in the ninth house. Venus holds portfolio of the sixth and the eleventh house. Venus in an earth sign Capricorn a situated in the second house.

According to Bhav –Chalit, Sun shifts into the 12th house. Rahu moves into the eighth house. Mars and Ketu shifts into the second house and join the company of Venus stationed therein.

In birth chart, Jupiter and Mercury change sign with each other. Mars and Saturn also exchange sign with each other.

In Navmansha D9 chart, Saturn and Mars being in their own signs, become strong. Moon is debilitated and hence become week.

Taimur Ali Khan is born under the influence of Venus major period and sub period of Saturn. Currently he is under the influence of sub period of Mercury in major period of Venus till 22nd January, 2020. Venus major period gets over on 24th march 2021. Then for ensuing six years he will be under the influence of Sun major period till 24th March 2027.Get your Personalised Education Report By PavitraJyotish

Effect of Transiting Planets

Currently Jupiter Transit in a water sign Scorpio and moves through the 12th house. During this movement Jupiter crosses over radical position of Saturn positioned in the 12th house. This indicates now time is for Taimur Ali Khan to start learning things. Around beginning of November 2019 Jupiter enters own sign Sagittarius. This indicates Progressive time for him now. Ensuing movement of Jupiter seems a happy proposition for Taimur Ali Khan.

Presence of Sun and Mercury leads to him to become very intelligent and success in his pursuit. This position supports best ‘Raj Yoga’. This indicates being born in a financially sound family. He is to add to his prosperity when he starts earning.

Jupiter exchanges sign with crafty Mercury. This leads to notable progress in his pursuit when he grows up. This indicates successful career for Taimur Ali Khan. This position leads to a progressive and prosperous time for him.

Wily Saturn at present transits in a dual natured last of fire sign Sagittarius. Now Saturn moves through the first house. His parents on being busier with other things may not have time to give due attention to him. Ensuing movement of Saturn in own signs Capricorn and Aquarius is to keep him busy with learning things, which he needs to know about. Not much comfortable time for Taimur Ali Khan during transit of Saturn. In birth chart Saturn is positioned in the 12th house. This leads to being extravagant, spending money indiscriminately, when he grows up. Saturn exchanging sign with Mars leads to him taking a well calculated risk to enhance his prospects in general.

Malefic shadow planet Rahu is stationed in the ninth house along with Moon. In Bhav –Chalit Rahu shifts to the eighth house. This can lead to health issue for Taimur Ali Khan. Health issue even minor one can lead to further complications if not attended promptly with due remedial measure. Ensuing movement of Rahu does not sound a happy proposition for Taimur Ali Khan.

Malefic shadow planet Ketu is in Aquarius along with Mars and positioned in the third house. In Bhav –Chalit both shift into the second house. When he grows up he needs to handle matter related to finance much cautiously. Issue in family can disturb Taimur Ali Khan. He needs to handle this by keeping his cool and conduct much tactfully and with due delicacy. From around March 2019, Ketu enters last of fire sign Sagittarius and moves through the first house along with wily Saturn. This movement of Saturn and Ketu does not sound a happy proposition for Taimur Ali Khan. Some health issue may catch up with him. Health issue if any, needs to be attended promptly with due remedial measure to save from further complications. This movement of both malefic can lead to some issue for his father Saif Ali Khan. He needs to keep his cool and act much tactfully and with due delicacy. Further Ketu enters in a fix natured water sign Scorpio and moves though the 12th house. During transit in Scorpio Ketu crosses over radical position of Saturn stationed in the 12th house. This movement of Ketu does not sound well for health of Taimur Ali Khan. In view of this due care of health is needed. Some issue in family can disturb him. However, he has no role to play in family related issue.

Summarizing the movement of malefic in initial years can lead to a health issue and some unhappy movements in family for Taimur Ali Khan.

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Don’t forget to read:  About Aamir Khan Horoscope and About Saif Ali Khan HoroscopeKnow Your Detailed Janampatri By PavitraJyotish

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