
About B S Yediyurappa Horoscope

Published On : May 11, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Get Astrological Insight About B S Yediyurappa

B. S. Yediyurappa – Chief Minister of Karnataka

Bookanakere Siddalingappa Yediyurappa was born on 27 February 1943 in Bookanakere village situated at K.R.Pet taluk of Mandya district, Karnataka. Current and fourth-time serving Chief Minister of Karnataka, B.S. Yediyurappa. With this feat, he has become the sole individual in Karnataka’s political history to have become CM of Karnataka State fourth time. Regarding his academic pursuit, he did a Pre-University College education from PES College, Mandya. He married Mythradevi in 1967. The couple has two sons and three daughters. He follows the doctrine of Basavanna. Yediyurappa had joined the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh at the time when he was involved in the academic pursuit in college. Later, he was appointed as Karyavaha (Secretary) for Shikaripur unit of RSS. He developed considerable clouts in the RSS and later he was appointed as State President of the BJP in Karnataka. He rose to prominence when he became the 25th Chief Minister of Karnataka on 12 November 2007. However, due to certain political reasons, he had to step down as CM on 19 November 2007. Later, he assumed office as Chief Minister on 30 May 2008. He became the Chief minister of Karnataka for the third time on 17 May 2018.

Discussed below is the astrological details on the life of current Chief Minister of Karnataka, Mr. Yediyurappa.

Birth Details of B. S. Yediyurappa are as per given below:

Date of Birth: February 27, 1943, Birth Day: Saturday, Birth Time: 07:00:00 hrs, Birth Place: Mandya, Karnataka India

B. S. Yediyurappa Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrology Highlights and Short Analysis

B.S. Yediyurappa is Indian politician and now second time Chief Minister of Karnataka.  B.S. Yediyurappa has worked hard initially and grew step by step to ultimately become chief Minister of Karnataka.

Since his confirm Birth Time is unavailable, we cast solar chart to view his prospects in near future.

The most individualistic and free of the Zodiac signs, Aquarius is a paradox in itself. A ‘Water-Bearer’ symbolizes the eleventh Sun Sign. Aquarius is a fixed nature last of air sign and is ruled by hard task master Saturn. Aquarius Zodac Sign is ‘Mool Trikon’ sign of Saturn.  In Western Astrology, Uranus rules Auarius.

They are often perceived to be people who lack warmth, emotions and sensitivity. On the contrary they are full of emotions – of all sorts though, but they may not choose to not to display them or be guided by them, as it make them feel cramped. On the personal front, the Water—Bearers are good humourd. Known to be very social, they usually have a large group of friends. They appreciate and value the bond of friendship. They can be your’4; 00 am friend’ and will, most probably, run to your rescue in hour of need.

Ruler of Aquarius solar chart, Saturn is in earth sign Taurus and is situated in the fourth house. Ruler of the sixth house, Moon is debilitated in water sign Scorpio and stationed in the tenth house. Saturn and Debilitated Moon are in opposition to each other. This opposition gives the ability to formulate strategy to achieve his desired objective successfully. B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka recently became chief Minister by formulating strong strategy to topple coalition government. Mars rules the tenth house and also holds portfolio of the third house, in solar chart. Mars is in last of fire sign Sagittarius and stationed in the eleventh house, signifying gain, friends and fulfillment of long held wish. The second and the eleventh houses are ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in a dual nature air sign Gemini and positioned in the fifth house. Jupiter and Mars are in opposition to each other. This opposition supports B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka to have spirit enlivening gain and get long held wish gets fulfilled by becoming chief Minister second time. Charges were leveled of misappropriation of funds on large scale and then got him acquitted from the charges. Mercury is in last of earth sign Capricorn and situated in the 12th house. This position enhances longevity of B.S. Yediyurappa. Venus is exalted in last of water sign Pisces and stationed in the second house. This position leads B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka to remain in a stronger position on financial front. Mighty Sun along with malefic Ketu is stationed in the first house of Aquarius solar chart. Sun here strengthens immunity system of B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka. He rarely falls ill and that too for short time. Shadow planet Rahu is in fire sign Leo and positioned in the seventh house. This opposition of shadow planet Rahu and mighty Sun makes B.S. Yediyurappa a great fighter for a public cause.

In Navmansha D9 chart, Mars and Sun remain in same sign termed as ‘Vargottami’ hence gather strength. Saturn is debilitated and loss of strength.  Venus is also debilitated and loss of strength. Mercury is own sign Gemini and gathers immense strength.Get your Life Reading Report By PavitraJyotish

In D10 chart malefic Ketu is in the Ascendant. This leads to falling down from strong position at times. Other major planets support B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka to succeed exceedingly well in political career.

On viewing positions of planets in Aquarius solar chart and deliberating effect of transit by major planets to view prospects of B.S. Yediyurappa in near future.

Wily Saturn currently transits in own sign Capricorn and moves through the 12th house in solar chart. Saturn moving through the 12th house crosses over natal position of Mercury stationed therein. Besides Saturn moving through the 12th house aspects natal position of exalted Venus positioned in the second house. This movement and aspect of Saturn can lead to major development for good of B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka in near future. However, B.S. Yediyurappa needs to take note of ground reality and make move accordingly. There may be some hurdles in his way to progress. B.S. Yediyurappa needs to exert more to achieve his objective.

Shadow planet Rahu currently transits in a dual nature air sign Gemini and moves through the fifth house. Rahu moving through the fifth house crosses over natal position of Jupiter positioned therein. Malefic Ketu transits in last of fire sign Sagittarius and moves through the eleventh house. Ketu moving through the eleventh house, crosses over natal position of Mars stationed therein. This movement of two shadow planets over natal position of Jupiter and Mars does not sound well for B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka. New kind of challenges comes up. B.S. Yediyurappa may be tempted to take short cuts to achieve his objective to remain chief Minister of Karnataka. B.S. Yediyurappa needs to take major decision after consulting well wishers around him. B.S. Yediyurappa needs to take any kind of major decision after due deliberation and keep long term in view.

Jupiter currently transits in its sign of debilitation earth sign Capricorn and moves through the 12th house, in company of wily Saturn already moving therein. Jupiter moving through the 12th house in solar chart has aspect over natal position of Saturn stationed in the fourth house. This indicates some major betterment of B.S. Yediyurappa in near future.

From mid of May 2020, Jupiter becomes retrograde in motion. From end of June Jupiter moving in retrograde mode enters in own sign Sagittarius. From around mid of September 2020, Jupiter becomes direct in motion. Now positive vibes of Jupiter becomes stronger. Jupiter now moving through the eleventh house crosses over natal position of Mars stationed therein. Jupiter moves in opposition to its own position in the fifth house. This movement of Jupiter and its aspect surely leads B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka to make major contribution for welfare of farmers and needy person. His good work receives lot of acclamation. His handling of present Corona Virus is to be appreciated.

Two major planets transiting in own sign and passing through houses of major importance. This surely indicates encouragingly progressive time for B.S. Yediyurappa in near future.

On viewing planetary positions in Aquarius solar chart and deliberating on the effect of transit by major planets, the period ahead in near future seems encouragingly progressive. However, B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka needs to look at ground reality and accept new challenges willingly. B.S. Yediyurappa needs to keep exerting over new challenges to prove himself as an able administrator and successful in handling responsibility as chief Minister of Karnataka.

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