
2019 Sun Sign Horoscope Predictions

Published On : November 21, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

2019 Overview of Year Ahead for All Sun Sign Horoscope Predictions

Year 2019 (Sun Sign Horoscope Predictions)

Year 2019 is now fast approaching; this year is to bring happiness, prosperity for some. At the same time for some this year can see decline in prospects.

During this year weather is to come hard, leading to devastation. While at some places scarcity of rains can lead to difficulty. In China, Japan and some other countries heavy kind of earth quake is envisaged.

Major accidents related to transport by road, Train and air travels seems the highlight of the year 2019.

On political front no major conflict is expected in relationship. Preserving and enhancing financial prospects of the country is to be main concern. This in turn leads to making compromises on some vital issue is foreseen. Relationship among countries is to depend on financial interest.

Pavitra Jyotish also prepares a personalized Overview of the year 2019 for you. This report lets you know about Career/Business, Finance, Health and personal life.

Transits of Major Planets

Wily Saturn Transit in a dual natured, last of fire sign Sagittarius for whole of the year 2019. Saturn turns retrograde from 1st May. Saturn turns direct from 18th September.

Jupiter at the beginning of the year 2019 transits in a fix natured water sign Scorpio. Jupiter enters own sign Sagittarius on 30th March. Jupiter turns retrograde from 11th April. Retrograde Jupiter enters Scorpio on 23rd April. Jupiter becomes direct in motion in Scorpio on 12th August. Jupiter enters own sign Sagittarius from 5th November. Jupiter remains in Sagittarius till end of the year 2019 and beyond.

Shadow planet Rahu transits in Cancer at the beginning. Ketu transits in Capricorn at the beginning of the year.  From 8th March Rahu moves into air sign Gemini and Ketu enters last of fire sign Sagittarius. Both keep transiting through these signs till end of the year.

How New Year 2019 Affects All Sun signs of the Zodiac

Pavitra Jyotish tries to explore possibilities, developments for all Sun signs.

Aries (Born Between March 21 – April 20)

Some new opportunity is to come up for you. However, movement of Ketu through the ninth house along with Saturn is to work as obstructive force. You need to keep your cool and have patience on your side. Some long distance travel is envisaged during the year. On financial front you are to remain in a strong position for most part of the year. Some encouraging financial gain is to lift spirits. In regard to health some minor issue can trouble you. Treat the same with due remedial measure promptly, to save from any complications. Issue related to personal life needs to be handled much tactfully and with due delicacy. Family related expenses stand to increase during the year.

Taurus (Born Between April 21 – May 21)

Some kind of discontent is to keep brewing in your psyche. Try to channelize this towards improving your performance. Issue in a confirmed relationship is to put you in discomfort. Married one needs to spend some quality time with partner of life regularly. This gives enough time to vent out hurt feelings and concerns about matter related to family and finance. Spending quality time works well in preserving warmth and harmony in relationship with spouse. You need to handle matter related to finance much carefully here. Plan your finances  with long term in view and keep enough provision for contingency. Middle aged and above needs to take due care about old nagging health issue.Get  your  Health  Report.

Gemini (Born Between May 22 – June 21)

Things may not work well for you in day to day working. Career oriented has to work for extended hours at times to meet scheduled deadline. Business person has to exert more to keep the show running satisfactorily. Business person and professional are able to strike good profitable deal. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. Job holder is to feel happy with future growth prospects to look encouraging. Things is not to work well for you in confirm relationship. If doing business in partnership, keep your partner informed about your action plan to boost sales. In regard to health pain in joints is to keep you concerned about the same. Apply due external measure to minimize intensity of pain.

Cancer (Born Between June 22 – July 22)

Movement of benevolent Jupiter during the year is to work well to push ahead your prospects on financial front for most part of the year. Things may not work well for you on financial front during retrogression of Jupiter in Scorpio. Handle matter related to finance much carefully during retrogression of Jupiter. Refrain from taking decision related to major financial involvement. You need to keep effective check on unwarranted and personal expenses. You need to remain concerned about saving money for future needs. Career oriented need to improve performance to keep his/her position secured. You need to be careful about health issue related to respiratory system.

Leo (Born Between July 23 – August 22)

You need to remain much careful about health during the year. Even a minor looking issue if not treated promptly with due remedial measure can lead to complication. Period from March till end of the year does not seem supportive for remain in good general health. In regard to finance, you need to exert more for increasing inflow of money for you. However, you are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. Professional has to work for extended hours to push ahead prospects on financial front. Business person has to do more follow ups to clinch a deal with high worth customers. Career oriented needs to remain well focused at task on hand in order to put up improved performance.Get  your  Career  Report  1 Year.

Virgo (Born Between August 23 – Sept 22)

You are to have a kind of challenging time on occupational front. Business person has to lower margins to remain competitive enough. Business person and professional needs to plan short term travel to have more number of valued customers. Things may not work well on occupational front during March to end of August. Refrain from taking decision related to major financial involvement during this phase. Career oriented needs to aim at putting up improved performance for enhancing future growth prospects. You need to put up extra efforts to maintain inflow of money for you. In regard to health pain in joints can trouble you. Take due care in this regard.

Libra (Born Between September 23 – October 23)

Career oriented keen on change in assignment is to get good optional employment opportunity during the year 2019. You are to be offered high remuneration in the new job. This is to keep you motivated to put up effective performance. Business person need to take due care during short term travel. You need to keep enough provision for contingency. At the same time keep effective check on unwarranted expenses and remain concerned about saving money for future needs. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. Family related expenses stand to increase due to more visitors. No major health issue is to trouble you here. You are to come across alternative medicine to cure old nagging health issue.

Scorpio (Born Between October 24 – November 22)

This year you are to have a kind of mix results on major fronts. Acceptance level for you in social circle is to increase, this time around. Lady luck is to back your efforts to make progress in your pursuit. Movement of major planet is to make you wiser and clever at handling money matters. In turn you are able to save more money. Unexpected expenses related to family are to cause concern. You need to plan finances with long term in view and keep enough provision for contingency. Career oriented is to feel happy on getting better position and increase in remuneration. There is a possibility of some kind of viral infection catching up with you. Take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection.

Sagittarius (Born Between November 23 – December 21)

You are likely to have challenging time to move ahead on road to progress, on occupational front. Business person and professional needs to develop more contacts to keep you engaged. Career oriented is to remain stressed due to heavy work load. You are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably during the year. A healthy financial position is foreseen for you during the year. If you are being troubled by any health issue for long, you are likely to come across some alternative medicine to cure the same. However, if you experience irregularity in blood pressure, have a regular check up to become aware about any fluctuations. Diabetic needs to avoid consuming eatables and soft drinks with heavy sugar content for good.

Capricorn (Born Between December 22 – January 20)

You are to work hard and keen to get due recognition for the efforts put up by you. Handle finances much carefully. You need to plan finances with long term in view and make due provision for contingency. Keep effective check on unwarranted and personal expenses. Take due care of your health. Do not neglect even minor looking issue. Treat the same promptly with due remedial measure to save from complications. You are to get opportunity to benefit monetarily. The Gains here are to further add to your position on financial front. Some issue with one in a meaningful relationship with you is to make you feel uneasy. Handle this much tactfully and with due delicacy.

Aquarius (Born Between January 21 – February 18)

Now seems good supportive time to add more strength to your position on financial front. Increase in inflow of money for you is foreseen here. No major expense is likely to bother you this year. This gives you opportunity to save more money. Job holder is to have kind of challenging time to perform more effectively. Do not give way to distraction and remain well focused at task on hand. Business person is to get encouraging opportunity to strike good profitable deal often. You are to remain in a strong position on financial front. Job holder is to feel happy with increase in remuneration. In regard to health no major health issue is to trouble you. Diabetic needs to strictly avoid eatables and soft drinks with high sugar content. Have a regular check up to keep tab on fluctuations.

Pisces (Born Between February 19 – March 20)

You are likely to have a kind of challenging time on occupational front. From month of March things are to become much more challenging to push ahead your prospects on occupational and financial front as well. Lady luck may not support your cause fully. You need to keep working hard and wait patiently for tides to turn your way. Refrain from taking major decision related to occupation and money matters from March to end of August. Take it easy and have patience on your side. Job holder is to remain hard pressed due constant hammering by immediate boss. Keep your cool and aim at performing more effectively. You are to enjoy good general health most of the time during the year.

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