
Sri Ram Navami 17th April 2024

Published On : March 14, 2017  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Know The Detail Of Sri Ram Navami Festival And Its Importance

Lord Sri Rama: Sri Rama NavamiMaryada Purushottam Sri Rama was born in the city of Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh) in the great land of India. Rāma janma kē hētu anēkaa. Ēka tē adhika ēka bada ēkaa, राम जन्म के हेतु अनेका । एक ते अधिक एक बड़ एका ।। which means that there are numerous reasons for the incarnation of Sri Rama. Some of the major reasons were: upholding the dharma, welfare of the devotees, and respect for guru, parents, and gods. Other reasons were killing the demons, blessing the noblemen and saints etc. Lord Shiva while discussing with Goddess Parvati describes that when the earth was filled with negative forces. When sins, anti-religion, incest, fear, pain, fighting, violence etc. were at their peak. When the minds of people became corrupt and immoral. When people started forgetting the true dharma and started torturing saints, noblemen, parents, masters; the earth started wavering because of very high falsehood and violence. During this period, demonic or asuric forces were at their peak and started affecting the common people, there was the rule of demons like Ravana and his family. They started slaughtering priests, saints and sacred rituals like yajnas. Because this, the celestial gods like Indra gathered near Lord Brahma with the earth in the form of a cow. Lord Brahma advised them to visit Lord Vishnu. After conveying their agony to the Lord, devatas requested Lord Sri Vishnu to do something to end this demonic menace. In reply, Lord Vishnu agreed to incarnate on earth very soon to end the suffering of the pupil. Pleased with these words, everyone returns back to their places and eagerly awaits the arrival of the Lord. To overcome anti-religious and negative forces, Lord Sri Vishnu finally incarnated on the earth in the Vasanta season on the auspicious day of Chaitra Shukla Navami. This is beautifully explained in Sri Rama Charita Manas as following “navamee tithi madhu maas puneeta | shukla paksh abhijit hari preeta”.  नवमी तिथि मधु मास पुनीता। शुक्ल पक्ष अभिजित हरि प्रीता।

Thus, Lord Vishnu himself incarnated in the house of king Dasharatha. About the birth of Lord Rama, Goswami Tulsidas says that the time when lord incarnated on Earth was neither day nor evening (it was the midday). The climate was neither cool nor hot. Lord Rama took birth during the very auspicious Abhijeet muhurtam. It was a very sacred and special moment when Sri Rama finally arrived on the earth.

The slaying of demons by Sri Rama

Though everyone was elated with the birth of Sri Rama. But his father king Dasharatha was overjoyed with the birth of his son. With the innocent laughter of child Rama, the whole city of Ayodhya gets sanctified. Parents were very pleased with their child. They continued to conduct auspicious ceremonies, yajnas, poojas, and a lot of charities for this occasion. All the prescribed Vedic samskaras were conducted for Sri Rama as well. He arrived and started living like an ordinary human on this earth. After reaching puberty, he was suddenly called in the forests by his gurus to save the sacred yajnas from the demons. Thus, he continues to save the sacred rituals of his gurus by killing many demons very easily. In the future also he slew many of such demonic people like khara, trishira, dooshana etc. with this beloved and obedient brother Lakshman.  He not only slew the demons but also granted divinity and salvation to many of the devotees like a jamila, gidha, gaja, ganika etc. He blessed them by fulfilling their desires. The whole of “Sri Rama Charita Manas” is an unpatrolled description of his character and life. It is conveyed in a very poetic and interesting manner. It deals with many important and divine stories. It talks about the abduction of Sri Seeta and her search by Sri Rama and meeting with Sri Hanuman and Sugriva in the forest. The devotion of Sri Hanuman towards Lord Rama and planning of search of Sri Seeta. There is also a detailed account of burning of Lanka by Sri Hanuman after finding Seeta. The epic also highlights important events like that of Vibhishana who was born in the asura family yet was a nobleman and a true devotee who was saved by Sri Rama. The epic concludes with the narration about Sri Rama killing the entire army of demons along with Lord Hanuman and others. Lord Rama finally returns back to Ayodhya with Seeta. These stories are indeed eternal and divine. One gets freed from obstacles, pains, and sorrows by reading or hearing this saga of Sri Rama. One gets peace and harmony in his life. Chaitra Navaratra is very famous for multiple reasons. There is a special importance of the worship of Sri Rama during this Navaratri along with the worship of the divine goddess.

The importance of worshiping Sri Rama during Chaitra Navaratra

On the Navami tithi of Chaitra Shukla Paksha, Lord Rama had incarnated on this planet. It is very auspicious to chant Lord Rama’s name, meditate on him, and read his stories during this time. For prosperity and betterment in life, everyone should regularly worship Sri Rama and offer pooja or archanas whenever possible. If it is not possible to worship on a regular basis, one must use the auspicious occasion of Rama Navami to worship the lord and gain the blessings. This is also known as “Chaitra Rama Navami”. One must venerate Sri Rama with panchopachara or shodashopachara poojas. On the sacred occasion of the birth of Sri Rama, one should collect the pooja materials and worship Sri Rama along with goddess Seeta. Along with them, one must also worship Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna. One must never forget to worship Lord Hanuman on this occasion who is the great devotee of the lord. Chaitra Navaratri, a golden opportunity for Durga devotees. Register today and get your free gift.

Before the Pooja

Devotees should first finish their household chorus and clean themselves after bathing. Then they should take an aasana made of kusha grass or of wool and sit on the same while facing eastern or northern directions. One must place Sri Ram’s idol in the center surrounded by his family and Sri Hanuman and offer him pooja material like water, sandalwood, clothes, sacred thread, flowers, incense, ghee lamp, naivedya, eatable offerings, sweets, fruits, various delicacies, betel nut, betel leaf, clove, cardamom etc. and bow down with sincere prayers. Then one should offer suitable dakshina to the priests and also offer food to the needy/poor. One should also donate useful items to the needy on this occasion and offer all the pooja to Lord Sri Rama. By performing the poojan, the performer and all the devotees get their wishes fulfilled with the blessing of Lord Rama. One gets rid of diseases, pain, sorrows, and negativity from his life. Hence, it is highly recommended that one should perform a pooja/Archana on the glorious occasion of Chaitra Sri Rama Navami.

Rama Navami Muhurata 17th April 2024 (Wednesday)

Rama Navami Puja Muhurta: 11:03 am to 1:38 pm
Duration: 2 Hours 35 Mins
Rama Navami Madhyahna Moment: 12:21 pm

Chaitra Navaratri, a golden opportunity for Durga devotees

The festival of Chaitra Navaratri will be held from 9th April 2024 to 17th April 2024. We are organizing a special Durga Pooja in a grand manner at our premises for the devotees. A well-learned team of Vedic Pundits will carry out elaborate poojas and Homa’s by adhering to the scriptures throughout the festival. A special Sankalpa will be taken based on your Name birth details before the poojas. This will ensure your success and good luck in all the major areas of life such as health, wealth, progeny, marriage, etc. After the pooja is completed, we will send you the sacred Kumkum and Prasada to your address. Additionally, you will also receive a special gift as per your problems (Free) specially empowered with powerful mantras for your overall protection. Chaitra Navaratri, a golden opportunity for Durga devotees. Register today and get your free gift.

Daily Activities for Maa Durga Devotees (9th April 2024 to 17th April 2024)

  • Daily Ganesh Puja
  • Daily Durga Puja
  • Daily Durga Saptsati Path
  • Daily Homam

Free Gifts for Durga Maa Devotees
1-Special gift as per your problems.

Pavitra Jyotish Kendra wishes you and your family a very happy Ram Navmi and Navaratri. May divine Maryada Purushottama Sri Rama and mother Durga fulfill all your desires and bless you always.

See how easily your professional life becomes stable with our Mangal Puja.

Also Read: Navratri Festival Means Nav Durga Pujan and Nirjala Ekadashi

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