
About Radha Mohan Singh Horoscope

Published On : April 25, 2019  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Here Is What Astrology Tells You About Radha Mohan Singh

Radha Mohan Singh – Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare was born on September 01, 1949. An erudite politician from the electoral constituency of Bihar-based Purvi Champaran, Radha Mohan, at present, is the cabinet minister in Narendra Modi-led central government and is serving as India’s Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare and Ex-officio Members of NITI Aayog (Formally Planning Commission). A Bharatiya Janata Party leader from political association with the party, he also served as the party’s president of its Bihar State unit and continued serving it for the tenure of three years (2006 to 2009). He also held membership for 9th Lok Sabha, 11th Lok Sabha, 13th Lok Sabha, 15th Lok Sabha, and at present, he is a member of the 16th Lok Sabha. As a politician, Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare grew a stalwart personality for himself as attributed to his great performance in the erstwhile election of 2009 in which he was declared the winner by a margin of 79,290 counts that rose to a sizeable count of 1, 92,163 votes. As a cabinet minister, his priorities include cow protection and better breeding of Indian cows. Cultural activities to his credit include Vaidyanath Seva Trust, Rickshaw Chalak Kalyan Samiti, Motihari, and Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhayaya Smriti.

Here’s the astrological analysis on Radha Mohan Singh by team PavitraJyotish represented in the following horoscope chart and subsequent details.

Birth Details of Radha Mohan Singh are as per given below:

Date of Birth: September 01, 1949, Birth Day: Thursday, Birth Time: 12:00:00, Birth Place: Narhan, Bihar, India

Radha Mohan Singh Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights

Since his exact Birth time is not available we take his ‘Surya Kundli’ for consideration.

Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has Sun in own sign Leo along with combust Saturn. This conjunction of Sun and Saturn makes him to a dedicated hard worker. He keeps working hard till he achieves his objective. Jupiter is in own sign Sagittarius along with Moon. Both are positioned in the fifth house from Sun. Jupiter has positive influence over the Sun and Saturn. This position induces him to remain highly motivated to achieve success in his pursuit. Moon and Jupiter in conjunction supports ‘Gaj Kesari Yoga’. This leads Radha Mohan Singh to remain in a strong position on financial front and own a land for cultivation. Mercury is in own sign Virgo along with malefic Ketu and debilitated Venus. They are in the second house from mighty Sun. This position spells well for Radha Mohan Singh to become rich and wealthy. Shadow planets Rahu is in a dual nature last of water sign Pisces and positioned in the eighth house from his Sun sign. Mars is in its sign of debilitation water sign Cancer. Mars is stationed in the 12th house from his Sun sign.

In Navmansha D9 chart, Debilitated Mars, Sun, Saturn and Jupiter remain in same sign as at birth and termed ‘Vargottami’ and gather strength.Get your Personalised Horoscope Reading By PavitraJyotish

Effect of transit by Major planets on prospects of Suresh Prabhu in current Parliamentary Election

Hard taskmaster Saturn currently transits in a dual nature last o fire sign Sagittarius. Saturn transiting in Sagittarius crosses over radical position of retrograde Jupiter and Moon stationed therein. This transit of Saturn is to keep Radha Mohan Singh under pressure for one reason or other. This transit of Saturn can lead him to be entrusted with more responsibility and enhances his prospects to win in current general election. This transit of Saturn is also to present new challenges for Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. He needs to accept new challenges willingly and work hard over the same to achieve his objective to win in current general elections. This period is to be much eventful and test his ability to register a win in current general election. Progressive forces are to work effectively.

From 7th March malefic Ketu entered last of fire sign Sagittarius. Ketu transits in Sagittarius in company of Saturn. This movement of two malefic through the fifth house is to make his task more challenging. Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare is to experience new challenges on road to progress. He needs to accept new challenges and remain aware about ground reality and plan his activities accordingly.

Shadow planet Rahu entered a dual nature air sign Gemini from 7th March. Rahu moves in the eleventh house now. This movement of Rahu through the eleventh leads to have more meaningful relationships. These relationships are to work well for Radha Mohan Singh to push ahead his prospects on political front. However, he needs to exert more and work for extended hours fulfill his wish to win in current election.

Benevolent Jupiter entered own sign Sagittarius from 30th March. Soon from 11th April Jupiter became retrograde in motion. From 23rd April Jupiter moving in retrograde mode entered a fix nature water sign Scorpio. Jupiter then moves through the fourth house in retrograde mode. This movement of Jupiter does not sound a happy proposition for Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. He needs to accept new challenges willingly and work much hard over the same to achieve his objective. His task is to become more challenging. This period is to be much eventful and can prove much promising as well for Radha Mohan Singh.

The results for current parliamentary elections are to start pouring in from 23rd May. Planetary Transit positions seem supportive for Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare to win in current parliamentary elections with reasonable good margins.

Also Read: About Piyush Goyal Horoscope and About Dharmendra Pradhan Horoscope Get your Life Reading Report By PavitraJyotish

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