
About Selena Gomez Horoscope

Published On : December 25, 2019  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

The Surprising Detail Of Selena Gomez As Unfolded Astrologically

Introduction of Selena Gomez – American Singer, Songwriter, Actress and Television Producer

One of the most celebrated Famous American Singer, Songwriter and Actress, Selena Gomez was born on July 22, 1992 in Grand Prairie, Texas to the family of Ricardo Joel Gomez and Amanda Dawn “Mandy” Cornett. After the divorce of her parent when she at five years old, she remained with her mother. Her schooling was accomplished with high-school diploma that she earned through homeschooling. Today Selena no longer needs introduction as she is hailed as one of the finest singers in the world. Her acting did have notable spotlight after her impressive portrayal of Alex Russo on the Emmy Award-winning Disney Channel television series Wizards of Waverly Place. The TV series continued being aired from 2007 to 2012, making Selena a household name. She also appeared in a movie, Another Cinderella Story (2008). In an animation film, Hotel Transylvania, her voice-over was for the character, Mavis. Her albums and singles are reported to have been sold in more than 7 million and 22 million respectively. She is the recipient of various awards and accolades, including recognition of the Billboard Woman of the Year in 2017. She became a UNICEF ambassador at the age of 17. She holds seven Guinness World Records, too.

Following is the astrological analysis on the life of famous American actress and singer, Selena Gomez. The analysis has been denoted through horoscope chart and representational narratives.

Birth Details of Selena Gomez are as per given below:

Date of Birth: July 22, 1992, Birth Day: Wednesday, Birth Time: 07:19:00 hrs, Birth Place: Grand Prairie, Texas, USA

Selena Gomez Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and Short Analysis

Selena Gomez, American Singer, American singers, songwriters, actresses, and television producers is born with Cancer Ascendant. Cancer Zodiac Sign is a movable water sign and ruled by Moon.

Ruled by Moon, the moody, temperamental Cancer is a sensitive, emotional, watery Sign and can be closely associated to its animal symbol ‘Crab’.  The Cancer natives are usually reserved and shy when they are surrounded by people whom they don’t know. They feel uncomfortable and vulnerable in company of unknown people. This is the time when their imaginary protective shield is put in action. Don’t complain if they take their own time to adapt to the environment and the company. They are ambitious and independent and dream to start their independent venture. They want to live an active life and take up a career which allows them to explore their potential. Emotions being the most important factor in their lives, they often fear they may hurt someone’s feelings.

Ruler of the Ascendant Moon is in first of fire sign Aries and positioned in the tenth house, linked with occupation alias ‘Karma’. This position of Moon induces Selena Gomez, American Songwriter to take initiative and work hard to achieve due progress in her field of activities. Mars rules the tenth house and also holds portfolio of the fifth house. Mars is in a fix nature earth sign Taurus and positioned in the eleventh house, linked with gain and relationship in general. Viewing this, Selena Gomez, American Actress needs to execute due caution in new relationship more so with opposite sex. Mighty Sun along with retrograde Mercury is in water sign Cancer and stationed in the first house, alias the Ascendant. This position leads Selena Gomez, American Singer to have sharp intelligence and good grasping ability. She is able to indentify opportunity coming her way and respond to the same positively and gain financially. Benevolent Jupiter is in a fire sign Leo and stationed in the second house, linked with finance mainly. This position and positive vibes of Jupiter, pushes progressive forces to work much effectively and in turn Selena Gomez, American Songwriter gets encouraging opportunity to exhibit her inherent ability and talent as a singer, song writer and as a versatile actress. Shadow planet Rahu is in last of fire sign Sagittarius and positioned in the sixth house. Malefic Ketu is in a dual nature air sign Gemini and stationed in the 12th house. Wily Saturn is retrograde in own sign Capricorn and positioned in the seventh house. Saturn is positioned in opposition to mighty Sun, Venus and retrograde Mercury. This position leads Selena Gomez, American Songwriter to have kind of challenging time in handling issue related to confirming personal life, Love And relationships. Selena Gomez, American Singer needs to keep her cool and handle the issue tactfully and with due delicacy and aim at maintain warmth and harmony in relationship.Get your Love Ask 3 Question

In Navmansha D9 chart, Mars being exalted gains strength. Moon is ‘Vargottami’ hence gathers strength. Sun being in own sign gathers strength.

In D10 chart, debilitated and retrograde Saturn along with Moon is stationed in the tenth house. This position enables Selena Gomez, American Actress to formulate strong strategy and exert more to succeed and become a much popular singer, songwriter and actress.

Selena Gomez, American Singer is currently under the influence of Rahu sub period in major period of Sun till November 18, 2020. This indicates much gainful time ahead for Selena Gomez, American Actress.

After viewing position of planetary energy in Cancer Ascendant and transit by major planets, we try to explore prospects of Selena Gomez, American Actress in near future.

Wily currently Saturn Transit in last of fire sign Sagittarius along with malefic Ketu and accompanied by ruler of Sagittarius benevolent Jupiter. All move through the sixth house. Movement of two malefic through the sixth house leads her to exert more. These two malefic holds Selena Gomez to make fast paced progress. Some hindrance or other slows down progress. She needs to take care of her existing relationship, association to keep future growth prospects alive. Selena Gomez, American Singer needs to take into account ground realities and conduct accordingly. Things are to move slowly due to evil effect of two malefic.

Shadow planet Rahu currently transits in air sign Gemini. Rahu moves through the 12th house. Rahu moving through the 12th house, crosses over radical position of malefic Ketu stationed therein. This indicates some strategic change for Selena Gomez, American Songwriter. She goes to different places to exhibit her inherent ability and talent and gain financially.

Benevolent Jupiter currently transits in own sign Sagittarius. Jupiter joins company of Saturn and malefic Ketu already moving therein. This movement works well for Selena Gomez, American Actress. She is able to soar over hindrance and keep moving on road to progress. Things may not pick well initially for Selena Gomez, American Songwriter.  She needs to keep her cool and have patience on her side. Selena Gomez, American Singer may miss some good opportunity due to other commitment.

From end of March 2020, Jupiter enters its sign of debilitation earth sign Capricorn. Jupiter moves through the seventh house, in company of ruler of Capricorn Saturn, already moving therein. Saturn here repeats own radical position in the seventh house. Both major planets move in opposition to radical position of mighty Sun, Venus and retrograde Mercury. This movement of two major planets leads to major change for betterment of Selena Gomez, American Singer. Some change of perspective with her long time association and relationship is envisaged. Some new challenges come up for Selena Gomez, American Actress. She needs to get used to new challenges and keep focus on giving an edge to her performance as singer, song writer and as an actress.

From mid of May 2020, Jupiter becomes retrograde. Saturn is also moving in retrograde mode. From end of June 2020, Jupiter moving in retrograde again enters own sign Sagittarius. From around mid of September 2020 Jupiter becomes direct in motion and keeps moving ahead in Sagittarius through the sixth house. This second time movement of Jupiter raises new opportunities for Selena Gomez, American Songwriter. Progressive forces are to work much effectively rendering Selena Gomez encouraging opportunity to cash on her inherent ability and talent as a singer, song writer and actress.

Summarily, effect of transit by major planets on prospects of Selena Gomez, American Actress in near future, period seems very much eventful, encouragingly progressive and financially gainful for Selena Gomez, American Songwriter. Consult our astronomer for best Love Problems Solution to put an end to your love-related tension and problems.

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