
About Kumar Mangalam Birla Horoscope

Published On : December 12, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Thorough Astrological Analysis On Kumar Mangalam Birla

Kumar Mangalam Birla – Indian Industrialist and Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group

Kumar Mangalam Birla, Indian Industrialist and Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group is a distinguished Indian industrialist who also happens to head India’s one of the largest conglomerate corporate houses, Aditya Birla Group as a chairman. Born in Kolkata and raised in Mumbai, Kumar graduated in Commerce from H.R. College of Commerce and Economics. He achieved his MBA degree from London Business School. Currently, he is the chairman of India’s deemed university/higher educational institute called BITS Pilani. He is also the chairman of IIM Ahmedabad which is a leading public business school based in Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat. Kumar is the recipient of “CEO of the Year Award” by International Advertising Association, “Global Leadership Award” by US India business council, “Business Leader Award” by ET (Economics Times), “Most Inspiring Leader” by NDTV Profit Business Leadership Awards 2012, “Indian of the Year Award 2010” by CNN-IBN.

PavitraJyotish does an astrological analysis of Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla through the horoscope chart as follows.

Birth Details of Kumar Mangalam Birla are as per given below:

Date of Birth: June 14, 1967, Birth Day: Wednesday, Birth Time: 08:45:00, Birth Place: West Bengal, India

Kumar Manglam Birla Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and short analysis

Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group is born with Cancer Ascendant. Cancer is a water sign ruled by Moon.  The native tends to be moody, temperamental Cancer is sensitive, emotional water sign and can be closely associated to its symbol ‘Crab’ Most Cancer native belies their super –soft, benevolent, and nurturing side, which to be fair to them is truly their trade mark. It is actually good that native is shrewd enough to realize that they can be taken advantage of, and ironically, it’s their closest kin and family who take the maximum advantage. No wonder, they tend to become too cautious, and sometimes painfully slow, while dealing with the situations and world at large.

Ruler of the Ascendant Moon is in a fire sign Leo and positioned in the second house. Ruler of the second house mighty Sun is in earth sign Taurus and stationed in the eleventh house. This position leads to getting the opportunity to have handsome gains financially. Venus rules the eleventh and the fourth house. Venus is in a water sign Cancer along with exalted Jupiter and both are placed in the first house. Malefic shadow planet Rahu (north node) is in Aries and placed in the tenth house. Ketu is in air sign Libra and stationed in the fourth house. Mars is measured as most beneficial planet for Cancer Ascendant teemed as ‘Yog Karka’.  Mars is in a dual natured earth sign Virgo and stationed in the third house. This leads to aggressive approach by Kumar Mangalam birla, Indian Business person. Wily Saturn is in a dual natured last of water sign Pisces and positioned in the ninth house. Mars and Saturn are in opposition to each other.

In Navmansha D9 chart, Moon is in own sign, hence become strong.Get your Life Reading Report By PavitraJyotish

Effect of transit of major planets in near future

Wily Saturn transits in a dual nature last of fire sign Sagittarius during the year 2018 and whole of the year 2019. Saturn now moves through the sixth house in his chart. Transiting Saturn has an aspect over radical position of Mars positioned in the third house. Saturn moves through the sixth house in opposition to radical position of Mercury stationed in the 12th house. This leads to expanding activities of Birla group. Some kind of major change is envisaged here for Kumar Mangalam birla, Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group. At some venture he has to exert more to maintain his position. Progressive forces are to work effectively for Kumar Mangalam birla, Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group during transit of Saturn in Sagittarius through the sixth house.

Shadow planet Rahu currently transits in a water sign Cancer. Rahu then moves through the first house. During this movement Rahu crossed over radical position of Jupiter and Venus stationed in the first house. He is likely to have a kind of challenging time to run his company satisfactorily. At the same time Ketu transits in earth sign Capricorn. Ketu then moves through the seventh house. Kumar Mangalam birla, Indian industrialist can have some issue with one in a confirm relationship. He needs to keep his cool and handle this much tactfully and with due delicacy to preserve warmth and harmony in relationship.

From around March 2019, Rahu enters a dual nature air sign Gemini. Rahu moves through the 12th house. During this movement Rahu crosses over radical position of Mercury positioned in the 12th house. Kumar Mangalam birla, Indian industrialist needs to have effective check on unwarranted expenses here. He is to incline for development now. Progressive forces are to work effectively for him here.

From March 2019, malefic shadow planet Ketu enters a dual nature last of fire sign Sagittarius to join company of Saturn already transiting therein. Both now move through the sixth house. This movement of two malefic through the sixth house does not sound a happy proposition for Kumar Mangalam birla, Indian Business person. He needs to remain much careful about Health Problems here. He has to exert more to run the show satisfactorily.
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Benevolent Jupiter currently transits in a fix nature water sign Scorpio. Now Jupiter moves through the fifth house in his chart. This movement of Jupiter in Scorpio through the fifth house sounds a happy proposition for Kumar Mangalam. Jupiter transiting through the fifth house eyes its own radical position and also that of Venus stationed in the first house. This leads to progressive forces to work effectively. Expansion of his activity is envisaged here. A prosperous time for Kumar Mangalam birla, Indian Business person is foreseen here. Transiting Jupiter also eyes radical position of wily Saturn positioned in the ninth house. This gives enough time for him learn few things to push ahead his prospects.

From 30th March 2019 Jupiter enters its own sign Sagittarius. Now Jupiter moves through the sixth house. Jupiter becomes retrograde from 11th April. From 23rd April Jupiter reenters water sign Scorpio in retrograde mode. From 12th August Jupiter becomes direct in motion. This phase of retrogression of Jupiter is to prove kind of challenging for Kumar Mangalam. He needs to refrain from taking any major important decision related to occupation and finance as well.

From 5th November 2019, Jupiter again enters its own sign Sagittarius. Now Jupiter moves through the sixth house, in company of wily Saturn and malefic shadow planet Ketu. This movement of Jupiter is to minimize evil effect of two malefic. This movement of Jupiter seems progressive and prosperous for Kumar Mangalam. Jupiter transits in Sagittarius till end of the year 2019 and beyond.

After due deliberation about movement of major planets, period is to be much eventful and progressive and prosperous for Kumar Mangalam, Chairman of the Aditya Birla Group. In between he is to have kind of challenging for him. He needs to take due care in this regard. Ask Astrologer for solutions regarding career, marriage, education, health and so on.

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