
About Kangana Ranaut Horoscope

Published On : February 15, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Astrological Analysis Of Bollywood Queen, Kangana Ranaut

About Actress Kangana Ranaut

Kangana Ranaut, prominent Bollywood actress, is one of the most famous and the highest-paid actresses in Hindi cinema. Born on 23 March 1986 at Bhambla in Himachal Pradesh to a family of Rajput clan, Kangana is mostly known for realistic acting performance as well as for her candor while lending her voice on various issues, personal or otherwise. Be it her spat with Hrithik Roshan and talking about it openly on media channels or expressing grievances on issues related to feminism and films, including her rejoinder to Karan Johar on his talk show Coffee with Karan, Kangana is an acclaimed celebrity for fearlessly speaking up her mind. During her initial struggling phase in life, she was hired as a model for the Elite Modelling Agency that she very soon abandoned for having no scope of creativity in it. Kangana Ranaut, Famous Bollywood Actress struggled for years without the financial support from her estranged parents and relatives until she did a role in commercially successful film, Gangster receiving the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut for her performance in the movie. Now with many successful films and honorary awards to her credit, Kangana is a ubiquitous personality in India. Cinematic achievements have given much-required stimulus to her Bollywood career. She has been honored with 3 National Film Awards for best supporting actress for the film, Fashion and Best Actress award for the movie, Queen.

At PavitraJyotish, we are conducting an astrological analysis on the life of Kangana Ranaut in the narrative as indicated in the following horoscope chart.

Birth Details of Kangana Ranaut are as per given below:

Date of Birth: March 23, 1986, Birth Day: Sunday, Birth Time: 07:00:00, Birth Place: Bhubaneswar, Himachal Pradesh, India

Kangana Ranaut Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and Kangana Ranaut Horoscope Analysis

Kangana Ranaut, Famous Bollywood Actress has Sun in Pisces along with exalted Venus. Pisces Zodiac Sgn last in the line of zodiac sign is as mystical and intuitive as they come. Viewing this, her traits can be described in the following words.

She is Sensitive, spiritual, scrupulous, stubborn and often sympathetic yet very shrewd one. Exalted Venus in combination with mighty Sun has led her to become one of the top female actress and also one of highest paid one. Pisces native looks for security all-around.

Ruler of Pisces benevolent Jupiter is in humanitarian Aquarius along with retrograde Mercury. Retrograde Mercury here leads to instability in a relationship with opposite gender. Wily Saturn is retrograde and placed in a fix natured water sign Scorpio. Saturn repeated its radical position in 2015-16 and some part of 2017 as well. Mars also accompanied Saturn for some time. This resulted in being greatly successful in her career and also led to controversies in a relationship with opposite gender. Moon is in own sign Cancer and viewed by Mars posited in Sagittarius. This position does not seem to be a happy proposition.

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Effects of transiting planets in near future

For the whole of 2018 and 2019, wily Saturn traverses through Sagittarius. During transit through Sagittarius Saturn is to cross over the radical position of Mars placed therein. Saturn leads to contraction, disruption. This indicates the kind of challenging time at work front for Kangana Ranaut, Famous Bollywood Actress. She is to get roles which are different than earlier ones. This is to add to her acting ability. Progressive forces are to work effectively for her. At the same time, she has accepted new challenges in her field of activity.

Shadow planets Rahu and Ketu move through Cancer and Capricorn respectively. Rahu crosses over the natal position of Moon during movement in Cancer. She can be lured by tempting offers. This is likely to backfire on her. Viewing this, she needs to refrain from raising her aspirations too high. Being modest is work well here for her. In the year 2019, Rahu-Ketu change sign to enter Gemini Zodiac Sign and Sagittarius respectively. Ketu moves along with wily Saturn through Sagittarius. This does not seem to be a happy proposition. She can have trying time for her on multiple fronts. Kangana Ranaut, Famous Bollywood Actress needs to trade cautiously and refrain from entering into conflicts.

Benevolent Jupiter traverses through air sign Libra and water sign Scorpio for the most part of 2018 -19. Jupiter moving through Libra can lead to developing a new relationship. A kind of romantic relationship can develop from August to end of the year 2018. This can also become a long-term serious relationship for Kangana Ranaut, Famous Bollywood Actress. The movement of Jupiter through Scorpio from around October 2018 seems much important for here. Now Jupiter is cross over the natal position of Saturn in Scorpio. This indicates that she has to learn few things about attitude. She may mellow down here.

From around May 2018 to begging of October 2018, Mars transits through its sign of exaltation Capricorn. Mars is to have direct aspect over natal Moon and Rahu moving through Cancer. This phase needs to be handled with much tact and keeping cool during provoking situations. There is also a possibility of getting injured during this phase. She needs to remain very much care about health here.

From August to the end of the year 2018, Venus moves through own sign Libra. This seems gainful time for Kangana Ranaut, Famous Bollywood Actress. There is a strong possibility of developing a romantic relationship. This can become a long-term serious relationship with the opposite gender.

Viewing all these movements of major planets years 2018 -19 seems positively challenging and eventful for Kangana Ranaut, Famous Bollywood Actress.

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