
Sun Transit Taurus 15 May 2023

Published On : May 16, 2023  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Sun Transit In Taurus On May 15, 2023 | Surya Vrishabh Rashi Mai

Sun will move into the earthy zodiac sign Taurus from May 15, 2023, at 11:58 AM to June 15, 2023, at 6:28 PM

The soul significator and lord of authority, power & confidence Sun will move into the fixed zodiac sign Taurus on May 15, 2023, at 11:58 AM and will remain in the same sign until June 15, 2023, at 6:28 PM. Sun is supreme planet and shows the powerful position in the society as it is considered to be the king of celestial cabinet. Now it will move into the earthy zodiac sign Taurusruled by the planet Venus inimical to planet Sun, this way while transiting through this zodiac sign, Sun may not confer the desired results. Taurus sign represents naturally the wealth, so it will though help to increase the avenues of good economy, but it may create some challenges too in terms of savings. The impact of transit of Sun looks different for different zodiac sign people based on the planetary alignments present in their birth chart. So let’s find below the general prediction for each 12 zodiac Moon signs for your convenience:

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects AriesAries Moon Sign

The lord of authority & confidence Sun rules your 5th house of education, intellect, love & romance and will move into the 2nd house of wealth & family. This period looks good for you as Sun being trine lord of your rashi will create the auspicious scenario while transiting through this zodiac sign. You can have good intellect and wisdom too in this period. Students will see good gains in academics too in this period. Your intelligence will help you finding the good income & gains for you. Good time to accumulate good amount of wealth too. Your funding will also get increased. However, you need to control your aggressive speech or impulsive behaviour in order to be very much focused in this period in order to be more consistent to reap maximum benefits.

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Taurus Moon SgnTaurus Moon Sign

The lord of confidence & authority governs your 4th house of comforts & luxury and will move into the 1st house of self or personality. Sun is your Kendra lord so it is good transit due to transiting through your personality or ascendant. Taureans! You may get inclined more towards the family & friends in this period. Your confidence will get boosted and it will help you to focus more on your personality too. Good time to enhance your leadership and administrative skills. However, avoid dominating others in this period, or else it may create some kind of challenges too for you and your family members. Do not let your ego spoil the charm of your marital life or relationship in this period.

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects GeminiGemini Moon Sign

The lord of confidence & power Sun will move into the 12th house of foreign land & expenditures and governs your 3rd house of efforts & communication. This period may help you finding good opportunities through foreign sources in this period. Your efforts will get recognized in the foreign land and it will provide you good connection too with foreign people. Any good opportunity at your workfront may come to you from there, which will help you to increase your status too. Besides this, people involved in the field of writing or spirituality can have the good gains too as you will be able to think for different world or domain from crowd, which may help you to impress others differently.

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects cancerCancer Moon Sign

The lord of confidence & authority Sun will move into the 11th house of income & gains and governs your 2nd house of wealth & family. This will create a kind of strong Dhan yoga for you and will help you to increase your finances in this period. You look to be very ambitious in this period with regards to your income & profit. You can have the good income & gains too in your life, whichwill provide you stability too due to earthy sign. Love birds are advised not to let their ego to come in between love & relationship to spoil the charm or spark of love of today. Good time to have the gains through your father or fatherly figure too. Only you need to control your impulsiveness or egoistic behaviour.

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects LeoLeo Moon Sign

The lord of confidence & authority Sun will move into the 10th house of career & profession and it governs your 1st house of self or personality. This period looks good for you and will provide you good income sources too. You will be very much career-oriented and will receive the good opportunity too at your workfront. Good time to have promotion with your strong interpersonal skills. Any authoritative position will be handed over you in this period. An excellent transit, it would be for Leons! However, you need to control your dominating behaviour at work, or else people may have fear of getting interacted with you at work.

Sun Transit In Taurus Effects VirgoVirgo Moon Sign

The lord of authority & soul significator Sun holds the lordship of your 12th house of foreign land, expenditures & losses and will transit into your 9th house of luck & fortune. This period looks good for you and will provide you gains in terms of reaping benefits through foreign sources in your life. Your luck will rise in the foreign land or having long distance travels in your life. During this transit, any foreign guru may come to guide you and will help you to enlighten your path. You may make the investment over long distance journeys too. People involved in the field of creativity will add on the good profit in this period.

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Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects LibraLibra Moon Sign

The lord of soul & power Sun rules over your 11th house of income & gains and will transit through your 8th house of uncertainty & transformation. This will create sudden challenges for Librans especially with regards to their finances. They may find the issues in accumulating good amount of wealth in this period as sudden risk of loss may create the issues for them. You may find the issues related to increase in your income, infact, some people may find fluctuation in their income in this period. Business class people may see some risk of loss so avoid business expansion in this period. However, people involved in the fields of spirituality, research, import or export  etc.will find the good gains in this period.

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects ScorpioScorpio Moon Sign

Sun governs your 10th house of career & profession and will move into the 7th house of marriage & partnership. This period looks good for your career & profession and will help you finding good income & gains too in this period. your respect and reputation will also get increased due to increased aura around you. You will feel very authoritative and may get the experience of meeting to the higher class people in this period. Any business partnership may knock your door step, however, avoid having any kind of domination in this partnership. People involved in the field of research based works will see the good income and gains too in this period. Good time to get promoted, however, couples are advised not to let your ego come in between you and your partner.

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects SagittariusSagittarius Moon Sign

Sun being the lord of authority & confidence, rules your 9th house of luck & fortune and will move into the 6th house of debt, disease or enemies in this period. Sun being the trine lord or auspicious planet and goes into the Dushthana House, so it is not a good transit and your luck factor will also not be very supportive in this period. You need to pay attention over the health of your father or fatherly figure too in this period. Some challenges will get increased in this period. So you are advised to stay focused and you need to be very down to earth and avoid getting indulged in unnecessary debt or fights in this period.

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects CapricornCapricorn Moon Sign

The lord of soul & confidence Sun governs your 8th house of transformation & longevity, and will move into your 5th house of education & intellect. Being Dushthana house lord, Sun will get transit through the trine or auspicious house, it will not provide you good results in this period. Students may face lots of distraction and less focus in this period. Not a good period to avail the maximum benefits in this period. However, student taking interest in occult, mysticism or research based works may see the enhance in their knowledge or wisdom in this period. Avoid dominating your kids and love partner in this period or else it may create the difference too in this period.

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects AquariusAquarius Moon Sign

The lord of soul & confidence Sun will move into the 7th house of marriage & partnership and will enter the 4th house of comforts & luxury. This period looks quite mixed for Aquarius natives. Sun will provide you some kind of challenges in this period within your personal front, so avoid getting indulged in unnecessary arguments in this period with your family members. However, your life partner will come up with the happiness and gains in your life. Any kind of business partnership too will bless you with happiness too in this period. Talking about your career perspectives, then this period looks good for you and will provide you an authoritative position at your workfront.

Sun Transit In Taurus On 15 May 2023 Effects PiscesPisces Moon Sign

The lord of confidence & soul Sun rules over your 6th house of debt, disease or enemies and will transit into the 3rd house of efforts & communication. This period looks fine for you as Sun being the dushthana house lord will transit into the 3rd house, so it may not either be too bad or too good. However, it may create some issues with your siblings in this period. So any kind of conflict would be likely in this period with them, this way, you are advised to stay calm or composed in this period. You will come out as a very determined individual and it will make you highly courageous too with regards to achieving your goal in life by putting your strong endevaours.

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