
Sun Transit In Gemini On 15th June 2019

Published On : June 4, 2019  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Know Sun Transiting In Gemini Affecting Its Life In What Way

Mighty Sun Transit In Gemini On 15th June 2019 | Surya Mithun Rashi Mai

King of the Zodiac mighty Sun enters a dual nature air sign Gemini on 15th June 2019, 05:55 pm.

Sun transits in Gemini in opposition to its sworn enemy wily Saturn along with malefic Ketu in a dual nature last of fire sign Sagittarius. During transit in Gemini Sun crosses over shadow planet Rahu already transiting in Gemini. Viewing this, transit of Sun in Gemini leads to change in weather. The rainy season commences now in our part of the world. Transport and travel can be affected.

Health of head of a state can be affected. The Head of the country is to remain concerned about trade. Some minor scuffle between countries is also on the card. Some health issue is to affect masses in some parts of the country. Transit of Sun in Gemini in opposition to transiting Saturn and malefic Ketu does not sound well for economy of India. Government may need to take some major steps to revive economy. The communication system can get affected in some places. Some old relationship is to give way to new relationship.

We here try to explore what is in store for all Moon signs during transit of mighty Sun in Gemini.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Sun rules the fifth house for your sign. Sun moves through the third house for your sign. Your childhood memories are to come to fore. You are to remain busy with social activities at times. Some old relationship is to give way to new relationship. You need to refrain from leaning overly on person in new relationship. Execute due caution in new relationship. Business person has to exert more and make more follow ups to strike a big ticket deal with a high worth customer. Business person needs to remain attentive about quality of goods, material catered by him. Career oriented is to try for doing his best and give more output to keep his/her position secure. Inflow of money is likely to increase. Here it is not a good time for fresh investment. You need to refrain from taking major decision related to finance.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Sun holds portfolio of the fourth house for your sign. Sun moves through the second house for your sign. The second house is linked with finance and family among other things. Viewing this, you may incur major expense related to family. You need to keep enough provision for contingency, while planning finance. Some issue related to family may put you in discomfort. You need to keep your cool and do not stretch things too far. Refrain from taking any major decision related to finance and family. Married one needs to take care about sensibilities of life partner and aim at maintaining warmth and harmony in marital life. Business person has to exert more and work methodically to make desirable of progress in his pursuit. Career oriented needs to stick to present assignment and try to put improved performance to keep his position secure. In regard to health you need to be much careful.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun rules the third house for your sign. Sun now moves through your sign. You may incline to spend money to show off your affluence. However, do not go overboard in spending money and remain concerned about saving money. Married one is to have some issue with life partner about domestic matter. Married one needs to spend some quality time with life partner. This gives opportunity to vent out hurt feeling and discuss about domestic matter. No major financial gain is envisaged here. However, you are to remain in a comfortable financial position. No major deal is to come up for negotiation for business person. However, deal during routine is to work well to keep the show running satisfactorily. Business person needs to refrain from taking major decision related to development. You need to remain much careful about health. Get your Strength Reading For Career By PavitraJyotish

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun holds portfolio of the second house, linked with finance and family among other things. Sun moves through the 12th house for your sign. The 12th house is linked with expenses and monetary loss mainly. Viewing this, movement of Sun through the 12th house can lead to increase in expenses. You need to keep effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in a healthy financial position. Refrain from taking undue risk or deviate from ethical practices to push ahead your prospect financially. There is a likelihood of incurring some major expense related family. While planning finance, keep enough provision for contingency. You need to remain much careful about health. Do not neglect even minor looking health issue. Treat the same with due remedial measure promptly to save from complication. Job holder needs to maintain cordial and closely interactive relationship with colleagues for good.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Sun rules your sign. Viewing this, movement of Sun carries more importance for your sign. Sun moves through the eleventh house, linked with gain and relationship in general. Viewing this, movement of Sun through is to work well for increasing inflow of money for you. However, you need to exert more to achieve your objective. You are to remain under pressure for one reason or other. You need to remain much careful about health. If any health issue related to respiratory system catches up with you, take due remedial measure promptly to save from further complications. Avoid visiting place where air pollution level is high. Business person is able to strike good profitable deal. Job holder is to feel happy with future growth prospects to look encouraging. Progressive forces are to work effectively. You need to execute due caution in new relationship.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

The 12th house is ruled by Sun for your Virgo sign. Sun moves through the tenth house, linked with occupation, profession. This movement of Sun through the tenth house is to support progressive forces to work effectively. Things are to start rolling and you are to remain busy on occupational front. Business person is to remain busy negotiating multiple deals and making delivery of goods, material. Job holder is to remain under pressure to improve performance and give more output. Job holder needs to accept new challenges willingly and work hard over the same to keep his/her position secure. You need to refrain from deviating from ethical practices to push ahead your financial prospects. You are to remain in a comfortable position on financial front. Middle aged and above may be troubled by pain in muscles and joints. Take due care in this regard.Get your Remedial Solution For Personal Issues By PavitraJyotish

Libra (Tula Rashi)

Sun rules the eleventh house for your Libra sign. Sun moves through the ninth house, linked with luck in general among other things. You may look for some kind of inspirational relationship which helps to make due progress in your pursuit. You need to take due care during long distance travel. Business person is able to run the show encouragingly. Employed one is able to give more output and put up improved performance. Future growth prospects are to look encouraging. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. However, you need to keep effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in a comfortable position on financial front. Progressive forces are to work effectively. You need to remain careful about health here. There is a probability of kind of viral infection catching up with you. Take due precautionary measure to save from viral infection.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Sun holds important portfolio of the tenth house, linked with occupation. Sun moves through the eighth house. If you are spiritually inclined, this movement of Sun is to support you for acquiring more knowledge about spiritual practices. Business person is to expect repeat order from a high worth customer. Issue related to family may make you feel uneasy. Do not get overly worked up over this. Keep your cool and handle the issue tactfully and with due delicacy. Aim at maintaining peace and harmony in family. You may not be in much comfortable position of financial front. However, you are to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. You need to take due care of health. Middle aged and above need to remain careful about nagging old health issue. If being troubled by irregularity in blood pressure or being diabetic, have a regular check up to keep tab on variation.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

The ninth house is ruled by Sun for your Sagittarius sign. Sun moves through the seventh house for your sign. This movement of Sun is to present new challenges for your sign. You need to accept new challenges willingly and work hard over the same to make satisfactory progress in your pursuit. Married one is to feel unhappy due to kind of indifferent attitude by life partner. Married one needs to take care about sensibilities of life partner and try to accommodate view of life partner as much possible. Aim at maintaining warmth and harmony in marital life. Inflow of money for you stands to increase here. Gain here adds more strength to your position on financial front. No major expense is to be incurred by you here. You are able to save money satisfactorily. You need to be much careful about health here.Get your Detailed Kundali Matching By PavitraJyotish

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

The eighth house is the domain of Sun for your sign. Sun moves through the sixth house for your sign. You are to remain stressed due to one reason or other. Job holder is to remain stressed due to heavy work load. Job holder may need to work for extended hours due to heavy work load. Business person is to remain concerned due to stiff competition faced by him. Business person need to formulate a strategy and lower margin if need to score over competitors and maintain sales. Business person is to look for exploring new territory to expand sales activity. Business person needs to remain attentive about receivables. You need to keep effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in a comfortable position on financial front. Middle aged and above need to remain careful about nagging old health issue. Have a regular check up to become aware about any fluctuation and then take due measure to keep things under control.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

The seventh house is ruled by mighty Sun for your sign. Sun moves through the fifth house for your sign. You are likely to remain in agitated state of mind most of the times. Try to keep your cool and remain well focused at task on hand. Business person needs to work methodically and keep exerting to make desirable level of progress. Consistency is the key to success here. Do not be tempted to deviate from ethical practices to increase inflow of money. You may be then on wrong side of law, hence you need to keep off from unethical practices. You are to come across an encouraging opportunity to benefit monetarily. Gain here adds more strength to your position on financial front. No major expense is to bother you here. You are able to save money satisfactorily. You need to remain careful about health. On experiencing symptom of coming trouble rush to your physician to prescribe due remedial medication to get rid of the troubling health issue.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Sun rules the sixth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the fourth house for your sign. This movement of Sun is likely to make you more active on occupational front. Things are to start moving favorably for you. However, you may need to remain attentive about domestic matters. This movement of Sun does not seem supportive for fresh investment. No major financial gain for you is envisaged here. However, some minor gains are to keep you in high spirits and remain optimistic about future prospects. Business person is able to run the show satisfactorily. Employed one is to keep performing effectively. Employed one is to be eager to shoulder more responsibility and promoted to higher position. You need to remain much careful about health here. Middle aged and above need to take due measure to keep nagging old health issue under control.

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Also Read: Sun Transit In Cancer On 17th July 2019 and Sun Transit In Leo On 17th August 2019
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