
About Neymar da Silva Santos Horoscope

Published On : March 5, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Astro Study Revealing Varying Sides Of Neymar Da Silva Santos

Introduction of Neymar da Silva Santos – Brazilian Professional Footballer

Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior was born on 5 February 1992 in Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo to the parents, Neymar Santos Sr. and Nadine da Silva. The son of a former football player, Neymar da Silva Santos – Brazilian Professional Footballer playing as a forward for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and the Brazil national team. He has earned the spotlight as world’s one of the finest footballers. He began to play for youth side for Brazilian football club known as Portuguesa Santista. In due course of time, when his family moved to Santos, Neymar associated with Santos FC. Success came to him in early struggle period as a player, which helped boost his financial condition enabling him to purchase his first house next to the Vila Belmiro. Because of his monthly earning 10,000 reais, he made his family life financially reliant. As he grew up, so was his income. When he was 17 years old, his first full professional contract was signed upgrading to Santos first team. Neymar is today’s one of the most celebrated footballers because of his markedly brilliant sportsmanship. For the year 2012 and 2013 respectively, he was entitled world’s most marketable athlete by Sports Pro, and world’s fourth-most famous athlete in 2016 by ESPN.

We are conducting an astrological analysis on the life of Neymar da Silva Santos in the following horoscope chart and narratives representing the same.

Birth Details of Neymar are as per given below:

Date of Birth: January 05, 1992, Birth Day: Sunday, Birth Time: 02:15:00 hrs, Birth Place: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Neymar Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and Short Analysis

Neymar da Silva Santos, Brazilian Professional Footballer is born with Libra Ascendant.  Libra Zodiac Sign is a cardinal sign ruled by Venus.

Libra is seventh and only Sign to have a non-living object as symbol –Scales. Going by its symbol, it’s easy to surmise that people born with Libra Ascendant are excellent at maintaining equilibrium and balance.  The Scales are jovial, and nearly hypnotise people with their charming ways. They are like a whiff of fresh air – cool, calm and pleasant, when around. They like to pamper their near and dear ones, even friends, and make them feel comfortable. They seldom have a strong dislike for something. Rather conflicts and disputes are what they detest. Thus they spearhead the ‘mission harmony’ on the domestic front. A peace lover, Libra native can often play a good referee, and has the ability to resolve disputes between people. They also admire unity, and look for opportunities to unite people.

Ruler of the Ascendant Venus is in a fix nature water sign Scorpio and along with Mercury is positioned in the second house. This position enables Neymar, Footballer to have a quick grasp of situation and make the same to work his way.  Besides, this position also supports Neymar, Brazilian Professional Footballer to become richer and wealthier in due course of time. Mighty Sun is in a friendly fire sign Sagittarius, in company of Moon, shadow planet Rahu and Mars and stationed in the third house. This position makes good in communication and formulate a strong strategy to win game for his team. Saturn is measured as most beneficial alias ‘Yoga Karka’ for Libra Ascendant. Saturn is in own sign Capricorn and positioned in the fourth house. Viewing this, Neymar, Footballer remains keen to save money and have an eye catching abode for him. Malefic Ketu is in a dual nature air sign Gemini and stationed in the ninth house. This leads Neymar, Footballer to travel a lot and gain from thereof. Jupiter rules the sixth and the third house. Jupiter is retrograde in a fire sign Leo and positioned in the eleventh house. Retrograde Jupiter in the eleventh house, facilitates encouraging opportunity for Neymar, Footballer to have spirit enlivening financial gain. Neymar, Footballer has large number of fans who keep supporting Neymar, Brazilian Professional Footballer during a match.

In Birth chart, Saturn is in own sign Capricorn. Retrograde Jupiter stationed in the eleventh house has aspect over the third house along with planets positioned therein.

In Navmansha D9 chart, Mercury, Saturn and Sun are debilitated hence loss of strength. Mars and Venus are in their own sign and gather strength.

In D10 chart, Moon, Saturn and Venus are in own sign and Mars is exalted. These positions surely support Neymar, Footballer to succeed as a much talented footballer.

Neymar, Brazilian Professional Footballer is currently under the influence of Sun sub period in major period of Mars, till 5/7/2020.  Then Neymar, Footballer is to be under the influence of Moon sub period in major period of Mars. In view of this, encouragingly progressive and much prosperous is foreseen for Neymar in near future.

On viewing positions of Planets in Libra Ascendant and deliberating on effect of transit by major planets, we try to explore prospects of Neymar, Footballer in near future.

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Major planet Saturn transit in own sign Capricorn and moves through the fourth house. Saturn repeats own radical position. Saturn moving through the fourth house, crosses over own radical position. Transiting Saturn has aspect over the Ascendant. Viewing this movement and its influences indicates eventful and progressive period ahead for Neymar. Neymar, Brazilian Professional Footballer has to exert more to prove his worth as an expert footballer and win more matches for his team. At the same time Neymar, Footballer becomes richer and wealthier.

Shadow planet Rahu currently transits in a dual nature first of air sign Gemini. Rahu moves through the ninth house. Rahu moving through the ninth house crosses over radical position of Malefic Ketu. Viewing this, Neymar is travel a lot. Progressive forces are to keep working much effectively and in turn Neymar, Footballer gets more opportunities to exhibit his inherent ability and talent by winning more matches for his team. Neymar, Brazilian Professional Footballer has spirit enlivening financial gain. Change for good comes suddenly for Neymar, Footballer.

Jupiter currently transits in own sign Sagittarius. Jupiter moves through the third house. Jupiter moving through the third house, crosses radical position of mighty Sun, Moon, shadow planet Rahu and Mars stationed therein. Besides, Jupiter moving through the third house has aspect over own radical position, positioned in the eleventh house. This movement and its influence indicate major development for good of Neymar, Brazilian Professional Footballer. He gets more opportunity to showcase his ability as best scorer. However, initially things may not move fast for Neymar, Footballer. He needs to keep his cool and have patience on his side.

From end of March 2020, Jupiter enters last of earth sign Capricorn. Jupiter gets debilitated in Capricorn. Jupiter now moves through the fourth house in company of wily Saturn already moving therein.  Jupiter moving through the fourth house crosses over radical position of Saturn stationed therein. Two major planets moving through the fourth house surely indicates something big in offing for Neymar, Footballer in near future.

From mid of May 2020, Jupiter becomes retrograde in Capricorn. From end of June 2020, Jupiter moving in retrograde mode again enters own sign Sagittarius. From around mid of September 2020, Jupiter becomes direct in motion. Jupiter becoming direct in motion pushes progressive forces to work much effectively. In turn, Neymar, Brazilian Professional Footballer gets opportunities to exhibit his inherent ability and talent to score more goals to win match for his team.

Two major planets transiting in own sign, through important house surely indicates something big to materialize for Neymar, Brazilian Professional Footballer. He succeeds in holding his reputation as talented scorer and becomes richer and wealthier.

Viewing planetary positions in Libra Ascendant and deliberating on effect of transit by major planets, period ahead is to be quite eventful, encouragingly progressive and much prosperous for Neymar, Footballer.

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