
About Mark Zuckerberg Horoscope

Mark Zuckerberg And His Life As Covered In This Astrological Analysis

Introduction of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is a global personality known for his epic creation, Facebook that he co-founded and led as a CEO and chairman. He was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York. His father Edward Zuckerberg is a dentist while his mother Karen is a psychiatrist. He is said to be quite a promising student who excelled in classes at Ardsley High School in New York. Launching of his most-ever successful creation Facebook happened when he was attending Harvard University on February 4, 2004 with his college roommates. By the time Facebook became a globally famous social media giant, the net worth of Mark went up to an approximately US$55.0 billion by 2018, making him world’s one of the youngest billionaires. Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman and CEO of Facebook was featured by Time magazine as one of the 100 wealthiest and most influential people in the world in 2010 while Forbes declared him world’s most powerful person placing him on its 10th rank.

At PavitraJyotish, we are conducting an astrological analysis on the life of Jignesh in the following Horoscope chart.

Birth Details of Mark Zuckerberg are as per given below:

Date of Birth: May 14, 1984, Birth Day: Monday, Birth Time: 00:00:00, Birth Place: New York, USA

Mark Zuckerberg Horoscope Chart PavitraJyotish

Astrological Highlights and Horoscope Analysis

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is born with Sagittarius Ascendant. His Moon sign is Libra in the 3rd division of Swati constellation.

Ruler of the Ascendant Jupiter is retrograde and gets placed in the first house. According to Vedic Astrology, Jupiter in own sign Sagittarius and positioned in the Ascendant (First House) is to work well for Mark to climb greater heights in his pursuit. Moon rules the eighth house and stationed in the eleventh house along with retrograde Mars and Retrograde Saturn. Ruler of the eleventh house Venus is in Aries Zodiac Sign along with crafty Mercury and exalted Sun and moves through the fifth house. In this way, Exalted Sun along with Venus and Mercury are in direct opposition to retrograde Mars and exalted retrograde Saturn and Moon. Shadow planets Ketu –Rahu are in Scorpio and Taurus Zodiac Sign respectively and positioned in the 12th and the sixth house.

In Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Google birth chart Sun and Saturn are exalted. Jupiter is in own sign and gathers strength.  Venus is combust.

Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are retrograde.

In Navmansha D9 chart Venus is in own sign Libra and becomes strong.

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Effects of transiting planets in near future

Mark Zuckerberg Birth Chart Analysis

For the whole of 2018 and 2019, wily Saturn traverses through Sagittarius. During transit through Sagittarius Saturn is to cross over the radical position of Jupiter placed therein. Saturn leads to contraction, disruption. This indicates the kind of challenging time at work front for Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman and CEO of Facebook. He has to face some controversy about his pursuit. Leakage of Data can become difficult to defend. As a common principle, Saturn crossing over the radical position of Jupiter can lead to expansion, growth in his pursuit. More people are to take interest in his activity on Facebook. Movement of Saturn is to prove eventful for him. Amid some controversy period of Saturn transit seems a progressive time for Mark Zuckerberg, American computer programmer, and Internet entrepreneur.

From around May to around the beginning of November 2018, Mars traverses in its sign of exaltation Capricorn. Now Mars moves through the second house in his chart. During transit in Capricorn, Mars eyes the fifth house along with Sun, Venus, and Mercury as well. A kind of casual approach to work can affect the pace of progress. He is likely to make some ambitious move to make progress in his pursuit. There is a possibility of getting injured during this period. He needs to take due care in this regard. There is also a possibility of financial loss. Viewing this Mark needs to handle matters related to finance much cautiously. He needs to avoid taking undue risk to push ahead financial prospects. Mark need to take major decision related to finance after due deliberation only.

From around August till the end of the year dear Venus traverses in its own sign Libra. Venus is to now move through the eleventh house in his chart. The eleventh house is about gain and relationship in general. In view of this, his social circle is to expand. However, Mark needs to be cautious in a new relationship. On the positive side, Mark is to have some handsome gains during transit of Venus. Some kind of meaningful relationship is likely to take shape here. Progressive forces are to work effectively here.

Crunch in the story comes when malefic Ketu enters last of fire sign Sagittarius. Ketu moves in Sagittarius around March 2019. Ketu now moves through the first house in the company of wily Saturn. This movement of Ketu adds to disrupting the ability of wily Saturn. Some kind of disruption in progress is envisaged. He needs to keep his cool even during the provocative situation and handle the situation much tactfully. He needs to refrain from being boastful and keep low for good.

Malefic Rahu enters dual nature air sign Gemini around March 2019. Now Rahu moves through the seventh house. Timely help from a stranger is foreseen here. Rahu here is to support progressive forces to work effectively.

Benevolent ruler of the Ascendant Jupiter traverses in air sign Libra and passes through the eleventh house. Jupiter Transits through Libra till the beginning of October 2018. This movement of Jupiter in Libra is indicative of a gainful time for Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Google. In turn, this adds more strength to his position on the financial front. More support from people is to lead enhancing popularity of FaceBook. Jupiter in Libra moves in direct opposition to mighty Sun, dear Venus, and crafty Mercury. This is to enhance positive vibes of these planets. He is to be in a stronger position on the work front.

From around the beginning of October 2018, Jupiter enters fix natured water sign Scorpio, known for being passionate. Jupiter now moves through the 12th house in his chart. This can make him take interest in the philanthropic activity. He may spend money on supporting the larger cause of public. He stands to gain more popularity by his activities on the work front. However, this may not prove much gainful time for him. Jupiter turning retrograde from around March to July 2018 does not seem much support for him in terms of progress and financial gain. He has to exert more to remain in ahead in the race.

In a short period during years, 2018-19 is to prove eventful and also some controversy and also leading to handsome financial gain. He needs to execute due caution in handling matter related to finance. He needs to refrain from taking undue risk to push ahead financial prospects. Amid some challenging time, progressive forces are to work effectively this time around for Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Google. Does your upset mind seek good Astrological Solution? Consult Online Astrologer India.

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About Mark Zuckerberg Horoscope

About Mark Zuckerberg Horoscope

Mark Zuckerberg And His Life As Covered In This Astrological Analysis Introduction of Mark Zuckerberg Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is a global personality known for his epic creation, Facebook that he co-founded and led as a CEO and chairman. He was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York. His father Edward Zuckerberg is … Continue reading About Mark Zuckerberg Horoscope


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